
June 17th, 2010 | 360 Entries

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360 Entries for “leap”

  1. i leapt at the opportunity to dress up completely in tin foil, i think people should be more open minded and do things that they wouldn’t normally do and do things just because, it makes everything more interesting, don’t you think?

    by fatima on 06.17.2010
  2. Over rocks over streams over everything imaginable in this place we come together to slip and slide into our futures. Unwinding, spinning, turning inside out we fall and splash and laugh our way out of solitude.

    by Mich on 06.17.2010
  3. I feel like jumping off a swing, not a cliff but a swing. Maybe in a park, but I wish I had pigtails. Pigtails are basically childhood in a single object. I have short hair. Oh well

    by Hilary on 06.17.2010
  4. The explorer was standing on the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, monsters leaped out of the bushes behind him. The explorer saw that he had no choice but to leap into the waters below. He took a leap of faith, hoping that he will survive the fall.

  5. He leapt into the air, arms spread out, face to the sky. He fell faster and faster, the air rushing by, his hair whipping around his head. He smiled as the earth came up to greet him.

  6. Jump, hop, leap. Surely, that’s only what frogs can do. Right? Not true, preaches the fairy, Aine. “Take a leap of faith,” she says. And that is what i shall surely do. Yes.

  7. And so he jumped. As he looked down at the chasm below, all he could think about was the girl on the other side, smiling and waiting. And he made it. He made the leap. The leap into love. And that’s all that mattered.

  8. there were leaps through the tall and tilting trees, leaps along the lope-sided grasses reaching wind wonderful and jumping jacks of jay birds. Screaming leaps of splashing spit and the polish of the greenest dreams of frogs leaping through an open sun filled moment.

  9. The dog leapt out, his teeth bared, a deftly caught the small bird between his jaws. The bird was twittering wildly, only silenced by a chomp as pink lips closed around the bird’s small, colorful frame.

    by Lise on 06.17.2010
  10. i feel like you have fallen out of love with me
    and it is my job to bring you back
    my job to teach you, my job to prove
    that it is not about the hunt
    that just because you have me
    doesn’t mean that i don’t matter anymore
    oh yeah……and leap

    by laura on 06.17.2010
  11. She jumped off the cliff, soaring high above everyone. Happy. Free. Life was finally over. She could be who she wanted.

  12. I didn’t make the leap. I told him. I really did. And you know what he says? “Oh.” I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT.

    by anonymous on 06.17.2010
  13. She leapt over the wall, running for the others. She had never done something so drastic, nor did she think she ever could. But it was for them. If it were anybody else, she would have found a door through.

  14. The thoughts that leap inside my heart are tumultuous at best. I long for what I cannot be and refuse to embrace what I am. When I will accept the fate that is mine fulfill my destiny.

    by Jaime on 06.17.2010
  15. leaping off a cliff. It’s what I feel like I’m doing when I talk to you. But what I want to do when I’m not.

  16. Whenever i find myself being hesitent. i remind myself nothing ever came easy. You need to leap in order to find out if you can fly.

    by Trista on 06.17.2010
  17. “Take the leap,” he said. “Follow your dreams, you’ll never know where they’ll take you!”

    “I know where they’ll take me,” I cried. “Right straight to the top!”

    “And I’ll be there by your side, loving you all the way…”

    by Michelle on 06.17.2010
  18. leap into action like life leaps into spring. the sun leaps up when the moon falls down, leap into the day as the air leaps to your breath, plunge in dont think.

    by Charlie Evans on 06.17.2010
  19. Never did he think that this would be his last jump. A simple motto, he lived his life by, “Take the Leap.” Though, despite his preparations, the chute wouldn’t open.

    by Duncan Costlow on 06.17.2010
  20. leaping blue, the waves crash over my heart. I am glad.

  21. I took a leap of faith when I decided to trust him again. After everything he put me through, I was naturally scared, but he seemed so sincere. How could I say no?

  22. A leap of faith is so close to the jump and fall of being in love.
    You leap into your loved one’s arms,
    You jump to the chance to love them even more,
    You fall in love with your soul mate.

  23. leap. Keine Ahnung, was das heißen soll. Cheap? Und warum kommt mir jetzt das Kleeblatt in den Sinn? Das vierblättrige. Jedes Mal, wenn ich glaubte, eins gefunden zu haben, entpuppte es sich als dreiblättriges mit einem Blatt eines anderen dreiblättrigen.

    by EliEli on 06.17.2010
  24. She stood at the edge of the diving board. She had to do it, had to: or else they would all laugh at her. But even that reasoning wouldn’t allow her feet to propel the rest of her body off of the board into the shimmering, cold, turquoise water below. She was terrified.

  25. Dont jump. Just leap. remember one giant leap for mankind. leap year happens every 4 years. leap up

    by Nishant on 06.17.2010
  26. All toddlers take a leap of faith. They throw themselves into their mother’s arms without any thought to whether or not she will catch them. She always does.

    by BB on 06.17.2010
  27. Look before you leap! Yeah right! I looked and I leapt. Now I don’t know whether it was the right thing to do or not. Yes I do know – not. However it is too late – we are now where we are.

    by BelBel on 06.17.2010
  28. Thats all i wanted to do. I thought I will never have the courage to do it, but I had to. I moved closer, but fear pulled me back. I told myself, either now or you will never do it. Blank.

    by d i l i p on 06.17.2010
  29. Leaping through the jungle, the giant cat rushes after its prey. The spots make it blend perfectly to its environment, but the prey does not have such luck. Running on only two legs, it is also much, much slower. The only thing that kept the tiger at bay was the pistol in the man´s hand.

    by Siggi on 06.17.2010
  30. It was nothing like playing leap frog on the blacktop outside of our grade-school. No, the blacktop was now his car’s black leather lining interior, and the school was some broken, unrecognizable home. The leap frog became vitalizing. Such a game had never taken our breath and hearts away.

  31. Leap years happen once every four years. I wonder how those came to be. How did they come up with the name leap year? It’s not like the calendar just leaps across a four year span of time. It’s just one extra day that some lucky baby was born on that now only truly has a birthday once every four years.

  32. Leap into greatness. Lover’s leap. Taking a chance and leaping for what you want even though you are afraid of what will happen. Leaping off of a cliff, off of a bridge. Leaping to your death. Leaping towards your goals.

    by Lonelyrain on 06.17.2010
  33. After so many broken hearts and tears shed, how could she be sure he wasn’t any different? She took a leap of faith. He was boy she has been longing for, she just hadn’t know it.

    by Rachel on 06.17.2010
  34. I want to go back but there is no way of getting the taxi to turn around in this pouring rain. My options or to walk or to somehow find a way to get him to come get me. Based on the conversation we last had, he would probably rather me stay in the pouring rain or take a giant leap off the brooklynn bridge!

    by sheri on 06.17.2010
  35. I had jumped up and thought that I was going to touch the heavens, I was flying and it was wonderful. I woke up at a start, disappointed to find that it was my lucid dreaming again. I had trained my brain to take me to far off places so that I could forget the death of my husband.

    by Brionna on 06.17.2010
  36. I slowly exhale. I look down. The water seems so far below. I get dizzy just standing there. My arms reach out to grab something to steady myself, but nothing is there. My fingers close around nothing. I am all alone. I close my eyes. I inhale one final time, and leap forward.

    by David Brandon on 06.17.2010
  37. It was a leap of faith! A rather dumb one, but still; leaps of faith should never be looked bad upon! Afterwards, when having his entire body swollen, he REALLY died!

    by Redhead on 06.17.2010
  38. I lept after my sister as she jumped off the train tracks. The beautiful girl of twenty had reached what she thought to be the end of her life, but I knew that no matter what, it was not over. Not after everything. Not after everything we’ve been through. This was not the end.

  39. Leap! Jump! Run! Fly! Awe, the wonderful activities of summer, don’t you miss being a child?

    by Melissa on 06.17.2010
  40. I leap out of bed in the morning and open my eyes to a brand new day. I abandon all things trivial and move on like a canary in flight through hundreds of crows. I leap and I laugh and I show the world that I am beyond its petty sorrows and travesties. I win. I leap.