
January 29th, 2011 | 324 Entries

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324 Entries for “lean”

  1. I lean against the trunk of the palm tree, sipping my mocktail.. The rehab has been working well so far. And I’m thinking positive once again..

  2. lean. you are able to lean on your friends, your family…its an essential part of life. to be able to lean with humility, ask for help, and ask for the support you need. shoulders are good for leaning. i dont know what i would do without the ability to lean on others.

    by Alison on 01.29.2011
  3. lean on a wall. a wall that is prickly. that hurts my back. why am i leaning. what is the point to this. does anything in life have a point. what is the point of my existance. why am i here on this planet. what am i meant to do in life.

    by brooke on 01.29.2011
  4. ileanontheworldtohelpmewitheverythingthatgoeswrongtantheyalwayswalkawaythejackassesneverhelpmewithanythinggoddammituselesspeople

    by james on 01.29.2011

    by John Buck on 01.29.2011
  6. on me all i want to be is that you have to be next to me using me want to dance only way to live is like this on other people to be a rock a shoulder a light a love there is no one for we are all one community together building.

    by Curtis on 01.29.2011
  7. Frank was leaning against the wall while waiting for Harry to show up. Feeling rather impatient, given that he has been waiting there for a while, he began to shuffle his feet. Thinking what the hell was taking Harry so long to show up, he began whistling a little tune. Finally, he saw Harry coming up from the distance and so began to wave halfheartedly.

    by Federico on 01.29.2011
  8. She’s young, in the prime of her life, all taut skin and quick movements. But after speaking with a grimacing man who met with her by the lamplit-less corner of a coffee shop, she sheds her invincibility for bareness.

    Diamond hard eyes that watch his surrender lose their luster as soon as he retreats. She catches herself, stumbling even though she was only standing motionlessly, then presses her palms against the brick wall so absolutely that even her marrow aches.

  9. He leaned against me, his body so heavy that I almost dropped him. Laying his dark-haired head on my shoulder, he closed his eyes, trusting me to keep him safe. I had never felt so helpless. I was too young to have someone depend on me so much, and I almost started to cry, then and there. He let out a low sigh, his sadness evident, and I shook off the desire to run, then and there, from all of this stifling responsibility.

    by emma on 01.29.2011
  10. I’d like to be leaner. I need to work on that. I don’t know, Wii Fit just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe a healthier diet, but I like my food. Plus, I’m not very motivated to make that big of a change. Perhaps working on my “motivation level” would be the main thing to take away from this.

    by Kelsey Redmond on 01.29.2011
  11. lean on me, when youre not strong. and ill be your friend, ill help you carry on.

  12. Well, lean can me alot things, I the first thing that comes to my mind is the piece from fantastic mister fox: one fat, one short, one lean. I also remember a psychological study of how people lean on bowling alleys

    by Samuel on 01.29.2011
  13. The ladder was propped against the wall as an open invitation to any passer by to come and demonstrate their conviction that superstitions really are nonsense.

  14. Lean on me, when you’re not strong, i’ll be your friend i’ll help you carry on.
    Hopefully we all have that one friend that no matter what we can lean on since everyone needs someone to talk to once in a while, someone we can trust, someone we can lean on physically and mentally. Lean on me.

    by Christine on 01.29.2011
  15. i lean on you, you lean on me. together we can be one. i can call you anytime, and you answer. your reliability is a refreshing breath of air in a place where no one’s words carry any weight. i cant wait til i can rest on your chest at night and contemplate the ways of the world. know that i will always be here for you baby, know that you can lean on me, and don’t forget to catch me when i fall.

  16. just lean on me when you need something, ill be here, even if you dont love me, even if you dont care, no matter how mean you are, you can lean on me, cause i will be here, no matter what.

    by marie on 01.29.2011
  17. Marco leaned against the side of my crumbling school building, exuding cool. His dark shades hung just so over his long, crooked nose. His greased-back, dark curls hung perfectly around the side of his face and his mouth tilted upward in a small smile when he saw me.

    “Whatsup, babe?” He pulled my bag off my shoulder and wrapped his arm around me.

    by Sara on 01.29.2011
  18. the wooden typewriting desk leaned into the dusty wall giving the room a musky feel. Her lungs fell into a dull rhythm, pumping shallowly beneath the white blouse. Against her fingers she felt the powdery dust as she reached for the bed knob for support.

    by Cheza on 01.29.2011
  19. I leaned into the wind, my face to the ground, hardened by the cold gales and gusts. I felt like a tree bent under the weight of a heavy snowfall. There i was, standing at the altar, with all the apprehension in the world.

    by Jonathan J on 01.29.2011
  20. to put all weight onto something on such as a wall or door frame

    by jennifer on 01.29.2011
  21. Tree. meat. a 5 foot ten model. Lean mean fighting machine! To use someone or something for support. not sturdy.

    by kristin Harle on 01.29.2011
  22. lean, not on me, but on the tree.

  23. No one in the family knew how to lean. It was because of the mother. Leaning meant falling and she couldn’t get used to the idea of it. Vertigo ensued with the merest hint of a tilt. Ramrod straight was the only option. That or falling flat on one’s face.

    by nannan on 01.29.2011
  24. I leaned against him, feeling tired and hopeless, tears streaming from my eyes. I wiped them away with the back of my hand, then stopped, looking at my hand.

    “If I am dead, how is it that I can cry?”

    “The same way that you can cry in dreams; everything is only as real as you believe it is.”

  25. He leaned over to peer at what she was writing.

    “Obnoxious. You’re just obnoxious,” she snapped, covering the paper with her arms as if her life depended on it.

    He frowned a little. What was the big deal? Was she planning world domination or something? He leaned further forward.

    by schmoopoo on 01.29.2011
  26. you can lean on me if you want. but i need to be able to lean back on you. together we can lean on eachother whenever needed and take on the world!

    by breezey on 01.29.2011
  27. You are alone in this world, trapped in the confines of yourself, not being able to truly express what goes on inside. The World will never know You, as it will never know Me. Even though we tend to lean together, we are, in reality, beside ourselves.

  28. “You just call on your brother, when you need a friend, we all need somebody to lean on.”
    Those happy-go-lucky lyrics, sung repeatedly on our bus rides home from cross country meets, ring truer than I would have ever thought. We weren’t just a team, we were a family. Every time I was sad, or angry, or just unsatisfied with life, I would go to practice and feel better about whatever it was that was bugging me.
    Now that this wonderful thing called cross country is no longer in my life, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to lean on. Will I still be able to stand upright?

  29. A classification of meat. Not fat. To angle body in certain way (you lean on something) Lean and fit.

    by liz on 01.29.2011
  30. This makes me think of the way that a boy who likes a girl leans toward her in a way that invades her space. The best is when she wants her space invaded. Over the days and weeks that they learn about one another, they both lean and lean until there is no longer any space between them.

    by Jackie on 01.29.2011
  31. borrow

    by jocelyn on 01.29.2011
  32. lean with it rock with it lean beef lean on me when you’re not strong lean over here and let me whisper in your ear lean mean machine leann wolmack leann rimes eenie weenie leanie bikini lean-to lean on a friend leanin cuz im drunk

    by iKarlee on 01.29.2011
  33. i like lean meat. not the kind that you read about it books. the kind that is born out of deep, subtropical oceans. it carries you away with its charm. it lulls you to sleep when you’re weary. the night shins bright with the moon as you sale though deep seagrass with your lean meat. i shall never forget those times. ever.

    by titan 88 on 01.29.2011
  34. ‘Don’t think. Just write.’
    I can’t think. No fiction, just truth: that when I lean forwards the urge to pee grows a million times stronger. I must be off! To the lavatory!

  35. I leaned on the side of the railing. It wobbled. I thought it might break but it didn’t. I peered down over the edge of the bridge into the sparkling green waters of the Sea of Hope. I thought about the past, the future.

    by Catherine on 01.29.2011
  36. She bent over the balcony railing, her body like a long, svelte line. He watched her from his balcony which was two stories above hers. Her long cascade of golden hair and her lean limbs were Fae-like, and he imagined everything she did she looked like she was dancing, and she did it with supple grace. She was emptying a chamber pot and didn’t see him. The servant girl went back inside the castle walls, attending to her chores.

  37. You said I had your shoulders to lean on. Oh, I knew so much better. My head always knows so much better. What can I say? I suppose my shoulders are strong enough for me to lean against on my own.

  38. I leaned over the kitchen sink, breathing heavily, staring at the splattered red liquid. This was the end. This was the sign that she was dying.

    There was nothing she could do now but wait and endure the pain and the vomiting and hope that nobody would find her before it was too late.

  39. nothing there. is it healthy, or just what we think it should be? is less more? or does it just make our lives simpler? fat used to be a mark of royalty, but not it is the worst part of our food. we’ll be less to be more it seems.

    by Aleema on 01.29.2011
  40. skinny meat.. lean back to the side. lean on me. leeeann. i dunno? i like to lean on you. i am lean. now my mi

    by Amber on 01.29.2011