
July 13th, 2009 | 148 Entries

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148 Entries for “lazy”

  1. do not be lazy. no one should be for it spoils everyone’s progress.

    by valli on 07.13.2009
  2. There are people who won’t get up to do anything. They are lazy. They are so lazy, the get ulcers because they’d rather lie there with their own fluids eating up themselves then get up to nourish their bodies. There are people who are too lazy to try anything that can make their life remotely better. They are lazy to live and that is sad and scary and deplorable.

    by Louie on 07.13.2009
  3. Lazy is what everybody tells when they cannot do a job. Lazy is just a convenience but not the fact.

    by enggaya on 07.13.2009
  4. i’m lazy. unlike a true gentlewoman, to whom perfection underneath is just as important as the outward image…
    i just don’t bother. but i love you!

    by Marnie on 07.13.2009
  5. fields of grey and ash and flaking
    yellow snow.

    and you.

    in black and grey.

    what a scene to behold.

    burgandy too.

    why oh why do I bother?

    by Liz on 07.13.2009
  6. sometimes i feel lazy but then i remember i have to do stuff. Everytime I think I’m being too lazy i make myself do a small project, like the dishes or laundry to make myself feel better about being lazy. Then I just enjoy the laziness. To me, lazy isn’t sleeping all the time, or just not getting things done, lazy is being a dumbass and taking advantage of an easy situation.

    by Alicia on 07.13.2009
  7. someone is sitting on a couch watching tv like a potato and they flip the channel to wheel of fortune only to find that vanna white is on vacation, so they eat another chip and flip flip switch

    by dru on 07.13.2009

    by KARTIK on 07.13.2009
  9. its odd for me to think about my father in any other way. i mean, that is a total lie because he works all day every day. but at home, when he is with all of us. there is no effort. thats a lie too i guess. i mean sometimes its okay. sometimes its not. sometimes he will just hide himself away in the basement untill there is nothing left of him but a broken body in a worn out chair.

    by grace on 07.13.2009
  10. damn, i am a lazy critter. i really, really am. i work so hard at being lazy, though, that I don’t know that i strictly qualify as being lazy. i find all kinds of thing to waste time with, and i am studious about applying them to my life. much more studious than i am to housework, for sure.

    by Kathy on 07.13.2009
  11. Me. right now. It is 1:57am and I am actually to lazy to get up from my chair, proceed to climb 2 floors and jump into bed. Instead I shall stay here and surf the web, hoping to find something to do. Laziness controls me.

    by Bryan on 07.13.2009
  12. i am not laz. I don’t think. but i hope i’m not. i try to be as accomplished as i can, but somehow i always end up getting lost. i start out with the best of intentions, and I end up taking two steps back after one step forward. maybe age will cure this disease of apathy? maybe when I get older, I will be able to focus my mind and my thoughts.

    by katie on 07.13.2009
  13. i get lazy a lot. i am usually very lazy in the morning when i wake up or at night after a long hard day. When im lazy i never want to get up. i just want to stay in bed or on the couch watching tv for hours. I also love to eat when im lazy. It makes me look like a huge fat ass. But what am i gonna do? :)

    by Rachel on 07.13.2009
  14. fun, bored

    by michael on 07.13.2009
  15. lazy is reasonable attribute somebody can affiliate with myself. Being lazy is a trait that is socially bad but personally rewarding. I don’t think of my self as being lazy but only being

    by harry bergman on 07.13.2009
  16. I feel lazy most of the time anymore and I hate lasy, lazy people and would like to be busy,busy and not lazy. There are exceptions, being lazing around eating a treat, watching a favorite movie or whatever, if I feel I deserve it.Or if I have a really really good excuse like I am sick, broken leg or such that erases my guilt. I see too many things I want done, need done or have to be done whether I want to or not. Lazy is an attitude.

    by mary drake on 07.13.2009
  17. I don’t want to judge ‘lazy’. In fact, I want to like lazy. Everyone looks down on her, but lazy feels natural, a thick feeling, like sun basking and honey. Lazy is slow flowing, and deep breaths. Someday, if I work hard enough, maybe I’ll get to lazy…

    by Tyler on 07.13.2009
  18. Being lazy is, by far, worse than anything else. It’s unavoidable. It seems we’re fine-tuned to be lazy. But, perhaps, underneith our inherent laziness lies one of our greatest virtue: innovation.

    by Evan on 07.13.2009
  19. Its a lazy Sunday and I’m laying across the couch, admiring you as you play with the new television bought yesterday. I love watching you fuss with the things you know nothing about. It reminds me why I fell in love with you.

    by Elle on 07.13.2009
  20. well lazy i think of myself. but i then i think of all the people who are lazy in the world. mostly us in the USA. we import so much and export so little we fucked oursleves

    by cody russian on 07.13.2009
  21. Just one word was necessary to her, and she realize that she want to be with him forever… but he don’t say it. She is dissapoint, afraid… sad and depressive. He took her illusions and just ran away… and now she is mad and feel that was cruel…

    by lu on 07.13.2009
  22. No one is lazier than I am today. Waking up around 8:30 is typical for this summer vacation time. Since I am a teacher, it is really nice just laying there and plan what I would really like to do today.
    I drew some design for an Emperor paper doll. Around 3:30 I watched a movie “Two Lovers”. It was really a good movie that made me thinking of my present two lovers. One is my Ex-husband and one is my Ex-boyfriend. Both of them are so close to my heart even till now. Ex-husband will take me to wine tasting and share my bubble bath and ex-boyfriend will chat with me on Skype whenever I am getting bored. Life cannot be better without these two.

    by MKang on 07.13.2009
  23. He lay on the couch, the heirloom quilt cast over his lithe body, a glass of cold milk near him, the remote in hand, a labrador at his side, tail wagging in expectation of a reward. This Size 14 feet drooped over the end of the couch, the sun streaming in, listless as he was.

    Clammy skin belies his stillness. She moves around him, bustling, fidgety, moving vicariously taunting him to rise towards her. Out comes the vacuum cleaner, with a deep sigh she leans down and plugs it in, switches it on. It screams obscenely at him, ‘Get the fuck up NOW!’ Again and again as she tracks over and back across the carpet pile.

    Her boy. She’s worried into silence by his stillness.

    by Sandra R. on 07.13.2009
  24. “It’s ok to be sad, even while safely nestled in your lazy boy surrounded by evidence of last nite’s drunkfest”. Drew sighed,rolling an empty bottle w/ his finger. “So, how is being a D&A counselor by day & a drunk by nite working for you?” His question dangled in the empty room’s stale air.

    by @ on 07.13.2009
  25. i think thsat a lot of people are really lazy. Mostly people i work with. They tend to do nothing to help a person out. It get annoying when they yell at you for being lazy when they are more lazy than you.

    by Nicole on 07.13.2009
  26. Being Lazy is not a good sign of any professional. It wont help his or her career builing process.

    by manoj on 07.13.2009
  27. wont do anything

    by kjkl on 07.13.2009
  28. i can’t go there,
    you shouldn’t,
    we needn’t even try.
    matthew will grouse
    as he lingers
    in the aisles,
    but trust me –
    this one
    brews too near the beast;
    try him at
    a later time.

    by paschal on 07.13.2009
  29. Well, I thought I should get up and do something productive but instead I ended up just sitting on my ass waiting for enlightenment to strike. The TV was on as usual and I wasnt really paying attention until I noticed that on the screen there was a news story about a couple who were not at all lazy. They were older and had adopted nine hanicapped children. Someone had murdered them. The slaying of saints…

    by Rose on 07.13.2009
  30. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

    by nb on 07.13.2009
  31. The quick red fox jumps over the lazy dog. This is a pangram. The sentence uses every letter in the English language at least once. Excluding the fact that it makes little sense it is an interesting feat.

    by Stef on 07.13.2009
  32. crazy unknown madness.
    infliction of the given.
    no understanding, but be lazy.
    lazy like forest floors.

    by jake on 07.13.2009
  33. sometimes I feel lazy, i just sit around all day and do nothing, But am I really doing nothing? Drugs made me very lazy, I would just sit, and sit. Im trying to not be so lazy, be productive and active in life. I think my ex girlfriend thought I was lazy, maybe thats a reason she broke up with me. But whatever. lazy, lazy lazy lazy sundays.

    by patrick on 07.13.2009
  34. I am sitting here, thinking that I’m resting, when in reality i am just lazy. I am using the twisted ankle as an excuse to do nothing, to sit watching tv, knitting, reading.

    I can work tomorrow, I tell myself.

    by Kat on 07.13.2009
  35. me in the summer. colleen in the summer. the most debilitating feeling after a long night of love and music.

    sometimes people are just lazy in general.

    by charlotte on 07.13.2009
  36. haha the silvereye pickups “lazy eye”. im listening to their song right now and i like em a lot. i hate being lazy. actually, i like it sometimes and its nice lazy is a weird word actually i mean there aren’t many words with both a Z and a Y in them. i wish there were more words with a Z and Y in them

    by mackenzie b. on 07.13.2009
  37. for the days i spent around the house, just you and i alone, we had such excellent times.
    i love you.

    by jrod on 07.13.2009
  38. i’m a lazy bum…I wonder how many times i’ve said that, lazily, from a cross legged position on a carpet with a bowl of delicious reefer in my hand. mmmmm, weeed, the best way to happy laziness…

    by a on 07.13.2009
  39. sometimes i feel like i’m lazy.. but i try to counter my own laziness by getting involved and doing jobs that take lots of hard work. sometimes i feel like people will see through me and see that i really am a lazy person, a “delegator”, but i guess i hope the more i do and get involved, the less lazy i’ll become with time.

    by Pat on 07.13.2009
  40. I wish I could be lazy. I want to be lazy sometimes. But I have some many things I want to do, to accomplish, to complete. I want to be so much, and there is not enough time to complete everything in the world I want to. Thus, I get what I can done, and for the rest, I enjoy those moments where I can do what I want and be lazy.

    by Jared on 07.13.2009