
January 10th, 2010 | 161 Entries

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161 Entries for “latch”

  1. latching on to something. why ? porch? like on to a porch? or on to a person? i don’t like those ho latch on but sometimes it’s the comfortable thing to do. just latch on and feel safe. how sad.

    by amanda on 01.11.2010
  2. i checked to make sure my tailgate was latched and all my doors were colsed. I started heading to Arizona from North carolina. It was an

    by justin egitto on 01.11.2010
  3. Latchkey kids, leaving the door on the latch. I’ll be honest, I got distracted by an IM message, so I didn’t get my full 60 seconds to type. Anothe rmessage, I really better look at it.

    by Jameybaby on 01.11.2010
  4. i’ve latched on to you way too long, and here i am, unhooking every hook, cutting off every stitch, flicking the latch, and becoming loose. it feels so weird and foreign. i dont remember how it was. a latch is when you attach one thing to another and it clicks. maybe i wasnt latched then. i dont think i ever heard a click.

    by brittany on 01.11.2010
  5. When i see an open door i wonder where the latch is. When i see a free biscuit i wonder where the catch is. When i see a pile of logs i wonder where the match it. When i see the time running out i wonder how to catch it!

    by Lucy on 01.11.2010
  6. hatch

    by on 01.11.2010
  7. A latch was fixed in my brain. I no longer knew what it was concieling. My hate? Or my love?

    by stranger on 01.11.2010
  8. The door was securely latched. There was little the people could do. Beyond were the treasure they had spent months on this journy to discover, but with such a door as this little could be done. Soon they would find themselve in the terror of lostness. The key. He had it somewhere, where was it that he left it. No one knew.

    by Keel Lincoln on 01.11.2010
  9. what dose latch mean? I have no idea! :(

    by natalies on 01.11.2010
  10. When I think of latch I think about keeping my new puppy out of the piano room and fine dining room.

    I think of locking my doors, my car, all my belongs.

    And I’d like to latch myself on to my awesome boyffriend for life.

    by Miss Roberts on 01.11.2010
  11. He pulled the door behind
    and latched.

    She took a look with her heart
    and latched.

    The latch was looking latchy while she and he were nasty.

    by Bob on 01.11.2010
  12. the greatest thing in the world is clicking one of these behind you. The worst thing about them is that are designed to stick even if recently greased so you skin your knuckles regularly.

    by Brian on 01.11.2010
  13. the latch on the trunk of my car is broken so it never completely locks. i hope no one steals anything everyday.

    by reghann on 01.11.2010
  14. reminds me of the hatch on lost omg fuck me up da booty.

    by Cap'n Jack Sparrow on 01.11.2010
  15. The roller coaster ride latches me in, The ride chugs up the hill,

    by on 01.11.2010
  16. latch

    by on 01.11.2010
  17. i don’t know what this word really mean!

    by Erica on 01.11.2010
  18. it’s used to keep gates closed, and keep the riff-raff out, and keep your rugrats from escaping and running all over the place, you can also leave the door on it, so if you’re feeling particularly lazy, your family members can come and go without you having to get up off your arse and open the door every five minutes

    by Workshy Fop :P on 01.11.2010
  19. he latched on to her in an unhealthy way. his whole world revolved around her. it was a disgusting sad thing really. she wouldn’t give him the time of day. she left him on the landing to go off and be by herself. space. she needs lots of space. it was his downfall to fall for such a girl.

    by on 01.11.2010
  20. to hold something together

    by on 01.11.2010
  21. a katch locking me from you that all, just a simple piece of metal barring me from you, who knew that something so small and insignificant could stop the love of a life time, a focus only on that my eye blurring out everything else.

    by Amelia on 01.11.2010
  22. I don’t even know what it means :p

    by on 01.11.2010
  23. latch onto the person next to you

    by Lisa on 01.11.2010
  24. I imagine that leeches can latch on pretty hard to you in you let them. I’ve heard the only way to get them off is to burn them, which is kind of nasty sounding, really. Gross too.

    by A. G. S. on 01.11.2010
  25. i latched onto his arm. I wanted him so bad. in a non sexual way. in a way of longing. I like him so bad. It almost makes me hurt when were not together.

    by on 01.11.2010
  26. lock, a door, latch onto, to connect, as in you latch on to people who make a big impact on your life, whether you know them or not, latch onto your crush.

    by Thomas on 01.11.2010
  27. keys, kids, judgement, independence, infilitration, get down with your bad self.

    by Amma on 01.11.2010
  28. this is what i close the compartment with.

    by X on 01.11.2010
  29. latch. you get latches on doors… this is a hard one. i don’t really know what to say. you need to unlatch the latch and step into the house of life!

    by Xanthe on 01.11.2010
  30. he latched on to her nipples eagerly, his tiny fingers curling into his small palm. Her smile was serene, for she loved him already, had loved him long since before the day he was born

    by kimmy on 01.11.2010
  31. there are so many latches that are hard to reach.
    I want to open every latch I see. Latch on to my butt. What else is a latch? Latch choo, god bless you! Let’s latch the horses to the wagon. Latch!!!!

    by Mimi on 01.11.2010
  32. When I think of latching I think of people who are insecure. I think of leeches and animal claws. I also think of locks, but not regular modern locks, old ancient iron locks with rust. I also think of cottages with latched fences and gates, as well as Hansel and Gretel and other fairytales.

    by Jen on 01.11.2010
  33. I latch onto word after word, trying to string them together to make one simple sentence, and those simple sentences into a story. But like small, seed pearls, they fall from my hand and spill onto the floor, bouncing and scattering into different directions. Such like each thought, each scattering thought.

    by JO on 01.11.2010
  34. Latch, maybe to latch on to something? Or perhaps the latch on my trombone and guitar cases. Or maybe it’s more along the lines of an alligators mouth that latches down on to its prey. Trombone cases and guitar cases are the most fun so I’d have to go with those. Latches on them with key locks are quite silly, someone can just steal the whole case!

    by Logan on 01.11.2010
  35. “Latch on to my hand, and in turn, find our hearts intertwined forever more”I can recall the first time we met. Your beauty captivated me…

    by Andrielle M. on 01.11.2010
  36. i dont know what that word means sorry

    by on 01.11.2010
  37. She latched onto him as he carried her through their new doorway. This was it, the moment she had dreamt of since she was five years old, except without osh kosh bigosh. She knows this is the moment she will remember forever

    by Andi on 01.11.2010
  38. on to the big buildings that have become one with the lord. keep everything in sight of what you have decided to lay hands upon. You’re sick and can’t be meddled with and that is why we must kill you tonight. goodbye

    by hey on 01.11.2010
  39. i reached for the latch. It was weathered and dirty, but a gleam of copper shone from underneath the crud. Who was to know that the moment I turned it, I would enter my future beyond all expectations. After all…it was just a latch, wasn’t it?

    by MAC! on 01.11.2010
  40. the only thing seperating you from your victim

    by sau on 01.11.2010