
November 16th, 2009 | 692 Entries

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692 Entries for “lane”

  1. Once upon a time there was a lady who lived on a dusty old lane. Like one you drive on. She currently is dodging cars as we speak. WIsh her luck as she does this. She only has so much time to live.

    by Taylor on 11.17.2009
  2. one word could mean so many things. it could mean that there is one specific word you are supposed to think about or perhaps that all it takes is one word. Depending on how you look at things in life, pessimistically or optimistically one word could be pulled in a thousand different directions.

    by your mom on 11.17.2009
  3. There was a dusted old lane leading down a road that no one ever took. I supposed that they might as well be afraid of it in a way. There were rumors, and stories about this lane. In the fall the lane was always brightly colored with foliage. You could see how beautiful it was. In the winter it was barren, and dead. You could see then the curves and that it truly led to nowhere.

    by Rachel on 11.17.2009
  4. lane is like a street, or it could be a name, but it’s usually associated with roads like Juniper Lane or something like that. but personally i like the name Lane, like Lane…im not sure but its a pretty name, very classic, when i think of someone with that name i think of someone in sepia tone

    by meaghan on 11.17.2009
  5. i went walking down the lane and saw a big guy with a shirt on and he said whaaaa???? and then he went away and so i went to the end of the lane and saw a store where i bought a bottle of champagne and some raspberries and smokes.

    by Elle Dee on 11.17.2009
  6. the lane is where it happens. Where life changes at will. where one becomes something they could at one point only wish for. One’s dreams and aspirations lay in the lane.

    by Ashlyn on 11.17.2009
  7. LANE!

    by grety on 11.17.2009
  8. the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane, and when i drive sometimes i find it hard to stay in my lane but at the end of the day walking is a Pane, so drive i must.

    by Lindsey on 11.17.2009
  9. i was dancein in the lane, and i gota sudden pain that drove me insane, where is penny lane im loosing my only brain, where can i gain a new one. this is really plain, whats the correct mainfrain. i was bowling down the lane, that i dropped the ball in the drain, or gutter ds

    by Bobby Market on 11.17.2009
  10. cars drive in the wrong lane all the time, and then mike gets mad and flips them off and yells at them.

    by jenn on 11.17.2009
  11. For Christmas, everyone on the lane decorated their house with a brilliant display of lights.

    by Lisa on 11.17.2009
  12. I think of Nathan Lane when I see that word. And the Producers. Not only that, but I think of my Grandparent’s address when they lived in Westport. Lane Smith from the superman show. Lois Lane. Mrs. Lainey.

    by Max on 11.17.2009
  13. lois lane was dying on the street. she was laying in the right lane, but since this was england, it was actually the left, which is why she had been struck by a truck.
    as she lay there dying, she rhymed her name
    lane bane cane dane jane mane pane sane feign wain

    by on 11.17.2009
  14. down the lane the faeries flew in between hill and dale rolling in dew drops and jumping over mushrooms

    by kat on 11.17.2009
  15. A road, but a really thin one, with trees all around. Like in the summer when you’re biking or walking, and all of the sudden you find yourself in this cool green tunnel smelling sweetly of warm breeze and cool leaves. Its a place for lovers to walk down in cheesy romantic movies, but its still sweet, no matter how cliche.

    by Erica on 11.17.2009
  16. so far down this lane of unhappiness and I cant get off. I really want to go in a different direction, and go and be happy there. I hate this lane of unchanging direction and unhappiness. I hate it.

    by Me. :] on 11.17.2009
  17. the lane i am on is all craggy with dents from innexperienced bowlers walking down it with tap shoes on they et their pins and chips stoicly and pisson eachother as they laugh

    by rick on 11.17.2009
  18. The streets are numerous. The lanes go on forever and ever in this city. You are always lost but it is impossible to ever feel truly lost.

    by Casey on 11.17.2009
  19. A path? Should we make our own or follow other’s? Is it a road for cars or a metaphor? Follow your own.

    by MKC on 11.17.2009
  20. a street. a place. dark. wisteria. histeria.

    by cam on 11.17.2009
  21. lane

    by lane on 11.17.2009
  22. There’s a lane beside the main road where I live. It’s called Jackson Street. It’s where I used to play with a girl called laura when I was a child, babysat before my parents got home. Now she has a kid. We grow old before we grow wise.

    by Tom on 11.17.2009
  23. I want to walk across abbey lane and take a typical tourist photo…because I love the Beatles!

    by Devan on 11.17.2009
  24. Then there was Lois. She was more beautiful than any dame I’d ever seen. Black hair, piercing blue eyes, ruby lips. SHe was a cliche, but so am I; so that Lois Lane and I are going to perfect for each other.

    by Leslie Cook on 11.17.2009
  25. dfogflfgfjgfdlgdogjglddmgddjggfggf

    by gfgfkg on 11.17.2009
  26. lane
    i live on a road
    not a lane
    but my friend lives on a lane
    her names not jane
    and shes not plain
    i dunno….

    by mAc on 11.17.2009
  27. a lane is like a street, or penny lane, who is in my ear. that’s where she lies (or whatever the lyrics actually are).

    Lane lane lane lane lane, kind of awkward when you think about it.

    almost lame, a lane is that which it is or can be. hm.

    by Jake on 11.17.2009
  28. This lane, this path im taking, is one I’ve dreamed about my whole life. It involves people getting hurt, but they can get over that. I’ll never forgive myself if i screw this up and miss this opportunity, this life changing experience. First love or only love, regardless, its love.

    by Ronnie Schinker on 11.17.2009
  29. i was switching into the right lane and then the car behind sped up and then i was nervous so i switched into the other lane, and then i saw a cop and it pulled him over and i thought it was funny even though i shouldn’t because when that happens to me i hate it and i get that horrible feeling in my stomache

    by on 11.17.2009
  30. Going down memory lane is always fun. It brings back memories of fun times, the sad, the crazy, embarrassing “Lord please let me forget this” moments. A trip down memory lane is simply the greatest.

    by Meagan on 11.17.2009
  31. I grew up on Howard Lane with awesome parents and a cat named Secret. I was lucky enough to have 2 parents who, weren’t perfect, but did the best they could and loved us always. Howard Lane was a good place to grow up. Small town, lots of farms.

    by on 11.17.2009
  32. sitting in a slow lane down the Stevenson its moving so slow. now were in a fast lane! I’m going to be on time for school! Mcclory won’t hate my guts today. Sweet. I’m so excited for today, because i might see my crush

    by ruru on 11.17.2009
  33. i can go down a lane, the lane of my life or maybe she is someone named lane- is my life feminine like me? i dont know. where is my life

    by on 11.17.2009
  34. walking down the lane i hear a bloodcurdling scream. I turned, and just as I did I saw a flash from the corner of my eye. “what” I mumbled

    by flane1 on 11.17.2009
  35. i live on a lane. its very pretty and i like to go sit near the ocean at the end of the lane. i like watching the waves crash on the shore. lane can also be a name.

    by on 11.17.2009
  36. twisted sideways paths all around like spider webs etching familiar pathways through tunnels and the surprise waiting is that there isn’t one. the same familiar terrain from lessons never learned, projected as if one’s own. but the truth surrounding us is overlapping patterns of various origins.

    by Identity on 11.17.2009
  37. Lane Stadium. We started jumping. Orange and maroon blanketed the stadium. It’s so much more than a game, it’s tradition and way of life. LETS GO HOKIES!

    by Nina on 11.17.2009
  38. As she walked down the lane, my mouth dropped open. I’d never seen anyone so stunning. My face broke out into a wide smile, and I couldn’t believe she was about to be mine. My heart soared, and I knew my wedding day would be brilliant.

    by Chelsea P. on 11.17.2009
  39. is manny things like an bowling lane were people bowl or life a line like in the supper market i’ll 1 or 2 it almost like a road.

    by sdfghjkl; on 11.17.2009
  40. lane
    mt lane not your lane mine. stay in your own lane and i will stay in mine. this is my lane give me my lane give me my space.
    My lane my path my destiny. is there a goal at the end of this lane will i ever reach it sometimes i run or i waslk or i run. take no dtours i want to stayin my lane. go ayway i need my space in my lane

    by on 11.17.2009