
March 20th, 2010 | 196 Entries

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196 Entries for “lake”

  1. I took her there to swim but managed to hold her under until the kicking stopped. I played with her wet hair until I was bored and then pushed her stiff limbs into the soft mud.

    by Creepypete on 03.20.2010
  2. lake shining glistening in the sun, dark cold filled with monsters, by a river or a forest or a mountain,
    frozen in the icy wilderness

    by victoria on 03.20.2010
  3. You cannot bake a cake in a lake for pete’s sake. The lake is to great for a bake of a cake. Perhaps you could bake by the lake a cake that is great.

    by Dr. Susse on 03.20.2010
  4. a beautiful, clear and shining lake with a beach….so much fun for my kids!! We appreciate it’s soft, white sand and all the fishermen wondering around with their prizes….

    by Darla on 03.20.2010
  5. This is Melody’s mom. You get home right now young lady with your lakes and so forth. You should be ashamed.

    by Melodies Mom on 03.20.2010
  6. The lake smelled of mold and fish. Early morning fishing with my dad holds many memories.

    by John on 03.20.2010
  7. I’m going to throw myself in you. Swim in your deep spots and pee in your mouth. When Im done you will not be satisfied but horrified by our act of

    by Melody on 03.20.2010
  8. no way in,
    no way out,

    once its somewhere you’ve been,
    its always in your mind.

    just give up
    get out,

    psh. cliche’s.

    by susanne on 03.20.2010
  9. I hate you lake. You haunt my every click now. Taunting me; teasing me with your useless meanings. I hate you lake.

    by Tdawgt on 03.20.2010
  10. its where i’ve grown up-
    made memories.
    you should have been there with me
    instead i was all alone

    i sound depressed,
    but i’m not depressed

    just over thinking,
    i need you to say hey
    and make my day

    by hannah on 03.20.2010
  11. It says “one word” will come up and it isn’t kidding! Why not just say lake will come up? I guess it sort of wrecks it for the newbies if they did.

    by Not Melody on 03.20.2010
  12. It says “one word” will come up and it isn’t kidding! Why not just say lake will come up? I guess it sort of wrecks it for the newbies if they did.

    by Not Melody on 03.20.2010
  13. i want to be by a lake. i want to be sitting there with you. you and your flawless beauty. i look ugly next to you. i am not ugly. but you, you are something else entirely.

    by daz on 03.20.2010
  14. Cry me a lake
    We can jet ski on
    Ripples in space, theres alot to say about quiting
    theres more to say about dying trying

    Seaman lake
    lake of fire
    Pete sake
    Sake bombs

    by Adam on 03.20.2010
  15. The lake surface glistens with power, knowledge, all the wonderful things that I stand to gain right here right now.

    But further beneath… things get complex. All those wonderful things I want have a price. That price… is unseen, undefined, murky as the depths of the lake of which I speak.

    by mot256 on 03.20.2010
  16. i was JUST at the lake and you want me to do what!?!?

    by Alyssa on 03.20.2010
  17. Ah lake my old friend. It is you behind each door. What can I say about you that hasn’t already been said?! You’re lake; inescapable lake. The word that always comes up.

    by Tdawgt on 03.20.2010
  18. it’s a beautiful place where I wish I could visit more. It’s usually very glassy. peaceful. Not enough of them. I don’t live close enough to one. Unfortunately. Nowadays many of them are polluted. I hate it when they’re polluted. I wish I could visit one sometime soon. Like in the next week, while it’s still sunny. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, so probably not tomorrow.

    by Melody on 03.20.2010
  19. It’s lake again. It’s always lake. I wish it wasn’t lake. Lake is boring. Lake is stupid. Can’t I have another choice? Let me try another. I promise to be gooder…

    by Tdawgt on 03.20.2010
  20. Big and glimmery she was. The folk had come for years to watch the birds come and nest, then leave with there kin. Kids have swam and fished at the shore for generations upon generations. It’s what held the town firmly together in one common love.

    by Tdawgt on 03.20.2010
  21. I once had a huge houseboat on a lake in indiana. it was a dirty lake and not worth the money for the dock fee. I shared the boat with my evil bitch ex gf that screwed me over by sleeping with our best friend at the lake. they kept the boat on the dirty lake.

    by jen on 03.20.2010
  22. water, harry potter, i’m not sure what i’m supposed to be writing here… sentences or words… but fish. and cheese. ooh i’m rather hungry. my phone vibrated. that’s awkward. not that it vibrated. but where it did. okay anyways… goldfish. beta fish.

    by carl bob on 03.20.2010
  23. there’s this amazing lake in montanan i go to every summer. it’s called east rosebud. the best place in the world. it’s beautiful. i wish i could visit during the winter time. the lake freezes over and everyone has a bonfire on it. we own a cabin up there and there’s an old fashioned stove.

    by marisa on 03.20.2010
  24. I think back to the lake in kissena park which I visited that time at night. I remember that it had black water… well it was black at night. It was weird, I guess all water in the dark is black, but it looks like oil, not just dark water. Or water without light. I wish I dived in it. Or drank it.dddddd

    by Jake Penn on 03.20.2010
  25. I’ve always been drawn to large bodies of water. I feel a kindredness to them. I get my best ideas there. I feel in contact with the spirit world like my grandpa is watching over me.

    by Casse on 03.20.2010
  26. A wide lake
    in the distance
    there is a man
    on the opposite side
    calling out to you
    you look at the lake
    your clothes
    unfit for swimming
    you look down at the lake
    blue, reflective, deep
    you look up again
    he is not there anymore
    you think to yourself
    did i need a reason?

    by Jack on 03.20.2010
  27. The lake was cool, clear, calm and refreshingly crisp. We jumped straight in, without thinking, fully clothed and screaming with laughter for doing something so rash and unexpected.

    by Annemarie on 03.20.2010
  28. The lake. Continuous. The eye follows the endles ripples. Clear and blue. Jumping within the waters, relieving oneself of all burden and pain. Cleansing waters.

    by Christina on 03.20.2010
  29. Lakes are nice, if the water isn’t too murky and there isn’t too much vegetation. also, low bacteria would be nice. if it’s a nice day out and the water isn’t too choppy, water skiing and other similar sports are nice.

    by Brandie on 03.20.2010
  30. Water in slow motion…

    by Z on 03.20.2010
  31. my aunt has a lake where I go to intertube in the summers. on new years of 2007 i went to a lake and jumped in, nearly froze to death.

    by douglas on 03.20.2010
  32. Water. Green. Beautiful.

    by Camille on 03.20.2010
  33. Everything has melted, little lakes on the street side, running rivers over my bare toes.

    by Kunze on 03.20.2010
  34. there was a house and trees and the classical set was all there. then there was a guy, old, very old, alone. and its reflection in the lake it was all he had left as a company. not the trees, not the sounds, not the house. himself.

    by d33d333 on 03.20.2010
  35. i just wrote a contemporary winnie the pooh story. pooh was like a stoner, rabbit was like the mom from bewitched. piglet was a stressed college kid. eeyore was recently laid off. but at the end, they all ended up at the lake, realising the need to embrace the moment.

    by Dez. on 03.20.2010
  36. Lake, i never seemed to enjoy lakes. They were like oceans only smaller, less important. I’ve see plenty of beautiful lakes, but never as beautiful as the ocean. I always feel confined when boating on a lake. I can’t seem to enjoy it

    by Liam Beairsto on 01.01.1970
  37. there was a lake in the middle of the ocean. it seemed vast and majorly big and impressed somebody somewhere. it was important that this lake stay filled with water so he vowed he would forever ensure this lake continue to be filled. Yet, he worried that one day it would dry out. And therefore, he called a friend. He said, “Friend, I am worried my lake will dry out. Please come and ensure that it stays wet.”

    by Cherene on 01.01.1970
  38. i wish i was in a lake, to swim free like a fish, not a care in the world. The nice cold water against my skin, oh to be like a fish, to roam the seas and venture to new worlds.

    by Latoya Senior on 01.01.1970
  39. all i could see was a beautiful lake. There it was. The one I had always been to as a child. Every summer my family would drive up to this very lake for some great times I will never forget. Now I drive my family up here every summer. I hope they never forget. Tim is getting older. He is already 16 . I can’t believe how big he is.

    by jerry on 01.01.1970
  40. Well, when I first loaded this page, which my friend gave me, I had no idea what it was. I mean, what kind of site is I was thinking it would be some weird site where its just a random word generator. But I was wrong, which I dont like to be sometimes. However, seeing the text on the previous page, this doesnt seem that bad. But really, how is one supposed to write about a lake?

    by Kythos on 01.01.1970