
February 8th, 2010 | 265 Entries

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265 Entries for “keys”

  1. She could hear the keys. There was left less than aone minute until her husband would enter the bedroom…

    by Bigfbaer on 02.09.2010
  2. i just got a new key because i have a rental car. i took the key out completely and the music was still playing. thats weird right? i didn’t know if the car was still magically on or what. I just want my own car back, i like him better

    by jane on 02.09.2010
  3. keys are something that you use to open something wid and lock something with such as like doors, lock boxes, safes

    by dustin bradshaw on 02.09.2010
  4. keys are something that you use to open something wid and lock something with such as like doors, lock boxes, safes

    by dustin bradshaw on 02.09.2010
  5. the lock and key of freedom.. death. keys to my car.. to bills… to neverending gas money that always ends.
    keys to the heart? is the heart locked? not mine… just hurt. unlocking me? is that what it has come to…a person has to be unlocked in order to love.

    keys to home.

    by rea on 02.09.2010
  6. Key is what you get into your house with. A key can also be like a password andswer. I remember whenever my mom lost her keys. It was like the end of the world.

    by Sean Antone on 02.09.2010
  7. things you use to type a message. they open doors people use them everyday. made of copper mostly. useful.

    by hunter livingston on 02.09.2010
  8. Used to unlock doors with, letters on a keyboard, keys on a map to tell what something stands for.

    by Zane Russell on 02.09.2010
  9. what you use to unlock something

    by carey watson on 02.09.2010
  10. Keys they open up many things people have keys to their house, their car, diarys, and mush much more. Keys are what opens something that is otherwise forbidden to you. they can open up things that you have never seen before or just open a door.

    by Cheyanna Rayn Martin on 02.09.2010
  11. keys are something you can push. when i think of keys i think of a piano. also a keyboard. keys are also something you can use to unlock a door. people use keys everyday.

    by Christin on 02.09.2010
  12. Keys they open up many things people have keys to their house, their car, diarys, and mush much more. Keys are what opens something that is otherwise forbidden to you. they can open up things that you have never seen before or just open a door.

    by rayn Martin on 02.09.2010
  13. I lost my keys a few months back. It has been a long time since i lost any of my keys. I don’t believe i lost them They were stolen. Not for gain. But because the woman is a kelptomaniac. No, she is not. She just gets cheap thrills out of bringing trouble to others.

    by Anu on 02.09.2010
  14. Key open door to many door. like a skelton key opens all door… people use keys

    by DJ on 02.09.2010
  15. keys are things you use to open doors or somethng that is locked or they could be like the key to a map like 1 ince = 1 mile uhmmm yeah thats all i got

    by Joshua Tarr on 02.09.2010
  16. cars freedom convenience

    by on 02.09.2010
  17. My keys.
    Where are they?
    What are they for?
    Wait, keys equal responsibility.
    i have no responsibility.
    i must not have any keys.

    by bear on 02.09.2010
  18. used to open doors. also used to type with on a keyboard.

    by suzanne on 02.09.2010
  19. used to open doors. also used to type with on a keyboard.

    by suzanne on 02.09.2010
  20. i don’t have car keys. I don’t have a car. I do have a key to my house, the only key to my house. We never lock it, so my parents don’t even have a key. I have it somewhere in a drawer. Merely because I like keys. I like the idea of locking up secrets and keeping it safe and hidden. I like hidden things, but I like the thought that someday they will be discovered. I used to hide notes in my room when i was little hoping that someone ten years later would discover it and think about me.

    by Mary on 02.09.2010
  21. i dont know what to be without you around. you took your keys turned on the ignition and drove away six months ago and every waking moment i wish i could grab your hand and tell you i love you and never let you leave again. 25 more days and your mine again i love you.

    by emily on 02.09.2010
  22. i dont know what to be without you around. you took your keys turned on the ignition and drove away six months ago and every waking moment i wish i could grab your hand and tell you i love you and never let you leave again. 25 more days and your mine again i love you.

    by emily on 02.09.2010
  23. i dont know what to be without you around. you took your keys turned on the ignition and drove away six months ago and every waking moment i wish i could grab your hand and tell you i love you and never let you leave again. 25 more days and your mine again i love you.

    by emily on 02.09.2010
  24. I heard the keys jangling in my purse and knew they were there. But they were being elusive that day, hiding in all the nooks and crannies of the minutia of my purse.

    by jen on 02.09.2010
  25. the keys to my heart :)<3333333

    by sara on 02.09.2010
  26. Open up for me – I’ve got the keys to the Universe, they are black and white and give off vibration – which is your language… after all, everything is energy, emotion – energy in motion, as music produced by the keys.

    by LivingBliss on 02.09.2010
  27. I used to have several keychains with my keys. By several I mean many. Now that I don’t drive very often, I have switched to having several pins on my backpack. I guess I need to have bling at all times.

    by Lindsay on 02.09.2010
  28. Keys, to me, show freedom. I don’t have any keys. But to be fair that is my fault in some ways. I have keys, but they don’t belong to my car. I wish I didn’t rely on other people so much.

    by Noname on 02.09.2010
  29. Keys open doors. In my mind, there are physical doors and invisible, mind-created doors. Like, I can’t date someone else because I haven’t closed the door on my past relationships. I need keys to open new doors, but the keys are hanging on the back of that open door. I can’t reach them until I close the door. Many people have this same problem.

    by Kim on 02.09.2010
  30. open the door and wait walk in something will happen

    by bouffie on 02.09.2010
  31. I fumbled around, trying to find the right one. “Dammit,” I mumble, as I realize I left it in the house.

    by Pria on 02.09.2010
  32. please please
    i beg you
    find the keys to my heart
    and unlock it
    i need you to do that
    i need you more than a flower needs sun
    and i love you even more.


    by turquoiseV on 02.09.2010
  33. …so many posabilitys…

    by cory on 02.09.2010
  34. I have a great love for my keys. I feel that my keys explain me. They are on a sparkling gold key chain with hearts dangling. They remind me of my youth and my freedoms. That is what I love about my keys. Freedom. The power to just go.

    by raychel on 02.09.2010
  35. i want to be a social worker no matter what i am a fighter eventhough people critizice me because of my laguage of course English is not my primary language but I always tried my best.
    Around me a lot of people tell me that I am an intelligent women and also they say do not put attention on people that whant to hurt others

    by on 02.09.2010
  36. Keys are used for opening locks. We use keys in our everyday life for the security for our essential or valuable stuffs.

    by Abu Hayat Riyad on 02.09.2010
  37. the keys you can used to unlock too many things like door, cars. they are made of metal and others have pictures on them.

    by paola carpio on 02.09.2010
  38. I left my keys in the bathroom on the floor, but i did not find them unitll i got frustrated. i sent every one to find them but i filaly fond the keys about an hour later. that same day i lost them again my granddaughter hid them from me. i was upset but it was funny.

    by Linda Wardell on 02.09.2010
  39. I left my keys in my car at school. i had to call my mom for the spare nd them cald my freand to go get them at my house and she broyght them too me nd them i was lait too my first clas but it was boring any ways so it dint mater.

    by eddie reyes on 02.09.2010
  40. yesterday when i got home i lost my keys. I had to go and call my mother. so she can come home and opend the door for me. when my mom got home she was so upset with me because i had forgotten my keys and i made her come home to open the door. She told me that next time i did that i had to stay out side.

    by Leticia Maldonado on 02.09.2010