
June 28th, 2009 | 93 Entries

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93 Entries for “ivy”

  1. Ivy leagues. That’s what I’m aiming for. That’s why I work this hard, Countless hours of excruciating work. No sleep. My eyes seem to roll over as I force myself to keep awake. Just a few more year, I tell myself. Just suffer four years for success. For those Ivy Leagues.

    by Rebecca on 06.29.2009
  2. Efeu rankt, verschlie

    by kristall.seele on 06.29.2009
  3. Woher kam dieser Gedanke? Woher dieses Gef

    by Ayana on 06.29.2009
  4. ivy is green, it wraps around things, it is a pant, it is a character in batman, it has 3 letters, its not that cool to write about…

    by brittany on 06.29.2009
  5. The ivy outside the window grows upwards towards me, clinging towards to iron and rock.

    by dp on 06.29.2009
  6. Ivy is very ivyish. Becky likes ivy.

    by Samantha Gayne on 06.29.2009
  7. Nature’s way of saying: “This is old.”

    by Andrew on 06.29.2009
  8. The ivy touched my butt. Sigh.

    by Jason on 06.29.2009
  9. Ivy crawls up her black legs, twindling and growing in the sunlight. We only see the green leaves pressed against a red bricked house, not the girl hiding in them.

    by Cheyenne on 06.29.2009
  10. this is shit.

    by s;flkj on 06.29.2009
  11. it creeps along the sides, binding everything it latches on to.

    by shikha on 06.29.2009
  12. Poison Ivy! Awesome Batman villain. I remember in the cartoon series Batman: TAS Paul Dini & Bruce Timm wanted her to be small like a pixy or imp, but they made he tall, but when they redesigned everyone they got to shorten her & make her green. My fav girl villain is still Harley Quinn.

    by Mike "Tezzle" Mattucci on 06.29.2009
  13. Poison ivy. Itches like bitch, like it does on my arm.
    One little distraction ruins it all.
    You try to look at a big picture, but it’s ruined because of one little distraction you can don’t erase and you need to get rid of it by all means.
    For some reason, I lost 5 hours of sleep not because of the ivy, more because of these little distractions that I can’t erase from my head.

    by Julian on 06.29.2009
  14. tangled until forever
    each leaf
    each with its own story
    tales of long winters
    love-drenched summers
    and spring.
    climbing the wall
    covering what’s underneath
    because the melancholy disguise
    is just makeup to the character walls underneath.

    by NuSol on 06.29.2009
  15. You creep, you crawl
    like ivy
    up my arms, back neck,
    till sun comes up and
    stills your heart again.

    It stills your heat,
    your breath
    but can’t defeat
    the green eyes
    the slow growth
    and the ease;
    more ivy please.

    by T on 06.29.2009
  16. I don’t know what the hell Ivy means.
    I’m not from either UK or USA, so my english kind of sucks.
    But i do think the idea of this site is cool, thought i don’t know what this is for?
    Can anyone tell me?
    I guess I’ll find out.

    by Thomas on 06.29.2009
  17. really beautiful when it’s entwiling around red bricks.

    by josi on 06.29.2009
  18. The Ivy climbs on the wall outside my window. Lovely green with an occasional purple flower. It twistst its way into my soul by it’s sheer beauty.

    by ellen hill on 06.29.2009
  19. poison ivy, growing up the side of a wall. a kid climbs it, not thinking twice. rash all over, stays home from school for a week, two weeks…

    by michelle on 06.29.2009
  20. It was her last word. We all wondered what it meant. The ivy has been chopped down from the cottage last year – we all watched the old lady do it. it was only later, that we realised the IV drip had come loose…

    by Ed on 06.29.2009
  21. Life screws you upside down and then you die. Life throws a lemon at you and then you cry over why of all people it always chooses you. If life sucks, why do people still fall? It should be holding you up firmly and never let you fall. Life curls around you like an ivy but so does agony. It clings on to you and never let go. Our body has a very special magnet that only attracts pain, and this is how they keep on sticking to us all the time. It never goes away because the magnetic field is too strong. We never really felt at ease because the sensation of pain always comes back to get us. That piece of magnet is located in our heart, because we always feel that some things are attractive in our heart. Even pain.

    by C'est la vie on 06.29.2009
  22. Ivy flows and spills down many an old home and enhances character like a sprinkling of chocolate dust on a dessert.

    by Kevin Munro on 06.29.2009
  23. the ivy crept up the wall, writhing twisting turning

    no. no more emo poetry. no more long descriptions about things, the words twisting and winding around themselves and…

    ah fuck.

    by I said hey man. on 06.29.2009
  24. The girl stared as the ivy covered her slowly from head to toe, wrapping the vines safely around her. The leaves fitted her as a garment that marked her for what she was.

    by KC on 06.29.2009
  25. We love you

    by Deepu on 06.29.2009
  26. The ivy wrapped around the house in spiraling patterns, creating the perfect mood for the girl to daydream. She sat, looking out at the woods and her sisters playing in the yard, thinking about perhaps having a life with him. Her own Mr. Darcy.

    by Lizzie Bellows on 06.29.2009
  27. Ivy is a plant, it grows up houses on occasion, it is also a name suitable for a girl. which i dont think is good because of the leading back to poisen ivy, what girl wants to be associated with poisen ? unless you are an evil villian, in which case it would be most awesome. my sisters middle name is ivy, it goes with her first name i guess, but i dont think i should like it for myself. ivy is also know to climb alot. but you know, do whatever you feel like about the name, its only three letters, fuck ivy. why doesnt this thing stop be typing?

    by me on 06.29.2009
  28. The old building was crumbling around her, the ivy long attached to the drain pipes and even finding it’s way through the cracks in the window sill. It had been a long time since this place was loved, a long time since the ivy was

    by anon on 06.29.2009
  29. it itches
    so deep but i can’t scratch
    i’m sure it will leave a rash where i can’t reach
    your touch contaminated me
    gave me poison ivy
    on my heart
    deep beneath the surface
    it hurts and i can’t scratch it

    by luminoUS on 06.29.2009
  30. She asked me to transplant some ivy from the backyard to the front and I complained about it. She requested I put up some curtains in the guest room and I put it off for weeks. She begged me to paint the porch and I took a nap. She encouraged me to find a new place to live and then moved out. Now I sit on the porch and wait for the ivy to reach me.

    by Brian Slusher on 06.29.2009
  31. poisonous little leaves kill giant trees
    spreading entangling choking out life
    the twisted vines spell death

    by jackhayes on 06.29.2009
  32. read love music misssing meditation dance love music i dont know anymore will see someday i hope

    by tracy leigh on 06.29.2009
  33. ivy is amazing in how it grows and can create a stunning effect on houses. However it is unadvisable to let it grow on houses as its roots dig into the brickwork which damages the structure of your house.

    by Haydienne on 06.29.2009
  34. It was a nickname she got when she was very young, and somehow despite her passionate distaste for the awkward title, it stuck. Over the years it seemed to replace her old and real name almost as if she was becoming this childish nickname.

    by Rachelle on 06.29.2009
  35. green. sparkling. itchy. living. cellular. photosynthesis. life

    by adnan on 06.29.2009
  36. ivy? what kind of a word is that. i don’t know much about it =*( it sgreen isnt it? green things are awesome. like grass and the toips of sugar cane which is really sweet to eat just by itself

    by Kohveras on 06.29.2009
  37. this is also a song which portrays something very beautiful but painful at the same time. it is something i like to relate to in everyday life. I think more than half the population could relate to this.

    by amanda on 06.29.2009
  38. the poison ivy crept up the side of the house, entangled, twisted like the lies you weaved and made into a deadly trap. she brushed her hand against it, the beautiful yet the poisonous. the ivy began to grow quickly up into the open window, through the spiked bars, the dream of the ones in love, with death.

    by claire on 06.29.2009
  39. Ivy makes me think of the pokemon eevee, lol. Hm.. I am hungry. Random much? Miyano Mamoru is quite the sexy seiyuu! He rocks! :) Smile people!! You all are great!! :)
    And yeah, ivy is plant thingy. GREEN!! 8D

    by M on 06.29.2009
  40. your image crept along the walls of my mind like ivy, and now the creeper vines are fused into cracks and crevices of the grey matter. now what?

    by Laurel on 06.28.2009