
August 6th, 2009 | 407 Entries

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407 Entries for “idol”

  1. There are people who consider themselves an idol for others to emulate. More often than not, those who fall in this category are those the least deserving of that title.

    This becomes more punctuated in the light of Cory Aquino’s example.

    by Orven on 08.06.2009
  2. i never had an idol ever since i was a kid. for what do you need an idol for? someone to look up to? someone to tell you what to do? someone who you can base your dreams and aspirations on? you should be your own idol. just a thought.

    by mark l. on 08.06.2009
  3. Number one single in the carts. Box office king for the summer. Guest star at a popular singing contest. National Artist awardee. Wife beater.

    by guileless on 08.06.2009
  4. this is one thing i don’t really have. just thinking of the word gives a blank screen in my mind. but honestly, that’s okay.

    by Magan on 08.06.2009
  5. i love my idol, my childhood hero, i looked up to them like no other, they were my absolute inspiration and i wanted to be Just like them.
    then they let you down, they behave like they shouldnt have and broke my childhood heart.

    by broken idol on 08.06.2009
  6. Amerian Idol is a really weird and boring show. How can anyone think their voice is THAT good? I’ve heard some really good voices but what could possibly be going through all of those people’s minds? Do they know that they sound bad? Or do they really think they are a piece of work when all they are is a piece of shit?

    by katrina on 08.06.2009
  7. My idol is no one. I really dont have one because no has really influenced me so much.  Or maybe it is just that dont realize who my idol is yet. I dont know.

    by mat on 08.06.2009
  8. Why do we idolize such insignificant people in this society? Girls and boys grow up wanting to be famous, rich and ultra fashionable. Why can’t our idols be those who actually deserve it?

    by Morgan on 08.06.2009
  9. many people have different ideas for the term idol. some see it as a person worth aspiring to be… some see it as a figurine that sits on a shelf representing their deity of choice. I for one, don’t have idols…

    by Brian on 08.06.2009
  10. American Idol. What do you think of as an idol? IS it a parent? a friend? a professor? Who, in your life, has been an “idol” to you? Can idol be an accurate description or title for anyone? We all do things that others would deem “against the law” or “bad”.

    by Kaylee on 08.06.2009
  11. idol schmidol.

    by guile on 08.06.2009
  12. britney spears. I hate that that is the first thing that comes to mind. Dear lord…..also the golden lamb from the bible. Moses, etc.

    by Bella Toomey on 08.06.2009
  13. The man stood at the side of the street, looking at the woman of his dreams. She was his idol, his love, his world. He couldn’t imagine a life without the wonderful woman standing before him.

    by allie on 08.06.2009
  14. An idol. An idol is a thing you admire above all else. Something you really want to be like or be it yourself. An idol can be enticing and when its all said and done you’ll know.

    by Mike Silguero on 08.06.2009
  15. they’re media-created idiots.
    pretty on the outside empty on the inside
    …or they appear to be, anyhoos.
    why would they put somebody on tv without any talent?

    by yooree on 08.06.2009
  16. when I think of idol I think of the bible and how it condemns worship of other idols. which makes me think about how many idols people of today’s society have created for themselves, artificial ones at that. Pop stars, actors and actresses, lifestyles, material things; all unstable and unreliable. And people wonder why there’s so many problems with society?

    by Lillian Cain on 08.06.2009
  17. she lies. all the fucking time. there’s nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. the lights. the smell. the faint knowledge of decline and death. they watch her. a thousand eyes across a million light years. they watch her age, they watch her worth fade. they wish they were like her and they pity her demise. they see themselves in her trapped eyes and shake their heads and change the channel.

    by Chelsea Townley on 08.06.2009
  18. i believe idols should not exist, although , sometimes there’s people that make extraordinary things that is ok to remember and be grateful for, bot not to idolatry

    by maks on 08.06.2009
  19. An idol is thought usually to be something fake… but if a person worships something or someone to the point of calling them an idol, then it shouldn’t matter if other people find it fake or not, right? I don’t have anything to call an idol or a god, so I could be wrong I suppose. But, no idol is false to me.

    by Parakeet on 08.06.2009
  20. who are idols? are idols only people who seem extraordinary to one person or are these people truly nothing more then people…..

    by James on 08.06.2009
  21. memories

    by leigh on 08.06.2009
  22. american idol is the super dumb. it is the worst competitive and awkward parts of america. it truely exemplifies what i hate; the materialistic culture and bold inhibition that americans show. i do not understand their problems.

    indeed to me it reconciles the idea of false idols and that is what are up there. they are truely false idols

    by alana on 08.06.2009
  23. idol, false god, false … fetish idk … some thing that we worship either consiously or unconsously. objects, people, things. idols are something that we pay way too much attention to or admire far too much, or maybe not, maybe there are positive idols that act as role models but to me idols seems to ellicit some intense emotions

    by Mowgli on 08.06.2009
  24. idol usually has positive connotations but there is something unsettling about the concept of worshiping a person to the point of idolatry.

    by jennifer on 08.06.2009
  25. I think american Idol is boring. My idol is the lord. I look up to alicia keys but I wouldnt consider her my idol. And Idol is someone you would worship and I can’t worship anyone but my lord and savior jesus christ.

    by Jasmine on 08.06.2009
  26. a goddess on a pedestal, her feet lovingly bathed in rose petals. Those who follow her every movement, watch her upturned face as rain falls on her stone features. A savior, a guide, a friend- she is all to the world. Desolate, lonely and broken it may be, but she stands alone, a reminder of faith and love and hope. Around her ruins slowly fall into disrepair, but somehow she remains untouched by time.

    by rachel on 08.06.2009
  27. it’s ridiculous. we place so much on this word. We wish to become the idol that we worship. I have an idol. you have an idol. We all do. Because being yourself is no longer the okay thing to do. I idolize other peopl realizing they are just being themselves.

    by meg on 08.06.2009
  28. She was my idol for the longest time. When I met her; I was ecstatic. She looked at me with disgust and preceded to vomit. She ruined my heart and my shoes with her alcohol abuse.

    by Phillip on 08.06.2009
  29. it was not someone who I wanted nor needed but I decided that I required an idol, a totem to inflict all my hatred upon and blame upon. That way I could say it was not my fault, my idol told me to do it or it was my idols will for me to be an idiot.

    by Trak on 08.06.2009
  30. idol, not idle…Michael Jackson just proved that he was an idol to many…idolized…fetishized…
    people far too interested in the life of someone you don’t know

    by Blkgrl71 on 08.06.2009
  31. billy idol is not my idol
    i am not my idol either
    graham downes?
    I admired atticus from to kill a mockingbird. Wise, fair.

    by Cory Davis on 08.06.2009
  32. i don’t know who or what my idol is. I never really thought i had one. I think I would like to say I look up to my parents or someone in my family, and they’re great and all but I really don’t. I don’t have much confidence in myself, and want to have someone to emulate or at least try to instill some of their characteristics within me but I should try to be my own person. I think i’m coming into it though

    by Simone on 08.06.2009
  33. My idol is my mom. She’s so important and meaningful in my life, if I didn’t have her I honestly don’t know where I would be and who I would be.
    She’s molded me so much throughout the years and the day she departs this world I’m going to miss her so much.
    I love you mom, forever and ever.

    by Melissa D. on 08.06.2009
  34. idol worship wrong, one of the commandments, american idol, modern idol worship: money, possesions, materialism, etc. idols are distracting

    by Garrett on 08.06.2009
  35. Idols are the backbone of India’s heritage and culture. Whether you gift them, or pray to them at home, or have them installed in temples, it is the craftsman ship that is crucial to its making.

    by Arun on 08.06.2009
  36. My idol -well I actually have two. My grandmother and my aunt. My aunt stressed that I get an education and my grandmother stressed that I have to be comfortable with who I am.

    by mags on 08.06.2009
  37. A word that brings out the negative. We idolize all sorts of people that we should not – in current society. My idol is Goldie Hawn for her independence and beauty. She has a lot of strength

    by Karen on 08.06.2009
  38. American Idol is by far the most annoying TV show in existence. I’m absolutely sick of hearing about it, and honestly wish the show would END and people would stop talking about it. No one cares who wins that damn show, and I would really, really love for the whole thing to just collapse.

    by erin on 08.06.2009
  39. Tonight, not again…
    Beneath those glittering lights…
    When the veils are up…
    Cast a face with all these people…
    The songs i’ll sing, will come mystical to these innocents; as if all a belying victim to the devil; all trapped lambs for the butcher.

    Tonight, not again…
    I’ll drown my sorrows in the incense of liquor cocktails…
    Savor the scent of women, whose laughter and company, a relief for the yoke;
    then live each moment for only tonight…
    I’ll mutter pleasantries again, in malignant conversations with whom the twist of my tongue means cancer…
    Then laughter… the best kept reprise for this hollow drifting log.

    Tonight, not again…
    I’ll become someone who I know I’m not…

    by jovir on 08.06.2009
  40. I wish that I could be an idol for someone. I’d really love to have the feeling that what I do can actually effect the generation ahead of me, because of one kid looking up to me… but, oh fuck, what a heavy weight that bares. Maybe one day I can feel good about it all, because that would be very good.

    by Kris Peraldo on 08.06.2009