
December 1st, 2008 | 556 Entries

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556 Entries for “hover”

  1. as i hovered over the plane today i sat in wonder. how the hell was i hovering over a damn plane? planes are so freaking high up there in the air how the hell was i up there too? was this a dream? did i take some crazy ass hallucinogen and didn’t know it? most likely it was a dream. i sure hope so.

    by gretchen on 12.03.2008
  2. hover craft magic motion
    Glide and slide with a potion of lotion fear feels heavy when you can’t read but the deed is done you’re dead to me boy, more dead to me than your dead mother I can’t help but feel like koolaid is my mortal enemy I might die if I drink it

    by derrek on 12.03.2008
  3. I visited the school and they showed me the hover craft that the physics class had built. It could move about the floor, its motion never ending for lack of friction to hinder its movement.

    by Beki on 12.02.2008
  4. like a bird, cloud, feather. Floating over the dreams of the looker the seer, the thinker. Beautiful, yet awkward. Impossible. Defying gravity, and staring at you whether it be a person, object or creative thought.

    by gray on 12.02.2008
  5. fuck off

    by Francis Bacon on 12.02.2008
  6. I love to hover my room because it makes me feel like I can finnaly beath right and it makes my room more fresh.

    by Marina on 12.02.2008
  7. To hover with another is to fall deeply in love, to swim in their soul and bathe in their light. To hover with another is to become entranced by their very person and to desire nothing more than to be a part of them.

    by Eric on 12.02.2008
  8. I began to hover over my daughter and son as they spoke so quietly in the den. What are you two discussing? I nonchalantly asked, “Nothing ma,” was their simple reply. “We are happy to be in this home for the last year.”

    by Olivia Miller on 12.02.2008
  9. I hovered above the city on my hoverdisk. The wind rustled through my ears as I looked down on the people below, some of which I knew. It was time to show them what it truely meant to be part of this nation. What it truely meant to be one of the people.

    by Gavin Verhey on 12.02.2008
  10. the dog hovered over the ocean, his wings spread high and a redbull in his hand.

    by olivia on 12.02.2008
  11. Some mothers hover. Over their children. Over their children’s teacher. They escape dealing with their own lives, while they hover.

    by Sheila on 12.02.2008
  12. it reminds me of flying, the sky, birds. People always wanted to fly, planes are an example. Its a shame we can’t be birds. Imagine what that would be like. To see the world from their point of view. Only through the air in every seanson. Crisp air, summer air, and snow.

    by zoe on 12.02.2008
  13. helicopter, bumblebee, hawk on the wind–hovering comes naturally to them
    To some of us it might seem otherworldly, being so encumbered by gravity as we are.

    by Auntie Hosebag on 12.02.2008
  14. The alien craft hovered just above the desert, checking out the lights of the town. The creatures inside wondered if they were floating balls of light or if they had a source of power. And, really, what did they do.

    by Magic Mom on 12.02.2008
  15. We hover over our decisions wondering if we made the correct one…..

    by Bella on 12.02.2008
  16. I don’t pee unless I hover over the toilet. Sometimes I wonder if I am OCD because I constantly worry about the hep, herp, and hiv that I can contract off of the toilet seat.

    by Denise on 12.02.2008
  17. this is hover. why hover. why go on and on and on about hovering. is it not the act of being in flight? what is flight but some wish inflicted upon the body. A body a body a body. HOVER. Over. body. oddity.

    by dylan on 12.02.2008
  18. As she hovered around the bowel as not to sit on the encrusted seat. She inatvertantly pee’d all over the place this completing the cycle why women do not pee in public places. But she she thought she was doing good

    by Miguel on 12.02.2008
  19. Omg so there are some cars that hover they are amazing I wish I had one they are so awesome I think I will look into those later on and buy one but I’d need lots of money maybe I will get a good job and stuy just to get one and I could ride around all day and over the sea and ggo in one of those rather than anything else OMG IT WOULD BE AMAZING don’t you think? I think it would be sugoi! You could come with me if you wanted, we could hover all the way to Africa you and me maybe one day we will and sometimes maybe things will happen between us and the hover just helps the sensation, omg oy uare amazing.

    by Riki on 12.02.2008
  20. I hover over work, approaching slowly; husband standing behind me while I am working trying to read what is on the screen. Being apprehensive

    by Polly on 12.02.2008
  21. over and above not clover like below but like clouds drifting hummingbirds alighting on nearby branches flashes of blue and yellow like love and warm ovens and sweet smells

    by Katie K on 12.02.2008
  22. The car hovered for a second before it sat down, a big plopping noise that contrasted it’s grace seconds before. Other cars followed suit and the doors opened on accord as if rehearsed many times before. Balls of steel connected to wires dropped, creating fissures in the cement flooring.

    by Michi on 12.02.2008
  23. to rise above, defying the laws of gravity

    by lindsey on 12.02.2008
  24. kids are funny. they become sick just when you have something to do or somewhere to go. thats my life

    by zenobia on 12.02.2008
  25. voice dust noise clean

    by chan on 12.02.2008
  26. The butterfly hovered over the drowsing girl on the ground, and made as if to land. Gently brushing her cheek it alighted on her soft warm skin and walked across her flesh.

    The girl giggled and the butterfly took off.

    “Hey momma, I just got a butterfly kiss.”

    by Madness on 12.02.2008
  27. I run around here on the ground. Sometimes I wish that wasn’t it for us. Just a few inches, is that too much to ask? Mud? No problem! Snow? No Problem! How high is a hover can I go up to a mile?

    by Justin on 12.02.2008
  28. love and joy, purpose and contentment, happyness and life, just to be.

    by mira on 12.02.2008
  29. My hover is broken. I need another one but i just cant find one as good. It happend the other day when i was hoovering the street with it and my next door neighboure drove over it in his car an broke his tyer off the hinges an fell out of his window.

    by sarah reynolds on 12.02.2008
  30. I loathe when people hover over me, breathing down my neck, invading my personal space. I don’t know why they’re so interested in what I’m doing. Or perhaps I’m just paranoid because I’m doing something I shouldn’t.

    It belies some sort of military helicopter hovering over a scene, blowing dust and debris hither and thither, creating disruption in a native climate.

    I loathe it, as I said before.

    by Lindsey on 12.02.2008
  31. It’s all coming in on me. Closer and closer.

    by Alli on 12.02.2008
  32. hover chairs are wicked cool…I want one I think it would be awesome to just hover around rather than walk or drive.

    by jess on 12.02.2008
  33. i really want to know when we’re getting hovercars, because that would be flippin sweet. life would be so much easier, you wouldn’t have to deal with traffic nearly as much. but i guess it would be a bit of a problem for people who are afraid of heights. but they could just use regular cars. i really want to live in a “jetsons” world.

    by shannon on 12.02.2008
  34. “Don’t hover,” she snapped. “I hate it when people read over my shoulder.”

    “I’m not hovering,” he returned, tartly. “I just happen to be crammed into the same space as you because, oh, yeah, we’re lab partners. Let it go.”

    “Stop bickering and get a room already – maybe next class you’ll be more pleasant,” the girl at the next table said.

    The silence that fell over their corner of the chem lab was thick enough to slice with a knife.

    Then the teacher laughed.

    by Nagi on 12.02.2008
  35. I fly above the ground and mainly think about what the hell I am doing on this website. Am I hovering? No…mainly just curious to see what will happen after 60 seconds are up, if I’m in some sort of contest or what is even going on here, just standing by and typing, hoping perhaps vainly that all this effort will not go in vain. And so I hover, as the bar gets redder and redder, more and more hovering.

    by Rico on 12.02.2008
  36. Hovering over my neck
    like a real sound and tender
    full of love and sender
    of love and hover
    He hovers day
    and night
    over my neck

    by pattimari on 12.02.2008
  37. I hovered near the door hoping he would notice me. He was tall, dark, and oh so handsome. I had liked him since elementary school and here we were in High school – I had never spoken a word to him. Would today be the day that I managed that fateful word, “Hi?”

    by Emily Farmer on 12.02.2008
  38. Hovering is something that not many things can do. Hummingbirds can do it, and so can helicopters. It is quite an anomaly that all these things begin with the letter H. Hovercraft have been in use for several decades. Therefore, hover has even changed our vocabulary. Your parents hover over you (it can have a negative connotation).

    by Andrew on 12.02.2008
  39. I’m on my computer and he’s hovering over my shoulder. Everything I do, he can see and criticize. What if I type poorly (I’m a horrid typist) or spell something wrong?

    by Kelsey on 12.02.2008
  40. When iwas walking home from school i saw a helicpter hovering over my head. i had no idea what was going on. then i just relized

    by Isaiah Cortez on 12.02.2008