
July 24th, 2012 | 319 Entries

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319 Entries for “holder”

  1. the card holder is the man that is in power, he can do things others can only dream of. thing is anyone can be the “holder” they just have to be in the right time and place and head space. If you are so lucky to be the holder, sure as hell hope you know it.

    by Phoebe on 07.25.2012
  2. holder

    by n on 07.25.2012
  3. I love holders because it can help me hold things. Another reason for me to like holders is because my hand is frail and weak, so a holder would be the most possibly best thing for me. The third and/or final reason for me to loves holders is because I am a old granny and i have a leg problem which is very serious, so i need to depend on my hands and holders.

    by araera on 07.25.2012
  4. This amazing cup holder gadget that you can buy for your car is the best thing ive bought in a month. Now I can drink my morning coffee while Im driving to work and not spill on my clothes.

    by Mics on 07.25.2012
  5. A holder is something that keeps things together. It can be both metaphorical and literal. Something may be a holder or someone. When I hold things for people then I am a holder. When I hold a person in my heart, I am a holder. We are all holding something. Something we can’t let go off.

    by Heather on 07.25.2012
  6. feel it beating between our palms, lace our fingers around wet and red and dripping and muscle and crush it, if you want. Grip my hand tighter (squish) and watch me sink onto my knees.

  7. Je älter du wirst, desto besser wird alles. Du sammelst Lebenserfahrung. Du wirst ruhiger und immer weniger Dinge können dich aus der Bahn werfen. Du weißt immer besser wer du bist oder zumindest, wer du nicht bist. Du kannst jederzeit alles erreichen. Wenn du es nur willst.

    by EliEli on 07.25.2012
  8. Someone to hold your hand. To hold you close. To love you. The hand that holds yours is the most precious. First your parents, then your first love. Then the love of your life who holds the most important thing, your heart. You become the holder. You hold the hand of your children and grandchildren and the cycle continues.

    by Hdavidson on 07.25.2012
  9. holders are cool. a holder can be used to hol stuff up. or in. like, pots, or money, or cards, or party invitations. oh, or even an umbrella. holders can be made with funky designs, like a frog’s head or monkey, or donkey’s back. or camels. I love camels. they have beatiful skin. and then they have great strength. love camels man.

    by n on 07.25.2012
  10. today i got a new holder. holder? yes, a new holder. it is blue. you wouldn’t believe me if i told you, but this holder is the beginning of a new life. a new life? yes, a new life. it all started as i leant back after saving the last chapter of my new book.

    by Helene on 07.25.2012
  11. The holder of my heart should be someone who cares enough to be right there, someone who wants nothing more than to be there, someone who thinks of me when they need to smile, someone who deserves to have me.

    by Gyuri on 07.25.2012
  12. hold me hold you what do you do with your arms? they are HOLDERS! raise them up cross your arms, hug someone etc etc

    by Hazel on 07.25.2012
  13. I put my cup in the cup holder of my car. It is a designer cup holder. I was having a coffee date in my car. The cup holder was pretty so she asked me a question about it – Where did I get it from? I told her it was a Mcdonalds cup holder. uhhhhhhhhhh

    by Srideep on 07.25.2012
  14. file holder, something that holds, im looking at it for so long now, the word holder is nothing to me. i really am not good at one word.

  15. The holder is a very special person indeed. Th items belonging to them are what others might call magical. But of course, they must not let the magic leak, for then will the holder be discovered. The holder is a secretive person, one who keeps things secretive, and to themselves. They get fasinated by the smallest things, yet behold the worlds biggest mysteries.

  16. Two strong arms.
    A warm chest.
    Rhythmic heartbeats.
    A long but firm embrace.

    That’s what you were to me.
    The feelings you gave me when you held me;
    they just could not be explained in any way other than love.

    by Vy Tran on 07.25.2012
  17. the candle holder was falling. You now that moment when time just seems to slow down and you’re body is reacting practically at the speed of light? That’s what happened. I couldn’t let that heavy brass object fall onto the unsuspecting child’s head. I leapt for it and caught it in mid-air and rolled off to one side.

  18. used for many htings such as cups , cloths and glasses. Also for putting jewellery into it and also for shoes etc. However they mayve fragile at times sicen htey are made of vaious materials such as plastic, papers, cardboard etc.

    by pakhee on 07.25.2012
  19. where my heart is, where my head rests, where it’s all ok.

    it’s home.

    by Beck on 07.25.2012
  20. “Do you guys have a drink holder in here?”, she asked, desperately. “Uh…yeah…right in front of your face, doofus”, Alec replied, obnoxiously. You see, that’s what Alec was, obnoxious.

    by on 07.25.2012
  21. he who holds the confidence is the holder of true happiness. I hope for the day.

    by tt on 07.25.2012
  22. He cups his hands around the smooth cherry wood box, staring down at it intently, holding it like a precious new born baby. His palms were clamming up, and his lips moved, whispers of incoherent babble leaking out ever so often. His friends and family were in despair. He held this box like it held the secrets of the universe; truth is, when the box was finally pried from him and examined, there was nothing inside but the empty hopes and insane speeches of a sixteen year old boy.

  23. The cup holder in her car is full of ash. There’s something masochistic about smoking in the car with the windows rolled up. Its like she has a death wish, and I’ll never understand it because she seems to have it all.

    by dandan on 07.25.2012
  24. Sounds like ‘folder’, and ‘older’….
    Used in the phrase “over the shoulder boulder holder”

    by K on 07.25.2012
  25. A holder could be lots of things. It depends on what you mean. It could be a cup or a bowl or I suppose a man who holds your shopping bags while you fangirl over a pair of shoes at the mall. Or it could be a place holder, like someone who holds your place in line when you need to go pee.

    by Shelby on 07.25.2012
  26. The holder of the keys was far from perfect. He was no more qualified to make the decision of who to let enter than, say, you or I. But it was his birthright, and so he accepted the responsibility without complaint or question. He was who she had to get past. If only she knew how.

    by Camille on 07.25.2012
  27. He swiped ineffectually for the coffee cup holder. Rain! So much rain he could hardly see his bonnet anymore, and here he was with his mobile in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.

    by Fiona on 07.25.2012
  28. There are many different kinds of holders. The most common one, and one people think about most, is is probably a cup holder. Very handy for keeping your cup in place, its incredibly useful. You can find them in cars and essentially any vehicle, on chairs, tables… anywhere you would be using a cup!

    by Amanda on 07.25.2012
  29. A hand or a basket
    corks and band-aids
    my brain and cranium
    all hold things in
    prevent spillage
    keep things orderly
    but the universe is chaotic
    you can’t hold anything
    you can keep an illusion

    by k on 07.24.2012
  30. Hold on to er…………………………………………………………. Beer Holder mmmmm beer I could go for a cold one right now… Put me to sleep maybe.

    by Cris on 07.24.2012
  31. I think that my brain is just a holder for my mind. My mind is not processing this word as fast as it should be. I don’t use it very often. It’s an overlooked word. What do I honestly use this word for during the day?

    by Stephanie on 07.24.2012
  32. theres a bunch of glass jars filled with coffee beans on the counter lately
    my dad roasts them
    its his new thing
    last time it was fine wine tasting
    now its roasting coffee beans
    it smells like coffee all the time now and i cant do anything about it
    freakin coffee beans
    still, its kinda pretty to look at

  33. the canister was filled with coffee beans
    my dad roasts them, but i find it irritating because he gets into these phases where he only does like one thing for a month
    last time it was wine
    now the whole house smells like coffee beans and i cant do anything about it
    well whatever i guess
    but still
    freakin coffee.
    had to buy a new roaster… not that we already had one
    we didnt… new coffee maker too
    freakin coffee.
    freakin phases.
    freakin jars of coffee beans.

    by Holly on 07.24.2012
  34. It was strange. From the second they met, the jokester held his heart. He trusted the boy with it along with everything else– their schedule and the keys to their flat and their friends. It was natural. Easy. Simple.

  35. At work, there is always a weird customer that asks for a cup holder. even if they dont need one they just want one because they are lazy to put some effort in carrying two freakin drinks, wasting paper.

    by C on 07.24.2012
  36. You held my heart. You kept it safe and warm, Chris. Now that you’re gone it has no holder. You should’ve taken it with you.

  37. The holder of the candle was slim. With curly auburn hair that cascaded down her back. Rippling across her midnight blue dress. Which flowed across the ground as she walked down the dark windowless hallway. Trailing her fingers along the windowsills.

    by Miranda on 07.24.2012
  38. It’s the person who keeps me grounded and keeps me from floating away. There aren’t many people who do that, I guess. I tend to float because I’m air-headed, I’m not very good at not flying away. I get distracted. I go on tangents. But you keep me serious and here and present because I want you, I want to be with you. Hold. You hold me. You are my holder. I wrap myself in your arms because you are the only thing that can hold me.

    by Abby on 07.24.2012
  39. this is like, someone who holds drugs for you. Or if say, you’re walking down the street, and you have shit in your hands, then you say “hey, can you hold this shit for me?” and if they’re nice they’ll hold your shit while you tie your stupid ass shoelaces.

    by Alberto Erviti on 07.24.2012
  40. “Hurry get one more candle stick holder,” she called from the dinning room. As I walked over to the pantry searching for said candle stick holder, I smiled to myself.How blessed was I to have this beautiful wife who catered to my every desire and beyond, how fortunate a man was I to have an angel for a spouse but more importantly how had I managed to keep her to myself all these years.
    “”Damn it Harold, what’s taking so long? It’s on the top shelf, hurry the food is getting cold,” and in a lower, husky voice she purred,”or do you want dessert first?”