
August 22nd, 2008 | 239 Entries

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239 Entries for “hidden”

  1. The key is hidden in a spot no one would think of looking for it. It’s in the freezer, frozen solid in a bag of peas.

    by gingergrrl on 08.22.2008
  2. The search often takes the life time of men, the search for their desire often encommpasses the entirety of their youth, the search, for that which is beyond their imagination cannot ever be fufilled, for it can never be found

    by ave on 08.22.2008
  3. lost found secret box room closet woods night black blue scary haunted deep forest ocean cave conspicuous camoflaugue cant find it ahh

    by danielle on 08.22.2008
  4. Hidden. We all have something Hidden inside of us. Something we hate, we love, but we never share it but maybe just that one thing we keep is what kills us.

    by Kent on 08.22.2008
  5. I keep my true opinions of my friends hidden. Honestly, they aren’t REALLY bad people, but they do things that I hate. Even my brother does. I wish I could just be open with everybody, but I think if I do, I’ll end up alone. Nobody wants the truth.

    by Katie on 08.22.2008
  6. ni the dark night there was a lerachaun hidden in a bush, eating bacon. it was a happy leprachaun, so it didn’t want to kill timmy. But little timmy had to try to steal the leprachaun’s bacon. THis went very poorly for poor little timmy. Little timmy is now being shipped to 12 different countries simultaneously, invery small boxes.

    by Matt K on 08.22.2008
  7. I am hidden. Nobody knows who I am. Hidden. It’s unlike any other feeling, this feeling of isolation, because it’s something I’ve always had to live with and will never be without.

    by rebecca on 08.22.2008
  8. When I was very little I used to hide in the centers of clothing racks while my mom shopped in dept stores. Years later, I ran through Wal Mart on some high or other with a best friend of the time and we had the same impulse to hide in the center of the circular racks. We crouched down low so that the other shoppers wouldnt notice, then burst out laughing in a tumble of hangers and limbs.

    by Pawleeen on 08.22.2008
  9. Death lay hidden beneath the dusty layer of snow. White, pristine, reflectively beautiful, yet darkness and the end lay underneath the surface. Quiet, waiting and hidden for discovery.

    by Sandra on 08.22.2008
  10. im hidden deep inside i cant exsplain. im hiding under a rock away frome the abbis you know how i am. i am human only

    by josh on 08.22.2008
  11. things that cannot be found. Sometimes I hide things where people would never think to look. I find it comforting to know that there are still things that I have control over. I can hide them and no one will ever see them again. It’s like a secret that I share with myself.

    by Matt on 08.22.2008
  12. Hidden in the depths of her mind were things that she would never reveal to him, never in a million years. They were things that she didn’t think the love of her life would appreciate hearing, and she didn’t want anything to bring what they had built down to rubble. It was unfair in her mind that those things had even happened. What had she done to deserve them? Why couldn’t she be better?

    by Kourtney on 08.22.2008
  13. I am hidden from the world. No one can see me . I am invisible and alone. I dopn’t think I don’t care. I am nothing. but hidden behind the shadows of life. But wait a light is on me. A light shown by a beautiful creature that society would call a man but god would call him an angel. Damien.

    by Kelly on 08.22.2008
  14. Hidden in the sand was a piece of glass. I threw the beer bottle that produced that glass when I was alone on the beach, sad and drunk. Angry and drunk. I was thinking of all the things I should have done or taken, and I responded to the looming pressures of adulthood by finishing a bottle of beer and smashing it against the unforgiveable ocean.

    by Caitlin on 08.22.2008
  15. All of the secrets were there, hidden in her haunted heart. The secrets that she could only keep inside of herself. The secrets that made her cringe when she looked in the mirror. The secrets that made her want to die.

    by Kourtney on 08.22.2008
  16. Underneath the pile of clothes, the milky and sweaty work uniforms, buried underneath the old underwear and socks, somewhere was the carefree summer I once had heard about. I hadn’t seen much of it since working on this job, I am convinced its hidden under all my dirty work clothes.

    by Caitlin on 08.22.2008
  17. the treasure is in your mind’s eye. If you have to look elsewhere you’ll never find it.

    by lualncol on 08.22.2008
  18. Beneath the stars.

    Under my blanket.

    I seek to find that which I kept.

    And I emerge.

    by Simon Villalon on 08.22.2008
  19. I will have to hide when the men come to get me. I don’t want to go with them. I have been told that those who give themselves up willingly will not be treated as badly – still – there is a chance I may not be found at all. I am holding out for that small chance.

    by Leels on 08.22.2008
  20. im hidden behind a bush. tip top, up to shape, bush hiding covert extravaganza committee. man im crazy

    by frasierdog on 08.22.2008
  21. i wonder whats hidden in my closet…probably nothing, maybe a gay person is in there waiting to come out. I used to hide the remote from people when I knew they wouldn’t want to watch my shows..so therefore, the remote was hidden as well and the gay guy. :)

    by Laurenb on 08.22.2008
  22. it was smaller than the silent ache that throbbed through her brain. she sat quietly below the space, knowing that she was, and could remain, unfound. unfounded. how relaxing. how exhausting. simultaneously swirling through her own tiny realm in space and remaining stiller than the stillest of stills. that’s where no one knew, you see. no one at all.

    by Megan on 08.22.2008
  23. enclosed in a dark forest, under the moon a singular woman walks, hidden from the eyes of the spying neighbors. every night she departs from her cabin, straying into the woods, her destination unknown to all but the creatures of the forest. on her return journey she always stops at the small spring under the boulder.

    by Peter on 08.22.2008
  24. the mouse was hidden behind the door. hidden can have lots of meanings, but in his instance it’s used in the literal sense. A lot of things have hidden meanings such as sexual innuendos, or double meaning words. it’s all very complicated and fun.

    by liz williams on 08.22.2008
  25. I was once hidden in the darkness, behind a deck after being discovered by my friends about 5 minutes before after being there for about an hour. Anyways I sneak up on them and scared the shit out of them. HIBBEM

    by dan on 08.22.2008
  26. in the bushes the little child waited until the gruop of boys went away.

    to be hidden is the way of life 99%

    by ika on 08.22.2008
  27. things that ryme with pussy.

    by Mike on 08.22.2008
  28. I have hidden boxes under my bed.

    by ronnie on 08.22.2008
  29. Feelings are things that are sometimes hidden.
    They should only be revealed to those who are worthy.
    I love you,
    It took a while to figure it out,
    But it’s the truth now.
    It can’t remain hidden,
    Not from me,
    And not from you
    I’ll be trapped in my carring for you now.

    by Jem on 08.22.2008
  30. hidden by only a small sheet they sat in the room trying to stay as quiet as possible. as the others entered the room. the children tried holding their breathes as to not be heard. hiding under a sheet not the best idea i must say.

    by haneia on 08.22.2008
  31. ! like the crevasses in you eyes, i like to lurk in the tree tops perch my darling! we are safe to run to our own imaginations with our flawless fabrications of a smile, laughing all the while the world sleeps yet we can linger for an instence pretending we. are. not.

    by liz on 08.22.2008
  32. I hide things all the time. I never started to think about how odd this actually was until recently. It’s not like I’m trying to keep things from people, I just enjoy finding hiding spots for things. In fact with some hiding spots I would like for someone to find it, and think, “Wow, why was there something hidden here?”

    by Jewell on 08.22.2008
  33. Hidden away my secret thoughts of love, life that I cannot share with those closest for fear that they will laugh at me my hidden secrets that will stay inside hidden until I get the courage to finally share

    by isabelle on 08.22.2008
  34. away, aside, dark, drafty

    this was a corridor that i found myself in underneath the castle. A castle full of the most desolate populace I could ever surround myself with. The king was an old withering fool. He had lost his ability to think for himself, let alone rule. his physician, Draco ruled. He was a tyrand of magnetatic proportion

    by Erin on 08.22.2008
  35. people have hidden agendas. much of what is real is hidden. if you are all too literal you will miss the hidden things of the universe. part of life’s wisdom is unearthing that which is hidden.

    by Ken on 08.22.2008
  36. I hide. I hide behind what I could say. what I should say. But I can never really say it. i can write it. I write. Every day I write. Hidden like the metaphors that people just haven’t deciphered yet. And my anxiety. It’s catching up with me. Let me hide behind my words. Like i used to. because now im vulnerable and you don’t even understand. You don’t understand how hard I hide. Yeah Hide. Not try.

    by Arielle on 08.22.2008
  37. hidden away in my secret box
    beneath my bed.
    Is my secret me.
    The one no one sees.
    I dream of you and how you want to see my secret
    how you have a secret just the same
    but in the day
    you are you
    over there
    and I am here alone

    Ask me please.
    I want to love you
    I want to be loved.

    by bunny on 08.22.2008
  38. I don’t know where it is. One time I thought I had it but then it was gone. I have to ask myself, was it gone or was it ever really there. Question have a way of finding what is hidden.

    by Michael on 08.22.2008
  39. Generally when i think of hidden things I think of hidden cupboards. Hidden storage areas. Places where you would want to hide things. I guess you could also think of mental storage areas. Where you would want to hide bits of your thoughts and your past from people you love.

    by Geoff on 08.22.2008
  40. scary mysterious places under rocks in the front wall of her house. I bent down and slowly tried to insert my small flashlihjt. I was so scared that at any moment a projectile would shoot out of the the little black hole and ensare my hand. What to do? I pressed on. Shining the light in, I lay face down

    by daisy on 08.22.2008