
August 22nd, 2008 | 239 Entries

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239 Entries for “hidden”

  1. It was hidden in her pocket. Slowly, she reached in. She felt its cool, round surface against her fingertips. She rubbed it back and forth, back and forth, just like her dad always told her to do. She licked her lips. It was dry. She was used to the humidity of her native country. Her eyes itched. As she looked up in the sky, she realized what she really wanted. Home. Just to see the temples and shrines again, to be one with the beautiful, tall pine trees.

    by Rita Chaney on 08.22.2008
  2. I want to be hidden sometimes. Wouldn’t it be great if no one could see you? The perfect word to describe today. When I didn’t want that one customer at work to see me I wish I was hidden. If I was hidden I would not have to deal with one more complaint that the cheese is moldy. Being hidden is a great feeling when you are running away.

    by melissa on 08.22.2008
  3. Much about my thoughts is hidden. I am hidden from others , my secret self, my internal self. But I am also known completely by my Heavenly Father who sees the hidden parts of my life, my thoughts, my soul. Hidden from me are the depths of others’ thoughts unless they risk telling.

    by Joyce Sackett on 08.22.2008
  4. Somtimes I crave hide in a room like an atic or any other room you have to get on your hands and knees to get into.. there’s something cozy about a room like that.. perhaps a window with sun streaming in and tall bookshelves there with things to read while you hide from the world.
    It’s funny how much work we put into trying to be contactable all the time.. now people are so lazy that all you have to do to hide is turn off your cell phone.
    Remember to have a good hiding place and use it well.

    by Noah on 08.22.2008
  5. you can’t see it..no one can…it’s invisible…it’s lost. No, it doesn’t exist. I want it, though. I also want to have things hidden of my own. That would be to deter others from wanting my own things!

    by Jean on 08.22.2008
  6. A small letter, left under some DV tapes – I left it because he because he left me in his house without saying goodbye. I couldn’t think of anything to right, so it just said “Hidden message”

    it was the best I could do

    by Mina Lavender on 08.22.2008
  7. I was in a hidden place, far past my home, pretty much in the middle of no where. I didn’t think anyone would ever find me. Its not my fault I am here though, I got dropped off here by the man that kidnapped me. But its alright. Its better than being home.

    by alsdkfj on 08.22.2008
  8. I think of things that are better not found out. They may be hiding for a reason.Perhaps they will promote misunderstanding or even invoke anger or apprehension. Better to leave well enough alone. Let it hide.

    by sati on 08.22.2008
  9. Hidden. Is it playful? Mischevious? Life-ruining? You be the judge. Hidden is peek-a-boo with my son and/or daughter. Hidden is halloween pranks. Hidden is depression. Be careful out there, kid.

    by Hidden. on 08.22.2008
  10. So many things we keep hidden,
    In the passages of the heart,
    No one will ever see or touch
    The silence of words thought
    Yet never put to voice.

    by Alex on 08.22.2008
  11. there are a lot of things hidden in life….you won’t be able to know everything and won’t be able to get what it’s all about….knowledge is out there…but not in front of us…you need to look hard to figure and see what’s hidden!

    by AS on 08.22.2008
  12. hidden is a state of mind, more so than a tangible state of being.

    by Melissa on 08.22.2008
  13. there is something hidden under my bed it is really small but it is very scary I think that it might be a monster, maybe it is a nice monster though like the one’s in Monster’s Inc. that would be cool.

    by stacy on 08.22.2008
  14. it seems
    that he is hidden,
    or hiding

    she’s not really sure which
    but he’s seen her
    and now she knows
    she needs to go
    somewhere other
    than where he is

    she can’t see him
    as he trails her
    oh, so silently,
    but she knows he’s there:
    every few seconds
    he’ll slip into the light

    not all of him,
    just a fingertip,
    or the hem of his jacket

    a mistake, probably
    and the next instant,
    the sight is gone,
    a disappearing act,
    made of smoky shadow

    her heartbeats accelerate
    as she walks more quickly
    and then like a drumroll
    fast and panicky
    as she starts running

    he’s following
    with unimaginable ease
    his dark presence
    ever upon her

    suddenly she’s at a dead end
    her breathing is hard
    and uncontrollable

    her eyes
    widen in terror
    as he approaches

    he knows he’s won
    and she knows it too,
    and then he’s at her side

    he whispers,
    catching her elbow lightly,
    a proud smile on his face.
    ‘You’re it.’

    by Bonnie on 08.22.2008
  15. thoughts. dreams. secrets. disappearing from the world. I want to disappear sometimes–get away from everything and worry about nothing. I want to hide away my thoughts. I want no one to find me sometimes. Hide. Hides.

    by Amanda on 08.22.2008
  16. once upon a time there was a man hidden from all the dreamy eyes that mother nature had thrown all over the world. one day, that man got to rule the earth. you should respect things you don’t know about.

    by Marko on 08.22.2008
  17. Sometimes I feel kind of hidden, like you know when someone is hidden without wanting to be? Like invisible, but not. It’s like I want someone to find me, but first I have to find myself.. Where are you, self?

    by Katie on 08.22.2008
  18. he remained hidden, behind a large tree with purple flowers. She smiled and sipped her coffee, unaware of his prying eyes. As her hand moved to her neck, rubbing it gently, his breathing increased

    by jonfro on 08.22.2008
  19. What he doesnt know can’t hurt him. My hidden desires for someone else.. talking to that someone else that isn’t him. He won’t ever know, he can’t ever know. It will always be hidden from him. always. I want to be with this other person but just cant. Cant tell the one i love that I love another. It would break his heart.. or would it

    by Anon on 08.22.2008
  20. We loved to make sure mom’s day was full of fun. We put things in unusual places. Her cleaning tools were hidden.

    by Katie on 08.22.2008
  21. you are hidden in my mind
    noone can see you
    touch you
    feel you
    or know you

    you are hidden
    but i want to release you
    eventually i do

    i get a pen
    and a page
    and i write you,
    release you

    knowing that you are always mine

    my character,
    i created you

    no longer will i hide you

    by rachel on 08.22.2008
  22. My emotions are never hidden. Everyone else sees them on my face before I feel them.

    by Steph on 08.22.2008
  23. I wish that I would’ve hidden the keys better. I didn’t know there would be someone standing there waiting for me when I got home. Without choices, without options I had to let him him.

    It was a sad night for my goldfish. If only I could’ve hidden the key better I would have had to throw the fish bowl at the man’s head. At the man that made me use my key.

    by Sara Musfeldt on 08.22.2008
  24. Hidden between the tv and the side of the chair was her life savings, she figured no one would notice if it was spread among the clutter.

    by kandy on 08.22.2008
  25. one word was all it took, sparking interest and curiosity like a wild fire. she knew better, but she clicked go anyway, and her journey begun.

    by julia on 08.22.2008
  26. Hidden in that bright little red box, there was the thing Janet was most afraid of. She trembled intensely while trying to open it, and was incredibly surprised when nothing emerged from its inside when the bright white ribbon was removed from it.

    by mary on 08.22.2008
  27. there is no hidden place on this earth where i can hide from what i seek for.. no matter what happens i’ll be haunted all my life by these hidden ideas at which i never thought in words..

    by korquad on 08.22.2008
  28. It’s in a garden behind a padding of ivy crawling over the south wall. There’s a small crevice and

    by gen on 08.22.2008
  29. I am alone. alone in the hollows of these shadows. you can’t see me, but I watch you. I watch every movement you make, count every breath you take. You don’t like your polka dotted underwear. you only eat red apples. I know this, I am this, because I love you.

    by mae on 08.22.2008
  30. Hidden in a sea of boredom and apathy I attempt to raise my head to passion but find only disgrace and disaster.

    This is the world and hidden I will remain.

    by Matt on 08.22.2008
  31. Behind the sofa. Under the rug. In the cupboard. Their despair was supposed to be disguised, not talked of. But it could be felt all around the house and in the faces of the people he left behind. Not so hidden after all.

    by cat on 08.22.2008
  32. she was hidden from all of her friends… they didnt know the true her and they probably never will. she hides the scars on her arm with long sleeve shirts and makeup sometimes if she cant bear to wear long sleeves. she wonders if anyone will ever know.

    by Megan on 08.22.2008
  33. The truth is sometimes hidden. Hidden within ourselves. Like the layers of an onion, we must reach deep within ourselves to find it.

    by Paula on 08.22.2008
  34. there is a place open
    so open so obvious’
    no one has seen it.

    by laura on 08.22.2008
  35. I want to hide from that, you know, because you can’t hide from other things, like the slow rhythm of life, or the fact that ordinary people don’t act like you

    by omer on 08.22.2008
  36. hidden beneath the moon shadows, the child hungrily dug for crumbs, licking his thumb to pick up even the littlest morsel.

    by kimberly on 08.22.2008
  37. I was being chased by bad men, they were coming after me with guns. My only choice was to remain hidden behind the large green dumpster while they ran by with their guns.

    by martha on 08.22.2008
  38. To stay hidden is an art. An art which no one has mastered. To master the art of staying hidden is to be invisible. Nobody has yet achieved invisibility. He/She who achieve invisibility will, without doubt, rule the world.

    by Sindre on 08.22.2008
  39. forest dark black hide and seek night danger clouds moon thief

    by jdbgkha on 08.22.2008
  40. There is a hidden treasure inside of us all, her mother said. It’s finding it that’s the hard part.

    by Debbi on 08.22.2008