
June 4th, 2008 | 118 Entries

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118 Entries for “harbor”

  1. harbor, harbor wall, harbor walls always seem very poetic. When we were on holiday in turket or ibize or something ocvne there was a harbor and it was pretty and everything, but we had to stay looking at it for agggggges, there was also next to it like MASSIVE house with jungle like gardens that a\pparantly belonged to someone famous. Hmmm. I like the harbors in cornwall and stuff when all the waves go crazy over them, in bridlington that happened and there were people like, stood over the edge and getting drenched, it looked like a lto of fun but it was too cold to get wet (and my mum would have said it was too dangerous, which it most definately was to be hoenst).

    by sophiebebs on 06.04.2008
  2. the harbor is the safe place. it’s where Einstein would begin his sailing. I think of the Northeast and rocks and tires in the water. Also those big ropes

    by Duxington on 06.04.2008
  3. As I walked into my uncle’s funeral, I tried to harbor all of my feelings. I didn’t cry. I didn’t smile. I didn’t frown. I just stood there. LIke a person void of emotions. When I left later that night, I just broke down and cried. I couldn’t believe I tried to harbor everything in.

    by Rocio on 06.04.2008
  4. harboring a criminal can be a tricky thing. first, you have to think if the criminal is WORTH harboring. what if he kills puppies? or, what if he is simply a man who just wants to see his son again. he didnt mean to scare the teachers at school, he just wanted to see his son. just once.

    by celeste on 06.04.2008
  5. the boat was sitting in the harbor on a bight sunny day. It was summer and I was home from college. I walked up to my beloved sail boat and looked in. The memories from the summer past flooded my mind. Flashes of her face, the wind blowing her hair right around. How I miss her now.

    by V.West on 06.04.2008
  6. The harbor can be a wonderful place to visit, just for a little daytrip or a romantic night. Picture the sun setting over the water, in pinks, purples, and blues. Imagine who you would be sitting there with. Think about the fact that so many other things are going on in the world, but time has stopped for you as you enjoy this natural beauty.

    by Stephanie on 06.04.2008
  7. I harbour secrets. I protect them from your world. I don’t know any other way. I am like a lighthouse scanning the ocean horizon for disaster.

    by sb on 06.04.2008
  8. i took my car to the harbor and i decided it was a nice day to swim. So I got out of my car and stripped down to my boxers and jumped in the water with out hesitation. The problem is that this was is infested with parhanas

    by Jadd on 06.04.2008
  9. harbour sea, ocean, sailing and boats and racing. my dad sails and drinks. weird combonation right? that’s what he does. and he drinks a lot. heavy drinking. this word should be changed to liquor. the word liquor takes me a long time to spell because i think i’m going to spell it wrong. anyways. harbor, i spelt it wrong up there. that’s my correction because i don’t want to backspace or anything. D:

    by Meaghan Mahoney on 06.04.2008
  10. The ships in Bar Harbor are beautiful, gliding across the water like swans. Out in the ocean retirees clutch their binoculars, hoping to sight an upturned tail. They often return crushed, a lifetime dream swims away.

    by Hedda on 06.04.2008
  11. in the island out of harm’s way is where i want to be. for the rest of my life there will be something there for me to float or sink despite the consequences. forever folding waves of sand in the vastness of an unbreathable distance. will the harbor hold my heart?

    by dan on 06.04.2008
  12. boats and planes. people fishing, sun, sand, healthy lifestyle, commerce from the sea, bbq on the beach

    by Don Bennett on 06.04.2008
  13. I guess I’ve never really been to a harbor. I’ve been to the ocean, but its always somewhere secluded like Maine. Not that they don’t have harbors in maine. They just didn’t have any where I was. I would imagine it would smell like fish and there would be pirates. There is always room for pirates.

    by Deeanna on 06.04.2008
  14. The thing about life is that if you harbor any ill feelings, they will come and bite you on the behind. What I propose instead is to harbor feelings of goodwill towards all mankind, and in that way you will be a productive member of your society, and will thereby help to heal the world. Failing that, you could always try terrorism.

    by SIC on 06.04.2008
  15. Harbor reminds me instantly of pearl harbor. Harbor to me is any shelter, mostly ships. But then acc to the dictionary, it could be anything that accommodates another thing. Harbor love, affection and care for other people.

    by Vito on 01.01.1970
  16. the bloated boats continued their passage into the harbor, their cargo, exploding onto docks.

    by kami on 01.01.1970
  17. pearl.
    me imagino corriendo entre explosiones autos destruidos, trozos de metal, gritos, ruidos, balas, y silvidos desde el cielo, el viento me golpea la car con barro agua y sangre, sangre del tipo que le explota una bala en la cabeza.

    by pez on 01.01.1970
  18. “ships are safe in the harbor, but that is not what ships are for.” this a quote that has pulled me through allot of storms in my life and i feel as if my harbor is sometimes getting pulled down…but maybe that is just so i can become me.

    by mei on 01.01.1970
  19. a harbor beckons me, but i prefer the icy waters. i like it here, in this quiet solitude. the harbour is the cross roads, the junction where people make commerce work. i prefer this empty sea.

    by Guy Gordon on 01.01.1970
  20. on the sail, a little bug i thought was too small for the sea.

    the bench i sat on was weather worn, i got a splinter in my thigh.

    i fell in love, anyway.

    by jann on 01.01.1970
  21. My grandad had a heart attack in a harbour, fell off his boat, and died. That’s tragic, but he spent his last years doing what he loved.

    by Will Topps on 01.01.1970
  22. I live in a town on the coast of maine and so there are harbors there. i love to swim. we have a camp in maine to that i like to swim in. i can swim out to the dock oops i mean raft. then we sunbathe. exept i cant because i dont tan i just burn! arg stupid jeans.

    by susyq on 01.01.1970
  23. What? i just did this word! maybe theres only one word per day………i Dunno. Maybe i should get a facebook. my friend just got one.

    by loolabelle on 01.01.1970
  24. The harbor was filled with ships just returning from deployment on that memorial day just as all the rest of the men were getting off of their boats he stood there staring into the abiss missing her.

    by Alicia Traylor on 01.01.1970
  25. The man stood at the edge of the ocean, watching the waves as they crashed against the docks. “It’s a pity,” he thought. It had only been fifty years since the town went under. Another man approached him from behind, but went ignored.

    by Adrian Sud on 01.01.1970
  26. I’m living in Amsterdam, which is surrounded by harbors. You think a city on the water would bring people closer together because of travel, and it’s true it sometimes does. But I think, from my few months here, that Amsterdam is a really lonely city. A city filled with Voyeur culture, which doesn’t really make for good, actual connections. I’m just trying to keep positive and hope that there are people who want to do more than just look at relationships from a distance.

    by Nambi on 01.01.1970
  27. We’re all given the chance to plunge deeply into our lives or sit and waste away at the harbor. Not necessarily plunge but to sail out into the sea. It’s incredibly difficult to determine where one will go when they decide to finally step upon that boat.

    by Thomas Cole on 01.01.1970
  28. a harbor is a place by a body of water and it stinks wtf yea because it’s by the sea sometimes there are boats and barnacles and i like to swim and stuff but i’m afraid of sharks and just deep water in general who am I what am i where am it what the hell this is stupid what comes out of thise why I just sopelled that wrong and that this is weird whydafsadfsda faf.

    by Robin Luongo on 01.01.1970
  29. is a place of existence more prehistoric to history than we give it rights to. its a place more devine than religion in so much it is the founding place of all civilizations and has increased the quality of life 100000 fold

    by julian kegel on 01.01.1970
  30. there is one in baltimore. It used to be rather gross, lately it’s been rather clean. The area around it, has gotten better, but yet everyone is still TERRIFIED of Baltimore. Why?!?! I love baltimore, it’s better than Pennsylvania for sure. Ugh… I can’t stand Pennsylvania, there is NOTHING here.

    by .jessica. on 01.01.1970
  31. I didn’t want to habor any bad feelings, but out there on the dark habor of life, one forgets all and just has to jump in, go beyond it all, there’s the shore and the land, and we’re all coming and going, too cool, givethanks, swim

    by merk on 01.01.1970
  32. harbors are cool, cept i always wonder if im too fat and that ill fall through the rickety old boards.
    cept then i always think of neville longbottom being shoved of the end by his uncle.
    poor bastard.

    they smell nice though. brine, and sea salt.
    its a good smell, though not a lot of people like it for some reason.

    i like it though.

    by catt loone on 01.01.1970
  33. You’ll often hear about a safe harbor…as apposed to an unsafe harbor…

    by Sam Puch on 01.01.1970
  34. the ships all come in and all i can say is “harbor” it rings in memories of ships. tons of ships. but not the kind from when i was little, no, of ice cold ships. docking to empty the fish from their bows. i dont know. maybe its from iceland. maybe im crazy. maybe ive never seen these ships

    by Reva on 01.01.1970
  35. Thunder echoed across the bluffs as the rain began to fall. Waves broke on the rocks of the cliffs, spraying the air with mist. The entrance to safety, the peace of the inner harbor, was small and the ship was large. The wind screamed outside the windows of the cabin

    by emreks on 01.01.1970
  36. I wish Toronto’s harbour was more attractive. We live in a city that is next to one of the greatest lakes on earth, and most people go years without visiting the waterfront.

    by Nial on 01.01.1970
  37. The blue harbor glistened before him like an untouched jewel. So long he has been away and now returning to this. How would he tell them what he’d seen, who would possibly believe him? HE tugged at the bone in his nose, and smiled.

    by James CE on 01.01.1970
  38. blue crystal clear waters lap against the jetty and the gentle breeze massaged her face. The ferry pulled away, slipping quietly from her, taking with her th

    by nicci on 01.01.1970
  39. The harbor is connected to the mainland. Two mainlands are needed for there to be a singular harbor. I took the journey. I didn’t come back. We’re in two places. I miss seeing the beauty of the hills, the rising sun, and the dew on the leaves. I miss my homeland.

    by Marcus III on 01.01.1970
  40. Harbor. Labor. Can you harbor labor? I can go to the harbor. I can’t think of a harbor right now though, only marinas and embarcaderos, or is that all the same? It might as well be…sea, ocean, ships? docks, etc.

    by icy on 01.01.1970