
March 31st, 2010 | 105 Entries

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105 Entries for “hairdo”

  1. the beehive was a good hairdo a long trime ago. my hairdo now is long and straight. i’m afraid to cut it short because it will make my face look HUGE. i like curly hair but i think curly haired people like straight hair

    by amanda elder on 04.01.2010
  2. her hairdo was ruined! Julie raked her hands through her sopping wet hair regretfully. Why did she run through the sprinklers?

    by Courtney Thomas on 04.01.2010
  3. boing, sproing conditioner filled, with a head of hair like that you better be skilled, swirl it twirl it, damn girl you fine!!!!!

    by daniel Schaefer on 04.01.2010
  4. do that hair as well as you can, use that spray, that stick not that pam, beehive, slick back, waterfall mullet tie it like a beard right under your gulled.

    by daniel Schaefer on 04.01.2010
  5. the girl discovered that she simply could not go to the disco without her friends approval of her hairdo. She quickly got out the bottle of bleach, consumed a large portion and laid on her plush sofa and passed away. The disco, was not to be.

    by Parley Hatch on 04.01.2010
  6. the worst hairdo in the world would have to be the mullet. Business in the front party in the back!

    by Austin Devlin on 03.31.2010
  7. radiohead

    by alexis on 03.31.2010
  8. my hairdo is supercurly. i like supercurly, and i’m not sure why. i guess because it’s wild and shows more personality than others. it’s pretty amazing. i hope that people with straight hairdos do not get offended by my opinion – i mean no harm to them. honestly, i feel that hairdos show personality, so it’s really to each his own. i just find that curly hair shows a lot more personality than others. not trying to say that other hairstyles are bland. hairdos are just the biggest characteristic of a person, i believe.

    by Lamia Hajani on 03.31.2010
  9. I went to get a haircut today, I got a fantastic hairdo…I must say.

    by Derek on 03.31.2010
  10. Well, a hairdo is an expression of yourself. I tend to wear my hair down, but a lot of people of a lot of different types of styles. i find it really interesting to look at people and to see how they like to express themselves through their hairdos. I love people. They are always creative.

    by Genna on 03.31.2010
  11. I went to get a haircut today, I got a fantastic haircut…I must say.

    by Derek on 03.31.2010
  12. I have never had a hairdo I really liked. I am always afraid to be too out of the mainstream I wish I was bolder.I would love to wear something different and unusual.

    by Tamara Groth on 03.31.2010
  13. Maybe a haircut would be good. Changes in season always make us want to change ourselves. Clothes, hair, attitudes, weight…it’s like a seasonal identity crisis, I guess.

    by Callie on 03.31.2010
  14. i think that people put way too much emphasis on the style someone’s hair may or may not be in. in today’s society anybody can be shunned or welcomed in open arms just because of something as simple as a hairstyle. this is ridiculous.

    by Josh Winseck on 03.31.2010
  15. i named my hair daisy when i was in high school a lot of people joked along and went with it. i think they were all sure i was an asshole. i sort of was. high school was lame. i like being an “adult.” EAST HIGH FOOTBALL RULES!

    by Beau Brynes on 03.31.2010
  16. Her new hairdo was the worst thing I’d ever seen. It was so big, and it made her look like something out of the Jersey shore. I was so embarassed to even be seen wih her. Imagine, “Hey, did your friend get punched in the face on TV?”

    by Sean on 03.31.2010
  17. defines a person and can be a window into what the person thinks about himself and what he wants others to think about him. An individual changes their hair as they see fit and it can be a reflection of the desire to change something in themselves

    by John W on 03.31.2010
  18. all i can think about this word is southern poofs, they are big, they are bad, and the amount of hairspray needed to hold them up could put a hole in the ozone layer. The time and effort put into these poofs could cure cancer, or at least find a less painful way to make your hair that big…

    by katie milligan on 03.31.2010
  19. This reminds me of Hairspray. Or Sara’s idea for a band called “Mousse”. It makes me think of a big beautiful bee-hive hiardo with multiple colors going through it. Or perhaps dreadlocks. Maybe even corn rows.

    by Lauren on 03.31.2010
  20. bufont, curly, straight, long, short, brown, red, blonde, up, down, braided, teased, prom look, wavy, greasy, stylist, barber, comb, scissors,

    by Vaughn Avant on 03.31.2010
  21. hairdo. What the hell is that going to do? I am so sad. And my friends tell me to “do something good” for myself; “get a new hairdo”. Is that what is going to bring you back? Have I analyzed and torn apart our relationship, my mistakes and your fears for this long when all it would have taken was a new hairdo?
    I’ll do anything. Damn, I’ll shave it all off to have you back.

    by Grace on 03.31.2010
  22. beehive. dyed. shaved. I shaved my head when my brother-in-law was going through chemo. I do not have an attractive bald head. Also it was bloody cold. And attracted lint.

    by Paul on 03.31.2010
  23. Hairdo or hairdon’t? That is the question. I’ve seen many of both. Elvira had a cutting edge, new hairdo. The lead guitarist for Poison back in the eighties, and the drummer and the bassist, for that matter, definitely had hairDON’Ts!

    by Fallon Ray on 03.31.2010
  24. there was a guy with a strange hairdo who enjoyed being different. He got this new hairdo after someone else got the same one. If I go and get this one, then he’ll change again, I think I’ll do that actually…I don’t wanna see that fucking hairdo all over the place.

    by mitchell on 03.31.2010
  25. a hairdo is like an ever changing rainbow. it can never be perfect to some people but completly beautiful to others. A hairdo can make or break a persons confidence. Get a good one. Be happy.

    by Katy on 03.31.2010
  26. well, one day i decided i needed a new hairdo. so i shaved my head. voila! nothing my mama had ever seen before.. she kind of hated it. oops. haey, it’s only hair right? it’ll grow back… but then it never did. so instead of having a new hairdo, i had a hairneveragain.

    by lauren on 03.31.2010
  27. My hairdo is a hair-did: All in the past.

    by Grover on 03.31.2010
  28. my life can be defined by a series of bad haircuts. when i was in 8th grade for instance i was going through a goth phase and wanted somethng innovative and cool and neat so i flipped through a hair magazine and picked this advertisement that showed this lady with shortish hair that was curled and kindof spiked. hard to explain but she looked a b it like a pineapple. needless to say i couldn’t pull it off and resorted to just using lots of hair product to keep it looking tolerable.

    by sarah on 03.31.2010
  29. they change so so so often. Mine never comes out the way i want it to. It’s such an old fashioned word. Who really says, “I got a new hairdo”. It reminds me of beehives and 70s women and my grandmother. Not that I don’t love her, but her hairstyle really did have to go

    by sc on 03.31.2010
  30. Erica could not stop the bile that rose up her throat when the chair spun around to face the mirror. The hairdo was atrocious…Piled high on her forehead like a sack of ugly potatoe-y looking curls.

    “Sweet Jesus.”

    by taylea on 03.31.2010
  31. i dragged the comb across my scalp, pursing my lips and tilting my head.

    this would never do.

    my hair fell in loose curls and i didn’t like how girly it made me. i was a girl, yes. it was complicated.

    by betty on 03.31.2010
  32. When I was little, me and my bestfriend decided to play hairdressers. She cut my hair so short. I looked like a boy. For the rest of my childhood, no matter what I wore, I looked like a boy. It ruined everything. Worst hairdo ever..

    by Amy Rice on 03.31.2010
  33. I miss my turquoise hair. I felt the prettiest back then… I really hope one day i can do it again. I felt so unique, and felt so out of the crowd. IT feels good to not be another conforming girl…

    by Stephani on 03.31.2010
  34. I like my hairdo today even though I didn’t really do my hair, it’s just kind of a naturally good hair day. I think that this happens for me pretty often because I have thick hair, so it’s heavy and cant really stick up or anything.

    by Joelle on 03.31.2010
  35. curly hair locks and locks of it. tumbling down, blowing in the wind,and gracefully dancing. Tight buns for prom loose hair for concerts. down to my knees. the cowsills-long beautiful hair, give me it down to there. hair.

    by rachel on 03.31.2010
  36. It was an amazing hairdo. It was deep, blue black hair teased and piled up high on top of her head with side curly bits (coloured purple and red) hanging down. It was like something from the sixties, but exaggerated. She looked like a geisha, but a groovy sixties one.

    by Rox on 03.31.2010
  37. She had a great hairdo. The kind that made him want to jump into her arms. It was so soft and brown and smelled exactly like the sweaters his mother used to wear. It took him back to better times. Times when the world moved slowly and every day was like ten years. Times when he wondered how much longer he would be in school. Times before time was such an issue.

    by Sunny Walker on 03.31.2010
  38. he never had a hairdo, and he never cared what my hairdo was either. it wasnt the apearance that mattered, we were in love.

    by dely on 03.31.2010
  39. that hairdo is the hairdo of the gods. shaved on the sides. blacker than night. messy as that’s hobo’s beard. i fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness…

    by Julie on 03.31.2010
  40. hairdo is about the phenomenon of doing good hair. Good hair can be defined as the hair which not only look great but they feel great. Hairdo can be an issue because as the life gets faster and faster you get less time for hairdo.

    by omer on 03.31.2010