
August 24th, 2009 | 235 Entries

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235 Entries for “habitat”

  1. i was walking down the street when i spotted some kind of animal. it was shaking and looked scared. i was hesitant to pick it up because of its fear but i went ahead anyways.

    by Megan on 08.24.2009
  2. I helped build a Habitat for Humanity house = my Rotary Club volunteered. What we learned (what I learned, anyway) is that a bunch of Rotarians have no business building a house. I feel sorry for the people that got stuck with that poorly-built thing. Rotarians should stick to having lunch meetings.

    by Melinda on 08.24.2009
  3. The bear growls, tensing its muscles. There is an intruder in its home. A small human cub – wandering around aimlessly on the bear’s property. No. No. Human children are bloodthirsty beings out to get its babies and are not to be trusted –
    She ambles out of the hidey-hole, knowing the offspring will see her and flee, and he does – Demi’s piercing scream rattles the forest for miles.

    by Lita on 08.24.2009
  4. the place where i reside, in my mind, has no space and no voids, only me. my life–my jungle in my mind, a white space with white walls, and a white floor–ever changing,

    by AJ on 08.24.2009
  5. The habitat that they were living in was robust- it had seen catastrophy that nobody else could have imagined but the two people sitting in the middle of the forest. There was no way that the tall ferns and glowing trees would seem as forboding as they actually were- but these two knew better.

    by candice on 08.24.2009
  6. my house with everything a have dream about. Technology and nature in perfect balance.

    by fletch on 08.24.2009
  7. We talk about the habitits of exotic animals, but I think the dicussion’s just as relevent to our own lives. Just look at a person’s furnishings, and you can get a decent picture of who they are, what they like, and what they do. After all, it’s the products of our lives.

    by Samantha on 08.24.2009
  8. I’m out of my natural habitat. These strange cold dark cement walls echo from a concert of cacophonous cars and buildings and pedestrians yelling at each other.
    In the mountains, the white noise is composed of wind and leaves and snow, and I miss that.

    by Y on 08.24.2009
  9. were i live were i love were ure were ure house is… animals .. selva… woods.. tienda.. white mine yours community

    by lu on 08.24.2009
  10. A habitat is a place where animals live. It is their home. A place that provides them with whatever food or shelter that they need. Many animals can live in a habitat together.

    by Smurfette on 08.24.2009
  11. life clean glass bars windows boxes waiting
    freedom hiding
    rovers madmen
    thieves rogues villains

    i am the answer
    the light and the truth

    by mangala on 08.24.2009
  12. animals need them we are desttorying them it is very wrong amazon green

    by catalina on 08.24.2009
  13. Piles of laundry don every corner. Old papers are stacked in untidy piles. Knick-knacks and bobbles, trash and treasures. There isn’t an inch of clean space in the room. This is my habitat.

    by Melody Grace on 08.24.2009
  14. The world is our habitat and we’re destroying it. We are a virus that has consumed the world and progress has turned vile, we stomp out all we know in the name of business and technological advancement. Balls.

    by zach on 08.24.2009
  15. when i lived in the forest, no one came to see me, life was as it was. it was. the trees spoke and the brush sang. it was free. given my circumstances i would never go back

    by Alex on 08.24.2009
  16. I used to want to volunteer for habitat for humanity but I changed my mind when I saw people building one on the oval of my College. It sucked. It looked more like a shanty. I am just not going to give poor people a crappy house!

    by Mira on 08.24.2009
  17. I have always wanted to volunteer to work for Habitat for Humanity. I think it would be great to help others have a home of their own. If only I had more time and money not to mention energy. Building homes is hard work.

    by Paulie on 08.24.2009
  18. humanity

    by Lisa on 08.24.2009
  19. the place i live, where my kids learn, we sleep eat. create memories. it’s an ever changing place. but it’s home.

    by Rachel on 08.24.2009
  20. Habitat. This is where anything or anyone lives or can be found. Your home is your habitat and where you feel comfortable and safe. I think of volunteer work also because of Habitat for humanity so it has a great connotation.

    by Amanda on 08.24.2009
  21. The habitat in which i dwell is hot, and the humidity is the stench of death and sound of screaming. I do not waste time with pity as i walk through the halls of my new found home, such emotion is a waste. I anger so easily i find emotions all wasteful.

    by Seymore on 08.24.2009
  22. Beneath the thatch, the layers of tousled grass and hay and the smallest of twigs there lies silence enveloped by more silence and wrapped around the tiniest of sounds, the quiet rustling of three birds sleeping, the winds passing gently above them covering their presence.

    by John on 08.24.2009
  23. dirt. holes. a home under ground. suffocating. not unlike my own. habitat. different for everyone.

    by amanda on 08.24.2009
  24. We’re taking over others to build our own. We abandon our own for newer nicer ones, while the old just go to waste, and aren’t being used anymore. We need to tear down old unused human habitats and give them back to the animals.

    by Me on 08.24.2009
  25. living species green and slipper-
    ree in their living spacieo-
    oous kind of place that’s only for them but we
    seem to like the stepping with bull-
    dozering life for our own life except it’s not really what you’d call it. faster faster faster with the amount of deaths we seem to cause i wonder what you’d call it.

    by kuri on 08.24.2009
  26. i live in a place unlike any other. the streets are crowded with the faces of millions unlike myself, causing havoc around those of us just trying to escape. my habitat, my town, my life… is all unreal.

    by lauren on 08.24.2009
  27. Habitat is a stupid word to write about. I live in a habitat right now that is filled with T.V.s and video game consoles. Other than that it is pretty plain. There is a kitchen, two bathrooms, and a laundry room. My room is really dirty right now though so I should probably go clean it.

    by john on 08.24.2009
  28. I have a habitat, although it’s spread out a bit. Both sides of the country, some common items on the two ends – some not shared as well. It’s the parts that aren’t held in common that really make it the most interesting. Never thought about it, really.

    Will now though.

    by Rick on 08.24.2009
  29. humanity

    by amy on 08.24.2009
  30. a place to be, live, as one. with others. your home, world. where you live. were you go about your life. new, old? for future generations to come. where you build your home and life. where you learn lessons of life. home town

    by maya caballero on 08.24.2009
  31. The locale of the wild Easter Bunny was situated in the ranges of Southern California. Typical rabbit habitat. It was curiously also the resting place of the once-famed director of the movie Psycho–Alfred Hitchcock. Hehe, his name was HitchCOCK. What a funny name. But anyways, the Easter Bunny was one hard egg to crack.

    by Carl Shan on 08.24.2009
  32. my habitat is where you are. i am warm enough, full enough, comfortable enough. your lips on mine provides the sustinence i need. your arms are my shelter.

    by lauren on 08.24.2009
  33. safe place to be myself, my location within a web of interconnectedness with others, food and shelter and

    by deedee on 08.24.2009
  34. a wolfs cave
    more than just a place to live
    a place where the world cant abide
    safety, a haven for a soul
    where a river runs close
    and the wind blows through
    a place where i can be
    closer to you

    by Shade Sirenwolf on 08.24.2009
  35. Wild cats aren’t meant to live in houses, no matter the size or luxury. This is a belief Thalia has held ever since she watched Aladdin as a little girl. But apparently jaguars can be very happy in a castle after they’ve been domesticated over six generations and tied to humankind by a love of baguettes.

    by Ciara on 08.24.2009
  36. a place where creatures/beings and any other organism can find its right place in nature or in this world or out of it.

    by taka on 08.24.2009
  37. My habitat is a fancy little place full of flair. There are beasts and amphibians and humans alike, all living somewhat in harmony. It is home.

    by Shane Crabtree on 08.24.2009
  38. A place where a life grows.

    by Emily on 08.24.2009
  39. The place where you feel most comfortable. Your natural place.

    by Kevin Judge on 08.24.2009
  40. habitat

    by cristina on 08.24.2009