
July 21st, 2009 | 250 Entries

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250 Entries for “growing”

  1. Many things grow. We all grow up. So do those around us. Our fear can grow too. Often as we grow up.

    by MB on 07.21.2009
  2. My corn is growing slowly. It was supposed to be knee-high by the Fourth of July, but it is maybe somewhere mid-shin high. Will we just not get corn until December? Or does it just stop. Like that. No corn.

    by Pamela Smith on 07.21.2009
  3. As a child, growing was a concern in my parents eyes, not mine. That is, until I became a parent. That little bundle of joy I remember grasping at my first oppritunity was now a grown adult with these concerns staring at them in the eye.

    by Taylor on 07.21.2009
  4. My nephew is growing so much! He used to be so small, but then he’s a huge chunk! He’s walking and running too! Riley, my cousin’s baby is walking too! The last time I saw her she was so tiny! It’s absolutely ridiculous!

    by Hannah on 07.21.2009
  5. evrything in the world is growing and dying, more production, and more destruction with every growing day in time furting out of reach.. out of our grasp.

    by Zillah Manson on 07.21.2009
  6. plants, green, children, inevitable! widening, spreading, with laughter and mirth inside. Holy, happy, life as it should be, shining around the corners and filling all spaces.

    by Susan Shorr on 07.21.2009
  7. up old. i’m gonna be a senior in less than a month. it scares me, after that i’ll be going to college. hopefully away. i’lll be leaving my friends, and that scares me. what scares me more is turning 18.

    by danielle on 07.21.2009
  8. He wasn’t sitting too far from me.

    I remember back when we would build sand castles and fight over the last oreo.

    Some girl was flirting with him, and his football friends were grinning around him. I barely recognized him.

    I guess we just grew up.

    And grew apart.

    by josebachachicken on 07.21.2009
  9. His legs were growing. His hair, his face, his thin fingers, all growing. His vocabulary, his family, his world, was growing.

    by asia on 07.21.2009
  10. We’re always growing, and everything aroud us is growing, the world, the schools, the cities, the people, the foressts,we’re all growing all the time, there’s no stopping it. Grow, grow, grow.

    by barbie on 07.21.2009
  11. seeds….flowers….seeds…..trees….

    by indianaindah on 07.21.2009
  12. It seems crazy how we grow everyday. We either grow physically, emotionally, & mentally. I often look at my younger siblings in my family and observe how much they have grown. it would be amazing if we could all grow non stop forever. I have grown a lot over the years. I often sit back and look at the pictures and videos of me when i was younger. I have grown to be tall, mature, and very independent over the years.

    by Winston Washington on 07.21.2009
  13. It’s growing inside me….I can feel it move.
    I can sense it’s pain when I’m in pain.
    I know it’s sad when I am sad…because it’s growing.
    This thing inside me is growing and I can’t stop it.
    A blessing or a curse, who knows?
    Despite…it’s growing….

    by Kylie on 07.21.2009
  14. Ever since I was little I’ve had this obsession with growing taller. When I was younger tallest on my basketball team at 6 feet tall. Now I’m 20 years old and still 6 feet tall. The playing field has been leveled.

    by Peter Soto on 07.21.2009
  15. I planted a plant yesterday. It is growing.. pretty soon it will be big. I guess i better buy some new flower pots. It is getting really big

    by Diane on 07.21.2009
  16. Little Bobby was bormn so small. His mom and dad were so frightened. They tried everything but he just couldn’t seem to grow.

    by Diane on 07.21.2009
  17. my child, my child:
    once you were just a seed
    in the dirt
    that was sprinkled with the ashes
    of dead men.
    now you are shooting up —
    green stalks and tendrils
    reaching the sky.
    and one day you will be
    the ashes
    that another plant,
    much like yourself,
    grows from.

    by rachel on 07.21.2009
  18. growing growing I’m growing baby

    by rebeccca on 07.21.2009
  19. I saw a tree that was still small, and thought that when I am dead and my children are here, they will see this tree not as a sapling, but as something full grown.

    by Sara S on 07.21.2009
  20. growin up…it’s just one of those things that happens to all of us even if we try really hard to stop it. growing is usually a good thing.

    by a on 07.21.2009
  21. He never liked growing. It made him feel awkward, different.

    Oh, he knew that others were growing too, just like him. But somehow, it made him feel like he was apart from everyone else. He didn’t like thinking that.

    He knew growing had some pluses to it, like being able to do other things. But still, he would rather stay the way he was.

    by Kat. on 07.21.2009
  22. I am desperately growing… growing tired of being tired and not having a set point of direction in my life. I’m the queen of procrastination and the princess of fairy tales. I am a dreamer… a hoper, wisher is more like it. Is it that I’m lazy? Am I afraid? What the hell holds me back? I’ve been

    by Sam on 07.21.2009
  23. there is a baby growing in my belly. There is love growing in my heart. My family circle is growing.

    by Rebecca on 07.21.2009
  24. My belly is shaking in laughter at your latest “invective,” about my awful hair, no less. Nothing has changed but I’ve learned to forget all that stuff that nobody can fix – let go. You’ve taught me that by ignoring everything and laughing and just being simple, not bosom, friends, we can grow. We’re not BFF’s, but I’m sure we’ll still be hanging out in fifty years. Thanks for not being there and yet meaning so much to me.

    by bekkah on 07.21.2009
  25. the plant stretches up and up, green leaves unfurling, flowers peeking shyly up, seeking the sun, seeking water, seeking life. then dying, seeds falling into earth, then tiny green peeking out of the earth again, growing again.

    by veronica on 07.21.2009
  26. and growing and growing. will this ever end? i am already taller than my house. next week, i will outgrow the city. i can’t find any clothes, they don’t make fabric large enough to cover me, so i am the giant naked woman.

    by jeannette on 07.21.2009
  27. I am growing and you are unknown.
    We belong in a space that prevents us from moving forward, we are unable to understand the rules. The intentions are not clear and the lives we thought existed are nothing but thoughts. I will break through this, I will survive.

    by Dick on 07.21.2009
  28. Growing is all about knowing. Of course, I mean growing from an intellectual and spiritual standpoint as opposed to a waistline standpoint! We grow, I believe, through education. Read, read, read. This helps our minds and hearts to grow and encompass the diversity of the world.

    by Kathy Hord on 07.21.2009
  29. I’ve been watching. Waiting. But growing very little over the past year. I feel as if I have been regressing, quite frankly. I no longer meditate. I no longer care about much of anything. The only time I actually DO care is when my life is utterly out of control that I want to shriek and run from the scene!

    by Sheila Mo on 07.21.2009
  30. growing is what we spend the first part of ourlives doing continuously – we grow rapidly, slowly and sometimes appear not to grow at all for a period of time. These phases are physical growth but also spiked with turbulent mental and emotional growth. This is the base of our lives to follow.

    by Sonia on 07.21.2009
  31. Growing. Our world is growing, our universe is growing, the population is growing. And yet, our hope is shrinking. Our technology is growing, are plants are growing, our towers are growing. And, despite all of this, we humans are shrinking. Shrinking, when all around is is growth. It seems like something ought to be done, a sort of balance between the shrinking of ourselves, and the growth of our world.

    by Josh on 07.21.2009
  32. It’s not so much “growing” I have a problem with. Growing is fine. It’s the aging thing. It seems like a bad idea. I mean, right about the time you know enough to really enjoy your life, you’ve aged to the point where you can’t. Is that fair?

    by Soul Tripp on 07.21.2009
  33. When I was growing up I use to think that my mom hated who I was. She hated the way I dressed, my tattoos, my piercings, my boyfriends, my everything. Then I realized she was my everything and the rest was just bullshit.

    by m. on 07.21.2009
  34. Perhaps one day, I too will stretch beyond these hallowed walls like Eden. Until then, however, I remain stunted and small. But mother constantly reminds me that there is room to grow inside myself. If only there felt like there was more room.

    by Damien on 07.21.2009
  35. It was strange. The way things seem to grow on you. Like moss on the rocks outside, or men and women around you. These things, they never fade away. they may become shadows, but they are still here.

    by Damien on 07.21.2009
  36. life is constantly growing. we grow, plants grow. everything is alive. we age, get over it. every one is scared of this word. mothers fear that their babies will grow.

    by camm on 07.21.2009
  37. Little kids grow up to be big. Flowers grow up nice and tall, blooming, showing their shining faces to the sun. Rain clouds grow large, until they release the pitter patter of tears on the gray sidewalk. Don’t grow up too quick, savor every moment you are young.

    by Elizabeth on 07.21.2009
  38. I grow a garden.

    by Keith on 07.21.2009
  39. i do it everyday and it may not be a physical aspect but it is always happening. It’s hard sometimes and easy others, but you never know when you are growing. you see others growing all around you and you never stop and look at yourself

    by sammy on 07.21.2009
  40. growing up
    growing old
    it all connects
    growing to be
    growing to see
    it continues
    growing life
    growing strife
    it drifts on, continues on

    by Elise on 07.21.2009