
July 21st, 2010 | 221 Entries

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221 Entries for “gift”

  1. “whats inside?!” she asked excitedly as her fingers edged around the tape at the edges of the gift wrap. pity she couldn’t keep the contents.

    by katie on 07.21.2010
  2. such simplicity is golden. a wrapped package, rustling with colored paper I hand it over to a dear one.

    Here. you. go.

    This. is. for you.

    A smile forms on their face and I am warm.

  3. gifts are like treasury. but i believe that it’s not about the gift itself, it’s about who gives it to you. why and when and how. it all matters more than the material item. my father gave me flowers on my birthday because that’s all that he could afford. i loved it more than anything else.

    by Julia on 07.21.2010
  4. I couldn’t believe that he was calling this a gift. I suppose one person’s trash is another’s treasure but how could this be anything but horrible. It would change the way we knew things, and I liked the way things were.

    by emma on 07.21.2010
  5. a gift is leaner than the trees width, a single twig placed in the palm of a child, a gift to build with, a gift to plant a seedling to tend to that tends towards the sky.

    by paul on 07.21.2010
  6. Two different gifts. Each had the same physical accessory. I couldn’t pick the one that wasn’t supposed to be mine. I wanted to because it had more thought put into it, but it wouldn’t have been “socially acceptable.” Everyone knew how pro-socially acceptable I was; sarcasm unheard.

  7. She accepted the gift gratefully but not happily, tears welling in her eyes. “I–I don’t need charity.”
    He shook his head. “Stop lying, we know that you do. You have to lose your pride. It’ll be the death of you.”
    She only cried harder. “I… I can’t….”

    by Me on 07.21.2010
  8. Gift. Das heißt auf Englisch Geschenk und im Deutschen kann man mit Gift ganz Schlimmes anrichten. Einmal genommen, nie mehr rückgängig zu machen. Für Schnecken ist Salz Gift. Sie schmelzen weg davon.

    by EliEli on 07.21.2010
  9. It was just a beautiful gift that i happened to be in the parc the exact same day that i found a box of new born kittens. It looked like it had been there overnight and the kittens were meowing and trying to get out. As soon as i looked inside the box my heart wrenched.. How could somebody do this? I couldn’t decide if i should take them home or let the animal shelter take care of the matter when i heard a group of dogs running loose. I snatched the box and took off for my car before those nasty things could get near my 7 newly found kittens. I ended up taking them home, put an add out for new born kittens and put them in good homes. I also kept one for myself. named her neena. how anyone could do this…. it’s just beyond me.

  10. You are a gift from above. You special baby boy, your close proximity to God makes you something incredibly unique in this dreary life filled with terrible people… Your innocence, your purity, is something awe-inspiring.

    by Arnold on 07.21.2010
  11. there was a gift for her at the bottom of the stairs for no apparent reason when she opened it she realized that it would be the last gift she would ever recieve from him she realized that she has pushed him away out of her life forever and there would be no going back to the way things were

  12. people say i have a gift, a special talent yet i dont see it. Who knows i could have a gift for something that i havent even tried yet.

  13. Gifts don’t mean anything when they are meant for you. They only really actually succeed when you receive them, unexpectedly, secretly, involuntarily.

    by Samantha Lee on 07.21.2010
  14. It was a gift of pleasure. Green apples soaked in honey and brandy. Charles was certain Claudine would appreciate it, though he wasn’t sure if she would truly enjoy it. She had no mouth.

    by richpee on 07.21.2010
  15. I have a gift. A bright, shiny, sparkling, blue-ballooned gift. It’s magical, preposterous, and brilliant. I can smell bullshit from a mile away.

  16. they say life is a gift. sometimes i wish there were exchanges or returns. I know I’d do an exchange. I’d go back and get jp morgans life or a rockfellers or at least store credit. Maybe even a cash refund and save up and wait until I saw something I really wanted like an upgrade…

  17. I had a gift the other day. It wasn’t much, but it was very special to me. I didn’t know what to make of it at first, but then I realized just how special it was. I’ll never forget who gave it to me.

    by Anastasia on 07.21.2010
  18. they say life is a gift. sometimes i wish there were exchanges or returns. I know I’d do an exchange. I’d go back and get jp morgans life or a rockfellers or at least store credit…

  19. Reflective red wrapping paper around a perfectly square box. White ribbon tied in a bow on top. It sits on a round wood table soaking up the sunlight from the window, waiting to be discovered.

    by kmarie on 07.21.2010
  20. I closed my eyes, held out my hand and someting small and hard dropped into it. I had no idea what it was. I scrunched it up into my fist. “OK you can open your eyes now”. I slowly uncurled my fingers and there, in my palm, lay a tiny pearly tooth.

  21. something I give something I get. Somethng that was a dollhouse under the tree as a kid, or a toy oven with a real cookie inside. A grey sweater that I give every man in my life from my dad to my brother to my boyfriend.

    by alison on 07.21.2010
  22. I’ve never gotten a gift.

    by on 07.21.2010
  23. The first Christmas gift I had ever gotten is still with me today. I know it’s just a stuffed ratty old cat, but that thing has been with me through the most terrifying as well as the greatest moments of my life. Every time I’ve been injured, or have had a great day, it’s been there. Sometimes I consider it a better friend than real people…

    by kait on 07.21.2010
  24. They tell me that every day is a gift. They’re also the ones who tell me to sit down, shut up, pay attention and do as they say. So I’ll spend this day however I want to, because it’s mine and not from something else.

    by Jessica on 07.21.2010
  25. I like gifts. Gifts are like Christmas. I once got a computer and I love it. It is a macbook and I put stickers on it. I got Kyle lots of gifts from Rhode Island. I hope he likes them. He got me something too because it is our 6th/7th anniversary. Love him!

    by Katie on 07.21.2010
  26. It was the gift of song. That’s what made Bianca most jealous of the young princess. What was she given the gift of by her fair godparents? The gift of diplomacy. She was good at talking people into things.

  27. The gift was knowing that you were in my life. Now that your gone the gift lives in me. Thank you for the gift.

    by James on 07.21.2010
  28. I will give you the gift
    of my heart….
    but only if you promise
    that you will break it with in the year
    so I can go on
    writing bad love poetry
    to entertain strangers
    and make them happy
    that they are not as sad as me
    and that will be my gift to them.

  29. It was stranger than most of the other gifts on the table, in that it wasn’t wrapped so much as papered over. A silly thing to do when the main objective was to destroy the outer shell to get to the prize.

  30. “Oh, so you TOTALLY had to go over the top again, didn’t you, asshole?”
    “What are you talking about, Annie, I thought you would like this!” Josh looks at me quizzically, and I throw my stupid home made card at his face.
    “Well, you don’t ALWAYS have to one-up me, you know.”

  31. Each day is a gift. It is nothing to be taken for granted. Life is a gift. Love is the grandest gift of all. Each breath we breathe is a gift. How many gifts have you received today?

    by Debra on 07.21.2010
  32. Open the package unwrap the cover. Something new never seen before. I remmber this. Like ive been here before. But I haven’t. No, this must all be new. If not, i dont know who i am anymore.

    by Peter on 07.21.2010
  33. He hated birthdays. He hated the fuss everyone made over him, what with the nice food and the gifts he didn’t ask for (even if they were practical and he could use them). But as HE stands there, the one who’s been absent for so long, and looks down like a guilty child as he murmurs happy birthday wishes, he can’t help but smile and accept the other’s presence as the best gift he’ll ever receive.

  34. She looked at the green box with red ribbons, astonished. “I didn’t think you would have gotten me anything,” she told him.

    “How could I not?” he responded.

    by on 07.21.2010
  35. My mind became overloaded with thoughts. Images.
    My sister’s birthday. She told me what to get her. I had no idea. I’m so bad.
    I think of the everyday gifts. Life. Sunshine. Friendship. Laughter.

  36. A free week at the beach with my best friend and kids. Nothing better that I can think of…sun, sand, dolphins, giggling kids and girl time…heaven!

    by annabear on 07.21.2010
  37. Adrian’s gift wasn’t that he was telepathic or telekinetic or anything like that. Adrian’s gift was totally different. He was translucent.

  38. this was the gift she gave him: the pulsing place between her eyes, the location in her forehead that saw everything and forgot nothing.

    he kissed her and he _saw_.

    He saw the end of hte world and the beginning of everything. he saw the toughts thoughts by the toughs on the corner and the trudging steps of the workers home from the factories.

    by Jon on 07.21.2010
  39. “There’s a gift for you on the table.”

    This is weird. She’s never gotten me a gift. She thinks that my existence is the gift. She is my mother after all.

    by Mary-Beth on 07.21.2010
  40. Motherfucker I do not feel like writing. I have been given the gift of laziness today and I blame YouTube, iTunes and NBA Jam. Must work tomorrow…No good fiction today.