
June 27th, 2010 | 126 Entries

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126 Entries for “fossil”

  1. The fossilized skull stared at me from empty eye sockets. The mystery deepened. Where was it from? What kind of animal had three horns and such an elongated snout. It was my job to find out.

  2. The main problem fossils create is that they disprove any inteligent design. WE currently live in a period where there is a lot of fuss about inteligent design… kindo strange times if you ask me.

    by Septerra on 06.28.2010
  3. He didn’t look it directly, but he was nothing short of a fossil. You could see it in his eyes. I was looking at the man who bore my father’s father’s father. I was looking at the eyes–I was looking at my eyes, my eyes one hundred years aged.

  4. Like a fossil to another world, the shell of your body silhouetted by the chalk, screams pain.

  5. When i was little i always wanted to be an archologist and gid up fossils, become famous for like, descovering the first… BIG find, i rekon that would have been cool!

    by Molly on 06.28.2010
  6. When I see the word fossil, i think back to my fifth grade friend who was in love with everything dinosaurs. Ahh, those were the days…

    by Jim on 06.28.2010
  7. A relic of days gone by. That’s what a fossil is. Something that once lived is now preserved for history. That’s what I feel like today. A fossil.

  8. at this moment I feel like a fossil that some archiologist dug up from the ground…

  9. My hands ran through cold, rough soil as I worked to uncover the plaque. Impressions lay in the stone like some sort of fossil long since forgotten. As the debris cleared, a circle with lines criss-crossed on its face appeared. I ran my fingers over the artifact, finding words amidst the smooth carvings, ‘spiritus,’ ‘terra,’ ‘invenies.’

  10. Fossils are fossilized to facilitate all the fascination of the fascinating trend of fending for fossils that find inherent fault in other facilitators. facilitating is the finders-free fact-finding fat-free phenomenon.

    by assface on 06.28.2010
  11. Age old, Dinosaurs, Evidence, old, dirt, dust, found, dug up, buried, forgotten, last forever, since time existed, wiped out, imbedded

    by micah mcnair on 06.28.2010
  12. dead things in the ground. maybe my relatives maybe me someday. What is death? Dead trees turn into fossils and what not. I had a dead turtle once smelled like a non living turtle.

    by Josh on 06.28.2010
  13. the old fossil of a woman stared out the dusty window, seeing nothing but brick wall, but, in her mind, she saw a playground with children playing on a crisp springs morning. This made her smile a cracked smile, something she’s never done in years.

  14. all that is left of my past happiness is a fossil in my dreams. there, but not quite recognizable. some unknown creature once known to me, now strange and foreign.

  15. preserved skeleton; bone remnants of a dead creature of a past era.

  16. I looked deep into the ground.. What could it be? Not a human.. Not anything I’d seen. Was it a dinosaur? No.. Not in these grounds. Not a plant, not a fish.. What was it? Was it an alien…..?

    by Skylar on 06.28.2010
  17. like a fossil i’ll bury our love,
    just like what it is:
    ancient and broken
    but it still remain beautiful even in it’s death,
    so i’ll bury it to let it rest in the arms of mother earth.

    by renren on 06.28.2010
  18. Old, decaying matter. We’re all decaying. We’re the next dinosaurs, slowly we will kill ourselves off and be nothing but fossils, buried deep under the earth. Maybe something will come along to discover us, waiting to find out about these things called humans. And hopefully they will learn from our mistakes.

    by Alicia on 06.28.2010
  19. I picked it up. it looked like a centipede engraved in a stone. could it be that I found a fossil? an actual, real, FOSSIL? it was hard to believe… I could hardly find my hairbrush in the morning, let alone a piece of history, a piece that could determine so many things.

    by moosoo on 06.28.2010
  20. what fuels your life? is it coffee or coke? is it nicotine or sex? is it religious or otherwise? oil. if you are reading this, its oil.

    by Ian on 06.28.2010
  21. memories that fade away, fade away like the mist after a downpour from the south. he holds the fossil of his girlfriend’s dress and smells it.
    it still smells like her.

    by chelsea on 06.28.2010
  22. A fossil is something that is ancient. Old people are called fossils. I really dont care about fossils. They are stupid. I guess I should care due to the fact that I am history major, but I just dont ‘care.

    by mateo on 06.28.2010
  23. i already wrote about this word. maybe i just don’t know how to navigate this website yet. still. fossils are cool and whatnot. Be it the watch and wallet brand or the kind kids collect back when we all wanted to be paleontologists.

  24. Fossil’s are found in the ground underneath dirt, dust, and debris. They are key’s to the past. Scientists use fossils for many things and these small bones can be very helpful.

    by Alexis on 06.28.2010
  25. when I was about six or seven, my father woke me up early one morning to take me to Belk’s Department Store to help me pick out a watch for my mother for mother’s day. I stared into the glass case wondering what would look nicest around my mother’s wrist and pointed at this turquoise and amber rock behind gold hands watch that said “FOSSIL” next to it. My father looked down at where I was pointing and told the clerk the wrong watch. He told me it was a very nice looking watch and that my mother would like it a lot. I never spoke up and told him I had pointed at a different watch. But I guess my mother liked the watch anyways, even if it wasn’t a fossil.

    by Andrew on 06.28.2010
  26. A word used for dino remains that are found thousands of feet under the ground. Also the thoughts of fossil fuel come to mind when thinking of this word

    by Jay on 06.28.2010
  27. There was nothing particularly special about the 6th vertebrae, but when you rubbed it just so, it made your thumb knuckle pop, every time.

    by Michelle on 06.27.2010
  28. Sitting in the ground, waiting, wondering. Hoping to be found, discovered, unearthed. Will they love me? Will they cherish me? Or am I just another rock?

    by Madison on 06.27.2010
  29. Fossil-me-this, fossil-me-that. Really, how relevant is digging up the past to ensure a more decent future?

    by Carlos on 06.27.2010
  30. You know its time to put the young gloves away… when your neice or nephew tell you the music you listen to is old and they ask you something like..
    ‘did they have that when you were young?’..
    Thats when you know you’ve become the old fossil you used to think your parents were!

  31. So I found this fossil in my backyard.
    Yeah, I know, who finds fossils in their backyards? Well, I do. Mostly because I live at the edge of a desert, but also because there’s some weird time wobbly stuff around here.
    But I’ll get back to that in a minute.

    by Thea on 06.27.2010
  32. oil is came from fossil. there’re other type of fossil

    by sdfsdf on 06.27.2010
  33. I always wanted to be an archeologist. i could find the fossils of many different dinosaurs and creatures. a fossil can contain the genetic information form the life form. theyre typically bones.

    by Joven on 06.27.2010
  34. He was old, but he had never used the term ‘fossil’ to describe himself. Therefore, it stung a little when he heard his grandson whisper about him to one of his friends. He had always thought he was the cool grandfather…

  35. they find fossils of dinosaurs and other animals, and even humans. when will we become fossils? and will we be studied by generations in the future?

  36. i brushed the last bit of dirt away. this was it, what we had been looking for the past six months. all the days of working under the blazing sun; all the hours of toil. this was the fossil.

    by klyn on 06.27.2010
  37. remains left behind from any possible organism. dinosaurs. bacteria. evidence that evolution is true. cool things to look at. old. carbon dating. science. biology. found everywhere. excavations. archaeology. truth behind our life?

    by Becky on 06.27.2010
  38. They found a fossil in the library. They couldn’t recognize what it was from, and they didn’t know how it had come to be there. It looked sort of like a bird, but with more teeth like a dog. They were scared.

  39. fossil fuel burning through my lungs my liver burning through me escaping into you i want this to last i want this to go on. why are you so attractive? why are you so wonderful? get your hand out of my face

  40. Aerodactyl came from a fossil. Kinda. Old Amber. Woo Pokemon. My mind is empty today, so this did not come out as creative as I might have hoped it to be. But whatever.