
October 8th, 2015 | 119 Entries

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119 Entries for “formula”

  1. a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbol.

    by jawan on 10.09.2015
  2. The way to do something like what ingredients to put into something like a food recipe. Or the way to make a potion or medicine etc.

    by Arion Kennedy on 10.09.2015
  3. i had a formula for volume witch is length times width times height and that is my formula for volume it is a formula and it is cool i like it very much happy is to like it plus my name

    by dylan on 10.09.2015
  4. Finding areas.Math.A baby formula.Science.School related.Formula 1 car

    by Guillermo Hurtado on 10.09.2015
  5. fdsfsdf sdf dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf sd

    by M on 10.09.2015
  6. I don’t know what formula means. I think it’s a noun, though. Is it like a serum, like the Super Solider Serum? I don’t know what else to write. I don’t know what else to write. I don’t know what else to write. I don’t know what else to write.

    by Amber on 10.09.2015
  7. Formula again!? Fine. Am I too formulaic? Should I change my ways for a bright and varied tomorow?

    by Bradley on 10.09.2015
  8. Formula One racing! It’s fast, exciting, and will get you up and out of your seat. Or at least in the infield drinking beer with a bunch of your brand new hillbilly friends where you’ll brand eachother with coat hangers, do keg stands, and have sex with your cousins.

  9. Folks think there’s a formula for a good marriage.


    You just gotta
    work &
    work &
    work &

    and love
    even more.

    I guess that’s the formula.

    by Dina on 10.08.2015
  10. In chemistry we memorize systematic formulas, in hopes we can find patterns, predict reactions. But what they loose is the risk; the chance it will all blow up in your face and become catastrophically wonderful

  11. the formula for life is simple, so very simple. carbon and oxygen and phosphorus, but most of all love. scientists spend their time crunching numbers and picking at amino acids, when in reality the secret to the warmth which radiates from our fingertips, the glowing eyes that reveal our innermost thoughts, is the very thing that cannot be created except from itself. love gives birth to love, yes, but oh it gives birth to so much else as well.

  12. This is what the job has become. Every day. Every hour.

    by nyla on 10.08.2015
  13. It’s fall , tree are changing colors, the wind is moving faster than ever. A new beginning and a new change Jessica Ramez told herself. Jessica is an 18-year old high school senior who has plans to open up a new business to help the poor and unfortunate people in her downtown region before the winter hits her town in Massachusetts. Jessica formed an organization with her friends called the leader of hope foundation to go in different schools, grocery store, church and restaurants to collect warm coats, socks, sweaters and different warm clothing for the poor . So far she collected five hundred coats but her plan is to collect at least three thousand before the winter hits.

    by grace kouadio on 10.08.2015
  14. a drink given to a baby.Or a mathmatical equasion used in calulus and algebra.Also could be steps to do something.

    by Skyler on 10.08.2015
  15. he was distracted by the cat biting his arm, but in reality, it was his fault. Sometimes he could sit on his lap, other times he couldn’t. There was no rhyme or reason, no formula the cat could understand

  16. Everything you see in today’s world, especially on the internet, indicate to users, or readers, that, with their agreeing to sign up to some service or delivery, the formula to unbounded success and happiness will be discovered.

  17. F.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.AF.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.A F.O.R.M.U.L.A

  18. I thought I had a formula, and I was right. I was merely predetermined to fail constantly, without fail.

    by Bradley on 10.08.2015
  19. Everything has a formula.
    Books, love, relationships and even us ourselves.
    We built up of tiny compounds that make us whole.
    Love? That’s easy. Add the right amount of sugar and spice, and everything nice.
    Also, some salt.
    Relationships? It’s like love, but a lot of it.
    And us.. We ourselves are made up of love,
    And relationships,
    and we just need to find someone else to share the recipe!

    by Deven on 10.08.2015
  20. The formula, the formula – what was it? Jeff had 60 seconds to remember it to determine the rest of his life. If only he could step back in time to the first day he met her. The first day he looked over at her crazy long braid and the dress that hit the floor. The way she whipped her braid over her shoulder. If only he hadn’t been distracted by her, had been able to listen to the formula…he could save her life.

    by on 10.08.2015
  21. The formula, the formula – what was it? Jeff had 60 seconds to remember it to determine the rest of his life. If only he could step back in time to the first day he met her. The first day he looked over at her crazy long braid and the dress that hit the floor. The way she whipped her braid over her shoulder. If only he hadn’t been distracted by her, had been able to listen to the formula…he could save her life.

    by abbyberke on 10.08.2015
  22. “One, two, three…” she whispered as she carefully dropped more of the green liquid into the vial. She was careful to get just the right amount- these were the only supplies they had. “Phew” she sighed as she finished. She carefully walked back to the freezer.

  23. “So what’s the secret formula?”

    “Not telling.”

    “Oh, c’mon.”

    “Nope! Only I know. And my grandfather. Who happens to be dead.”

    “So,” I murmured with a sly smile, “you just know then, I presume?”

    Uma shrugged, bringing a steaming mug of her sweet concoction to her red lips. “Well, you know,” she intoned. “My grandfather could very well be a ghost, watching us by this point. Silently judging you. Can’t rule anything out.”

    by Belinda Roddie on 10.08.2015
  24. The formula was nearly done. All he had left to do was find a way to send it out among the people. To release it to his unsuspecting victims. The people of this town were his unwitting puppets, he would control them, he would make them his slaves. The answer resting in the vial in his hand. He laughed to himself.

  25. It how thing are. It the ingenuity and the method. It can be use for maths and science. It could create food or medince. Stuff that essitenal for life. I useful

  26. I took the chemical’s makeup into my own hands. The world depended on this alone. Nothing else except my hands stood between this compound and the cure to the worst disease since the Black Death. I nearly had the cure. My vision was fading. I couldn’t move. I dropped the compound as I watched blood spurt from my mouth. My vision faded and I collapsed on the floor, dying.

    by Logan on 10.08.2015
  27. “This formula is all wrong,” he said suddenly. Grace looked up and frowned at the beaker in his hand. It was exactly the right shade of nuclear green.
    “How so?”
    “Aren’t we trying to turn fish into monsters?”
    “LAVA monsters,” she said.
    “Oh.” he relaxed, and carefully set the beaker back down. “Never mind. It’s perfect, then.”

    by emma on 10.08.2015
  28. Formula 51, this storm has begun, it holdes no grudes and it pays no respects to no one. it doesn’t live by the gun, though it soon as it sounds. its gone cant be tracked by GPS or fat baesset hounds. you might drowned if you follow that deep.

    by on 10.08.2015
  29. Some say it takes good chemistry or time or the right things in common but there isn’t really a single formula for falling in love. It just happens.

  30. something that babys drink from ,like what they drink is called formula. also in a science lab if your mixing stuff that making a formula. also there are lots of formulas in science and labs akber einstein and an evil scientist and pie and circles an area and triangles, mad scientist lab

    by faith on 10.08.2015
  31. Formula is like a science expirement with liquid water with acid
    Or it can be a formula for brownies get eggs, milk,butter, mix the batter and put it a 350 degrees and put it in the oven. Formula can mean a couple things

    by Janitza Bonilla on 10.08.2015
  32. The circle of people around them–family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances–were wondering if there’s some sort of formula to their relationship; “I just make sure I get her coffee right.” he said. “I don’t interrupt him whenever he’s playing whatever role-playing game he had his hands on.” she said after. “Oh, and pizza. We always order pizza every second Friday of the month.” she blurted out and he agreeingly nods.

  33. The applause was deafening, and he beamed with pride as they slid the medal over his head. They said his calculations would be studied for generations to come. When his best friend leaned in close for a selfie and turned to whisper reverent praises a little too close to his ear, he shuddered, wishing he’d could come up with a formula for love.

    by on 10.08.2015
  34. mathematical formulas are very important for a student and also in daily life. lie runs on different formulas. though we tend to forget the formulas they are always there. one other type of formula is what you feed the babies.

    by renu john on 10.08.2015
  35. “Just buy the formula,” she said.

    “It’ll be easy,” she said.


    As I stare down the aisle at the thousands of different bottles, I make up my mind.

    I’m moving out.

    Baby or no baby.

  36. The formula had went totally wrong. Why, though? What was the issue?
    Combine two chemicals for one reason and boom the next.

    He looked back at the room trodden with rubble from the hollow of a tree. Muck and scars riddling his face.

  37. A math problem or baby formula.

    by dayna on 10.08.2015
  38. The photos online showed horror and disaster, but to Morton he saw numbers, claims, exclusions… Nothing a formula can’t assess.

  39. the formula for life is simple: Be happy. Be satisfied. Be you. Just be. And when you are, life will open up to you with all the riches you can possibly imagine.

  40. Existence is one formula. Seems seem spontaneous, random, freely flowing into whatever, immeasurable direction they like, but it’s all part of the big calculation our universe is.