
July 12th, 2010 | 251 Entries

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251 Entries for “forgotten”

  1. my worst fear in the world is to be forgotten. please, remember me. please. i will always remember you.

  2. A year has been added to my life, but it’s still there. I wonder if you try not to revisit a certain memory too much, then at the same time you ironically begin to preserve it in your head. It’s still there. I still remember. I feel what I felt, and it all begins to come back once I hit the button.

  3. sometimes i forget to do the most important things for the most important people. call them. love them. do things they will appreciate because that’s what matters in the end- not whether you did the laundry or finished all that paper work

    by stephen on 07.13.2010
  4. lost, alone, sad, i feel betrayed, a broken dream, a dying soul…

    by tanisha on 07.13.2010
  5. The tears were unexpected. Rifling through old keepsakes, she had stumbled upon a forgotten one.

  6. my memories of a time when the world was small and my love for the simple surroundings were beautiful.

    by vukcevich on 07.13.2010
  7. the memories i had forgotten suddenly came back to haunt me
    your parfume the shape of your lips
    ten thousand little details that i lost in the years whitout you
    but now that you came back to haunt me,
    now that i see you every day in my nightmares,
    everything that i had forgotten returns and stabs me
    a stillicide of memories, old blood and never ending love.

    by renren on 07.13.2010
  8. oh crap i already got this word even tho that was yesterday to my way of thinking it must have been tomrorroe because of the east coast time zone difference or something like that there stuff

  9. He lays in a silent nap. Always quiet but alert at the sound of the door. He’s ready to shout when you get home. He’ll always stand by you when he knows you’re about to leave. And when you return, your shoe is all chewed up. Well hello to you too pup!

  10. by all people that i felt like seeing this vacations. Friends have stopped being friends and became acquaintances… life just forgotten.

    by Sean Searle on 07.13.2010
  11. He hasnt forgotten me. All that I’ve done to him and yet he still feels love for the person I used to be. I cant say I dont regret letting him go. It seems like every night I shed a few tears as I think about him..but it had to be done. Just keep telling yrself that. It HAD to be done. Why let him love something thats absolutely no good. Let it hurt now rather than later.

  12. She was forgotten; lost. Her surrounding were everything that was green. The smell of earth and rain filled her nostrils as she took a deep breath, standing from her balled up position and freeing her clothes from the clumps of brown mud. She took a step forward, hoping to make some prgress today. The street was no where in sight and she didn’t remember from which way she had come.

    by Alex on 07.13.2010
  13. Have you forgotten me? Have you forgotten my love for you? All I ever wanted was to run my hands through your golden hair and kiss you. Have you forgotten? Or did you just never know?

    by Porter on 07.13.2010
  14. I was forgotten once,
    It was the worst feeling ever
    I did not care to feel that way,
    So I made sure I did the forgetting first
    but then I thought that they felt like I did when I was forgotten
    And made sure that no one was ever forgotten

  15. What happened with him to me.

    He has forgotten me…

    by Daniela on 07.13.2010
  16. Forgotten how iI feel when you sued to whisper all that crap in my ear I have no idea how it really felt anymore to let the words flow over me and for the lies to penetrate my skin I remember it was beautiful.

  17. wow. i almost forgot what I had to do, well today i forgot to leave the cup behind. yesterday I forgot to leave the hip flask behind. the day before i forgot to take panadol with me

    by Nat on 07.13.2010
  18. Sometimes I lose things that I really really can’t stand to lose. I’ll agonize over it for hours or days or weeks…might be a necklace or a ring or a whatever and usually th worst feeling is how i know whoever have it to me will be devastated too.

    by Eileen on 07.13.2010
  19. The worn down building
    looked so forgotten.
    Lost, in a sea of black ashes
    and rubble.
    It seemed that it never moved
    into the future,
    crackled paint
    and rusted color.
    It seemed to live and breathe
    the tragedy so many people
    are weeping over still
    The memories,
    to only some,
    are still alive.
    But the building,
    just as forgotten
    as the stars
    in the daylight.

  20. I found the Christmas card I gave you five years ago inside your drawer while you were brushing your teeth yesterday morning. It was still unopened.

    by abifosca on 07.13.2010
  21. proximity. its the feeling of his breath over your shoulder, the electricity when two people are so close yet untouching, and yet there is a vibrant surge of mutual spark. Proximity is not so much distance but a psychological matter that is relative to ones own limitations and restrictions.

    by The Beloved on 07.13.2010
  22. My eyes flutter open in a blinding white light, my head aches like nothing I’ve felt before. I shift in the hot sand, my watch says 9:55. My mind is burning, screaming to me to remember what it was I’ve forgotten, how I’d gotten here. I close my eyes, and try my best to step back in time.

  23. i have forgotten the sacrifice done by our great freedom fighters.
    I owe my country much more than I do today. I sorry

    by sushant joshi on 07.13.2010
  24. People forget a lot.
    Forget their car keys,
    their wallets,
    their television remotes.
    They forget to pay the bills on time
    some days,
    and forget to empty the dishwasher,
    or do the laundry.
    They forget to go out to lunch
    with an old friend,
    forget where they grew up in,
    who they used to be,
    what kind of person
    they’ve become.
    People forget many things,
    many important things.
    Time makes people forget.

  25. Forgotten. Like the lonely discarded paper cup, abandoned beneath the bleachers of a once rowdy football stadium. Curiously alone, but sometimes you dont need to be by yourself to feel forgotten.

    by Tiffanie on 07.13.2010
  26. Happens far, far too often. Like, what were you going to do when you went to go to that place and meet that person you haven’t seen since that one thing you did a while ago. What was it? Eh, I don’t remember. Powerful word though, even if you can never remember what it means to you. Or, rather, what it used to, The key is to fight it. With remembrance.

    by Todd C S on 07.13.2010
  27. groceries. keys. glasses. dates. people. places. moments. accomplishments. faults. assignments.

    by kellie on 07.12.2010
  28. I cry each night, wondering,
    Do you remember me?
    I doubt you do, but there’s still hope,
    somehow, someday, you will…

    And as time passes, I realize,
    there’s nothing to be done.
    I never have forgotten you,
    though you’ve forgotten me…

  29. the bleak stare of a dirty toy,
    the throttled wonder of a broken guitar,
    tell me you remember.

    by Mike V. on 07.12.2010
  30. about my children hood friends
    exactly how to stop thinking how things work exactly
    What to write about

    by Luis on 07.12.2010
  31. Oh that forgotten piece of fruit in the refrigerator. Oh, that I had remembered it, not forgotten it, even, and laid it to good use in my mouth. Instead of to become a science experiment, a nearly pettable furry thing in the crisper drawer. Oh, the irony that your abode should be called a crisper drawer when you are anything but.

  32. I feel forgotten sometimes. Since I moved to this seaside town, I have lost contact with the rest of the world. My world. I can’t seem to find anything pleasing in this paradise, in which everything is rotten beneath the apparent splendor.

  33. You are in the process of being forgotten. I didn’t plan this it just happened. I found someone else and they are taking your place as I type this message to one word dot com. He is a man and a man is what I need. You’re too insecure and I wish I had magic powers because if I didn’t you’d be a bit more sure.

    by Bea encarnacion on 07.12.2010
  34. I have forgotten the way you taste, I have forgotten how many freckles you have on your chin, i have forgotten to not think about you all of the time, but now I remember all of these things and its too late.

    by Carmen on 07.12.2010
  35. I feel like a lot of things today are forgotten…too much if you ask me. We need to remember the past and learn from it but we also have to look forward always.

    by Torrey on 07.12.2010
  36. I’ve been forgotten. Perhaps I was forgotten because I forget others too. Nobody seems to realize my existence at times. I get angry. But I forgot that I have been ignoring others as well.

    by kat on 07.12.2010
  37. Sarah didn’t know if she’d ever been able to remember things as well as the people around her, but it didn’t really matter in the end, did it? Things always seemed to go from bad to worse.

    by Zach on 07.12.2010
  38. sometimes i feel as if i am forgotten. by my mom, dad, my friends, my family and myself. you are in a world where it only consists of you. alone and lonely. and sometimes you wonder to yourself, how will i even go on if no one even knows who i am? if no one even cares? but then you look past that and realize, there has to be at least one person out there who loves you more than anything else in the world.

    by Maureen on 07.12.2010
  39. It took me a long time to remember her, her face. There was something about her that slipped through my memory, her blonde curls, her red lips that were always twisted up in a smirk. But when I did, I couldn’t forget it again. It had meant so much to me.

  40. I don’t want to be forgotten.
    I don’t care if I’m remembered for something good, I don’t care if it’s because I did something bad.
    I want to be remembered.
    If I’m still in someones mind, maybe, they think I will be worth something.
    If I’m forgotten…
    Why exist?