
June 23rd, 2008 | 178 Entries

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178 Entries for “forge”

  1. hands filled with pincers holding glowing metal with an eye on shaping beauty from heat

    by Herb on 06.24.2008
  2. name of an x men
    burning metal
    creating a tool or weapon
    molten metal

    by Lena on 06.24.2008
  3. i’ll go alone but i so won’t go alone having you with me, in me, being me, you my love being me. i’ll forge ahead, dreamy lover, foggy eyes, mind clutter. ’cause you’re always here…or there. walking, forging with me…for our love. i’ll move myself alone, never solo.

    by cjstar on 06.23.2008
  4. it’s what i do when things get hard
    making my way thru it all
    because the ‘hard’ does end…eventually
    there’s always a goal in mind…
    you are why i try so hard
    you are what pushes, pulls me forward
    my reason to forge…

    by chansgirl on 06.23.2008
  5. I always wondered what would happen if I forged my mom’s signature on say a school permission slip or a check. However, I never built up the guts to ever do it. Forging teacher’s names or other people’s parents names…not a problem. :-)

    by Lydia Kay on 06.23.2008
  6. He wants to reshape metal, to create new beauty from what is a bar of steel, to heat and hammer, to pound and quench, to be a smith. I will simply pump the bellows.

    by Carinn on 06.23.2008
  7. We move on in such a way that we forge a movement that could topple whole cities, break it with a smile, smitten and never sweating the technique, the small of your back against its facade.

    by on 06.23.2008
  8. Forged like Vulcan. I always preferred the Greek names over the Roman ones, but the truth is, I can never remember the Greek name for the God of the Forge. Husband to Aphrodite, I believe, he said, but she didn’t return his devotion. He shrugged and looked down. Not his loss, he muttered.

    by Lauren on 06.23.2008
  9. It was forged. Everything. His birth certificate his life. None of it was real. He didn’t like that thought. So he never thought about it. Then one day he had no choice but to and that is where his story begins.

    It was a sunny day…

    by Stevie on 06.23.2008
  10. We forged ahead of the group, Billy and I. Billy was the brave one, he held my hand as we walked. The last thing he said to me was “There’s nothing to be afraid of Jude, would I lie to you?”

    by Clare L Booth on 06.23.2008
  11. I forge ahead
    I forge my imprint on this planet
    I forge my membership in this human race

    I cannot help but be a forger
    it is my only proof
    that I was ever here

    by Buddah Moskowitz on 06.23.2008
  12. we forged a path into our society and now we are forging a way to destroy it. We took so long to travel and develop our new land and now look at it. modern day society is destroying it piece by piece. what has it become? how could society have forged their way off of the beaten path into a monotony of desecrated civilizations?

    by mike on 06.23.2008
  13. A forge is a place where things are made. Metal goes in, pure human ingenuity comes out. Since the beginning of the human discovery of metal, the forge has been a symbol of the power of the human mind to change things from unusable into powerful tools that we can use to dominate all of nature’s wild growth. It is the truest form of brains over brawn.

    by Jules Guidry on 06.23.2008
  14. Slowly he pressed on, hammering the metal into shape. The shield, this shield, may hold the fate of thousands of his countrymen. It has to be right. It has to hold up.

    by Stratcat X on 06.23.2008
  15. the ring was forged
    it glowed;
    waiting to strike
    into the hearts of men
    why must you be scared?
    it’s only your reflection
    staring out at you

    by Jenealia on 06.23.2008
  16. Forge your way to greatness! Bit by bit, day by day, use a spoon if you don’t have any tools. Forge your way to your fantasies =D It will be wonderful!

    by Harriet Allen on 06.23.2008
  17. every day is a struggle to forge ahead
    i get up
    i pee
    i brush my teeth
    i think about all those things
    those painful, icky things that i don’t want to think about
    i am being forged
    by fire
    but to what end
    i just want it all to end
    to turn off my brain
    to stop the drunken butterflies of anxiety in my stomach

    by JB on 06.23.2008
  18. I moved past the trees that surrounded me, oblivious to their limbs whipping my arms and sides. I had to get there. That I knew everything began to recede from my consciousness and all that was left was getting to the Forge.

    by J Rollins on 06.23.2008
  19. he forged his way into my heart, as certain as the sun rises each morning; i couldn’t refuse him; my heart had grown wings to soar above all the grey clouds that had been looming overhead for so long; i had been starved, craving all of love’s infinite givings

    by Jen M on 06.23.2008
  20. As I was walking through the woods, feeling lost and alone because I was, I saw a clearing ahead with a few homes! I was so excited and felt saved so I started to forge ahead toward the homes and fell and got all muddy

    by Deborah Hughes on 06.23.2008
  21. the accomplished blacksmith was just finishing his next battle ax when the general of the royal army walked into his forge. “Are my weapons ready?” asked the general.

    by theron on 06.23.2008
  22. There’s a blacksmith making a sword, all metal and heat and iron. Clang! Clang! Clang! Forging a sword!

    by Allison Geaney on 06.23.2008
  23. Who cares about expectations? Only parents. Kids don’t have the courage or will to perform well anymore. The society has failed the youth so bad. Well, my time is up. Bye.

    by Me on 06.23.2008
  24. If you forge your future, you’re future will be in jeopardy. This all ends in up in you believing in value og goal oriented actions. Enjoy life.

    by Martin on 06.23.2008
  25. Characters of X-men Rarely tell us what words mean.

    To create.
    He forged the blade with would smite his foes.

    by Gum on 06.23.2008
  26. we forge ahead we forge behind don’t forget valley forge our hubris slows us, our unyielding potential aides us we hope we last we last until we can no longer hope, then our forging slowly halts to a death crawl. we can no longer move.

    by jon on 06.23.2008
  27. cast into the
    f(ire) iron
    poked & prodded
    into shape

    let us mold you how we will.

    by Kim on 06.23.2008
  28. We stood there breathless as the tracks sped away dizzily below. We were at unspeakable heights: you had never seen it before. Rushing past in a whirl of steam and smoke, you felt as if that very moment was what you had been waiting for.

    by aly on 06.23.2008
  29. The heat kept him going. The years of hammering metal on metal had turned the scrawny boy into a burly man.

    by mike on 06.23.2008
  30. he gritteded through his teeth….the wind and snow howled down the canyon and he feared he might not be able to make it back to the cabin…heat…shelter and food

    by jim cassel on 06.23.2008
  31. i would love to forge my way into a cooler space. sometimes i feel that it is hard to get out of where i am and i wish that things could be easier. but if you work hard enough, you can do what you want. how on earth did i get so stupidly philosophical over a word like forge.

    by forging on 06.23.2008

    by steve on 06.23.2008
  33. When I was in the fifth grade, we got candy for having 5/5 days in our assignment notebooks signed by our parents. I had skipped a day, so I cut out my mother’s signature from a few weeks ago. I glued it in place. I got in HUGE trouble for forging my mother’s signature. I knew I couldn’t just write it, because it is crazier than a movie star’s. (However theirs are)

    On the other hand, my father’s signature is so incredibly easy.

    by Katrina on 06.23.2008
  34. And the broken sword was once again forged. From the fire, the broken blade was forged once more. And with it returned the fate of the lost city. The forged city, brought back the lost glory of the village, for the ranger would now be reined king. The happiness was returned to the people, and all of it occured from the forging of just one sword

    by suraiya on 06.23.2008
  35. he forged a degree. he forged a job. he forged his entire life. and then he met his perfect woman. and it was the one thing he’d never forged in his life- his identity to her. his life to her. and she forged his signatures and ran off with all his money.

    by zee on 06.23.2008
  36. i laugh as he writes my name down on the card. a simple birthday card, but something evil and sinister is staring up at me. the bear holding the balloons seems like it’s laughing and snarling. i shake my head and look away. i never thought it would come to this.

    by aimee on 06.23.2008
  37. The blacksmith’s apprentice, while searching for material for the blacksmith, finds a strange metal, the kind of which he has never seen before.

    Instead of bringing this material back to the forge, the young man is so drawn to this strange metal he decides keep it. But at what price?

    by McSprocket on 06.23.2008
  38. Forge, as in forgery, is the art of one person displaying themselves as another on a document of importance, ranging from a permission slip at school to tax papers. Forgery is defined as pretending to be someone else, ie forging a signature of another person to claim to be that person.

    by Tyler on 06.23.2008
  39. It was a simple signature. Nothing less, nothing more. But she caught me signing on the dotted line. And I obviously was not my mother.

    You can’t even imagine the words that came out of her mouth. I won’t repeat them. But you can sure as hell bet that I was sent walking to the principal’s office immediately, my head hanging so low. It was not a good start for the day.

    by Sara on 06.23.2008
  40. I want to make a giant robot out of metal that will have rocket boots and can make cupcakes in its stomach. I wonder how they make samurai swords and if the blades ever get dull when they fight with them. I think that being able to swim in molten lava would be so fun but not very useful.

    by Mike on 06.23.2008