
March 21st, 2012 | 415 Entries

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415 Entries for “fixed”

  1. “I’m going to fix you.” he said. And most girls would have found it to be the most romantic thing ever. She didn’t though. It wasn’t romantic at all.
    “I’m not broken.”
    “I know.” he said in a patronizing tone of voice.

    by Alexa on 03.21.2012
  2. i fixed my bike while riding a trike. I couldnt tell whether or not I liked the way she looked at me, it just seemed that it couldnt be. Being all alone with her made me feel a little shy, but how on earth could i remain just a solo kinda guy? If ever once more a chance id rightfully do it so, but I’d feel sad if the other knew what I already know.

    by Harris Brown on 03.21.2012
  3. My dad swing set benches toys plumbing leaks leg arm foot head cats dogs pencils pens phones hearts relationships

    by Nancy Hochanadel on 03.21.2012
  4. what was it you did?
    omit and simplify or
    turn inside out and kiss good luck
    the broken fixture in
    your palm,
    under your pillow
    like tooth faerie bargains
    you only indulge
    out of sentimentality
    for the inoperable

    by Hannah Wells on 03.21.2012
  5. i believe that when i fell and broke into a million pieces … he came and fixed me….. it seemed… impossible… but somehow… he found a way…

    by Ash on 03.21.2012
  6. i am fixed with only one emotion and that emotion will not leave my side. It stays and infests itself in my soul. I am ready for it to become unfixed and free myself of its hold.

    by ella on 03.21.2012
  7. there was the one time i fixed something. Actually, it was the first time i fixed something. It wasn’t anything big but i could honestly say i did it by myself without anyone helping me. It was the first time in my life i actually felt proud of myself. all my life i have been getting helped but that was the first step of many

    by Afroninja on 03.21.2012
  8. This heart can not be fixed. Its broken on the floor, the pieces too small to pick up. I will never be whole again. People stare as they see my heart broken on the floor. Unable to be fixed. Unable to be whole.

    by Danica Broder on 03.21.2012
  9. “Shhh!” He elbowed his twin in the stomach, leaning as far away from the door as he could. “Jinny!”

    “Ow, what?” She snapped. “I can’t breathe and you’re stomping on my-”

    “He’s coming this way!” The older boy hissed, fiercely. “Hold your breath!”

    The squeak was half-muffled and for a moment, neither twin really did breathe. The ominous footsteps came down the hallway and paused at several doorways in turn.

    Jinny breathed a sigh of relief when the footsteps didn’t even stop in front of the linen closet. A giggle of relief spilled through and she clapped both hands over her mouth, her eyes laughing at her twin.

    He winked. “We did it!”

    The door popped open and the darkness was disturbed by the harsh light of the hallway. Before either tween could react, two strong hands had caught them about the shoulders and wrestled them into the hallway.

    “Ow!” They chorused as they were roughly pushed into the cold, castle walls.

    The dark eyes glittered, flickering carefully over the squirming forms before they settled into a definite glare.

    The twins gulped.

    “Um, Hi Mr. Gardeth.” Jinny squeaked. “Did you need us for something?”

    The old knight snorted. “You’ll wish I was.” He said, releasing his hold on them. “In fact, you’ll dream of it.”

    “We didn’t mean any harm!” The boy protested. “It was just a harmless prank. We’ll fix it!”

    “No need.” A smirk settled on the knight’s face. “It’s already fixed.”

    “Oh, good.” Jinny yawned. “So what do you want us for?”

    “Oh, I do not desire your immediate presence.” The smirk became downright wicked. “Your father does.”

    The twins blanched.



    “Said something about you were free to go about unless you were caught.”

    Jinny gulped. “Right.” She nibbled on her lower lip. “I guess we got caught.”

  10. I’ve never fixed much in my life. I’ve tried to fix myself. I’ve tried to fix others. Even then I don’t know what that would be if fixed. how could you?

    by D. neo on 03.21.2012
  11. I allow the spring air to filter into my room. Its smell fixes in my nose, and all of the nostalgia of running on the vibrant grass comes back to me. To forget this and go back to the carefree joys of childhood, I would do anything. The fresh scent reminds me of the paper before me, outlining the dark maple of the desk. I sigh and repress the lovely aroma for but a moment.

  12. Can I fix another person? Can another person fix me? Is there such a thing as fixing, in this reality?

    by Natasha Rain on 03.21.2012
  13. I hated them, even though I wasn’t allowed too. Even in spite of the guilt it brought upon me.

    Walking around in their suits, their holy words of retribution never leaving their side, as if they weren’t broken like the rest of us.

    Pfft. They were just better at polishing the cracks then we were.

    by Michael on 03.21.2012
  14. I was en route to a better physique. Now that the 26 mile hurdle was out of my way, I only had my upper strength to focus on. My wrist of cotton would learn to be of steel in due time.

  15. I wish someone would pick me up and put me back together. All I want is to be fixed but it seems every time I trust someone to do that, they end up breaking me even more.

  16. I fixed a lamp one day. It became my only light. The only thing that shone upon my way. An interesting thought, this. I’m often found wondering if i’ve fixed my own light or just made an artificial one.

    by Kirk Leftwich on 03.21.2012
  17. It was broken. Incomplete. Nothing could ever repair the damage he’d seen. His heart was annihilated, and no one would ever know how badly.
    Her tears rolled softly down her round cheek. Alone.

  18. My boyfriend and i fixed my bike recently the tube inside the tire had a huge hole in it i dont even know how it got there maybe a rat but it wasnt the tire just the inner tube and he measured the tire wrong which was funny but we fixed it and went on a five and a half mile bike ride.

    by Zoe Adams on 03.21.2012
  19. I went to him asking him to fix it. He laid down his glasses, looked me in the face, then went over to it. And it was fixed. I then proceeded to break it again. And I think he knew I would in the first place.

  20. Why fix something if it isn’t broken. Too often we, especially Americans feel the need to fix non broken systems just because they don’t conform to our standards. Africa, Latin and South America, and now the Middle East. If it doesn’t need to be fixed, then don’t try to fix it.

    by Christina on 03.21.2012
  21. i am fixed on you
    i dont know what to do
    i just can’t stop these thoughts
    these feelings
    these actions
    that lead me to you
    i need my daily fix
    of you in my life
    in my mix
    cuz without you
    i’m just lost
    you are my love
    promise to not be my ghost
    i’m fixed on you
    my dear
    my love
    i’m fixed on you
    my angel from above
    i’m just fixed on you
    and nothing else
    so stay with me

    by kiara dailey on 03.21.2012
  22. A dog. A cat. What I am not – and what I may never be. But that’s okay, I don’t know anyone who has every fully “fixed” their problems. When you fix one, another one comes along that needs fixin’…I think that’s the circle of life that leads us to faith and hope.

  23. Fixed. Fixed on the fact that I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life. I have no idea what I want. All I know is that I want to be with Ross. Ross is all that matters to me and nothing else. Life means nothing without him. Everything means nothing if I don’t have him. I’d die for him.

    by KK on 03.21.2012
  24. we as human beings are fixated on eing on to wherever we can be. wheither its in power or a relationship

    by laura on 03.21.2012
  25. being fixed on something has its drawbacks. there are times when you dont listen to what others have to say simply because you are certain on what you believe. however, when what we believe turns out to be completely wrong, we must admit defeat and it is even harder to face all those people who we turned down before.

  26. It was o determined her, her signature. There in the cursive handwriting of the dead man she once was. A signature is a signpost. A promise. An uncompromising thing.

  27. i remember youth like it was yesterday,
    i remember the carelessness that we took haven in,
    the love we thought was real, because it was,
    but only in young age,
    when we were fixed on simpler prizes.

  28. one day when i broke my window i thought maybe i should fix it but i didnt know how so i just left it the way it was. now it remains unfixed and there is a horrible current of cold air going through my room. oh well i guess life is never easy right ?

    by beatriz on 03.21.2012
  29. What can you do to fix what I’ve broken? Can it even be fixed by someone other than that person who broke it? Find out. It’s what we must do now.

  30. Society is fixed, it seems. There’s no way to change the morals and thoughts ingrained into generation after generation. It’s sad, really. Change should be embraced.

    by Erin on 03.21.2012
  31. fixed in one place
    why do i feel so much motion around me if i feel so stagnant and frozen
    fixed like a formaldehyde corpse, limbs forever stiff, heart unmoving.

    by Anny on 03.21.2012
  32. nothing is ever completely fixed. when something is broken and someone tries to repair it, it will never be quite the same. there will always be something a little off. if somone’s heart is broken, no one can ever completely fix it, and they wont be able to love the same. its the same with anything. if a wagon breaks, say the handle falls off, so you put it back on, it will always be a little off center or loose.

    by CatCat on 03.21.2012
  33. Broken. Torn down.
    I’m laying bloody on the floor. Might as well be dead.
    Hollow. Empty.
    I see and I have thoughts. Selfish thoughts I have no right to have.
    I want to know I can be better. I want someone to help me believe I can be fixed.

  34. What has been broken can never be truely fixed. It will always be broken in a way. Never fully back in its original condition. It happens to innanimate objects, and it happens with people. The difference is when people get themselves back together they are newer, wiser, and more ready. In the process of healing they find and gain strength they didn’t even know they had.

    by Maddie on 03.21.2012
  35. i am fixed here, but fixed–unbroken that is–i’m not. i have to keep going? i miss alex. i hate that. i like emma, and that guy who works in the dc, but i can’t bring myself to throw away alex’s notes yet. it’s bad.

    by emmeline on 03.21.2012
  36. I think a lot of things are fixed. Our emotions stay fixed in one spot over a period of time even if we don’t know it. Sometimes our eyes stay fixed on one person. Being fixed on something is easy. to be fixed is hard.

    by meggerz on 03.21.2012
  37. When something is broken and then it is repaired again it is FIXED. Fixed is also a word for something that cannot change. A constant. Something that is firmly attached

    by Chloe on 03.21.2012
  38. I’m fixed on this one dream, and want. This one idea of happiness. I’m fixed on the idea that I’m the reason this happiness is created shouldn’t be fixed on why I’m happy. Yet I am fixed.

    by Ryan Kochany on 03.21.2012
  39. it was broken so I fixed it. probably not the smartest thing to do because I can’t fix anything!!

    by narelle on 03.21.2012
  40. How do I tell you this? I’m leaving me. I’m always trying too hard to not try hard enough and if you really wanted to be honest you’d let the word “callow” drop off your tongue. And I don’t know if we have an epileptic love, I really really don’t but I’m going deaf in one ear so I hear bits of you. This/never/coffee/fixed/melodramatic/you are/barely/coffee? To hear you in stereo. To feel your words hot and humid on my earlobes and tease out the waxy criticism you pour in rainy nights. Drip. You never pull the espresso at the right times anymore. They’re always too sweet and I wish we could be new again.