
January 8th, 2009 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “finite”

  1. My love for food is finite. My love for work is too. But for you, my love, there is no end and there was no beginning. My love for you, my love, will never end.

    by Julia on 01.08.2009
  2. all That is comfortable, clear, logical, concrete, safe.

    by sarah on 01.08.2009
  3. time is finite life is fintie there is nothing we can do about it human nature is finite and so is conciousness

    by liz on 01.08.2009
  4. ending. the fatality of relationships. nothing lasts. nothing endures. most of what we see is an illusion unless we can get someone else to see it too.

    by Dora on 01.08.2009
  5. There is really no such thing. Everything is a standing wave, a probability. Finite is a construct of the human mind, a way to stay sane in a creation that is impossibly, improbably wild

    by geir on 01.08.2009
  6. Finite resources are something that seem to be completely over looked by the majority of the world’s population. But they are finite none the less. One day they will be gone, used up, never to be stolen from mother earth again. Then where will we be? What will we do when there isn’t any more coal, or anymore of the other resources we are so dependent upon?

    by Margaret on 01.08.2009
  7. The universe is infinite, and so are we. It is unknowable, it is uncaring, it is indifferent and it is beautiful. We are eternal, we are ephemeral, we are all that is and will never be. We are not perfect, some of us are prone to cliches. We are wondrous, existence is a miracle unto itself.

    if you believed this, you are a tool.

    by mike on 01.08.2009
  8. finite…the number of kisses i could steal from you. Finite…the number of days i had with you. Finite the amount of smile you flashed. Infinite, my thoughts of you.

    by fay on 01.08.2009
  9. Everything must die. It doesn’t matter if it’s alive or if it’s just a plastic toy. It’s going to disappear. It’s going to no longer exist. Habits die, thoughts die. Everything dies.

    by Holly on 01.08.2009
  10. His ability to love was finite. This was obvious by the way he lied to her, cheated on her, and led her to believe she was the only one. She was smart enought to know no one could love her forever, but his words were like sugar and made he heartbeat quicken… She knew he would hurt her, but she loved him too much to let go, even though she knew it was for her own good.

    by Courtney on 01.08.2009
  11. Shit I had a finite moment there and lost valuable time. Infinite would be easier. I’m stuck.

    by Edurne on 01.08.2009
  12. over done finished, never ending, sad, goodbye, death, irrational, possessed, unfair, inflexible.

    by t on 01.08.2009
  13. Finite. That is my life. It’s just an end of all the beginnings. Does that make it infinite? Never, it just means that the end is to come for all. One more breath just prolongs the finite ending of our lives.

    by emmie on 01.08.2009
  14. Finite, most people would say everything is finite. But this is not true. Not all things have a beginning and an end, some things never started and never will end. Time for example. There was no starting point for time neither is there an end. It will continue to go and go without end.

    by Jon on 01.08.2009
  15. A number. The finite bank account of the orphanage caused many stressful tears in the homes in the nearby village.

    by Jam on 01.08.2009
  16. it’s a finite thing, math, there’s finite graphs, there’s finite things. finite ideas. english, equations, life. delicacy. it is refined and beautiful. i think of it being metallic. that beautiful steely bronze and whatnot it’s a wonderful thing.

    by Saila on 01.08.2009
  17. Everything ends. Nothing stays, nothing lasts forever. That is how I get through life, knowing that while all good things come to an end, all my troubles and struggles will pass with time, as well.

    by Gabriella on 01.08.2009
  18. A limited amount of time marches on. People say that the universe is an infinite entity, that will last forever, infinitely growing. Yet I say all things in this world are temporary–finite. We all have a limited amount of time before we expire.

    by Sara on 01.08.2009
  19. The smallest of small
    the lasting impression to
    an infinity

    by RBL on 01.08.2009
  20. im in-finite

    by d.s. on 01.08.2009
  21. there is Quite this space behind the Quantum Noting we call Fovever.
    But rather this Everything is the Nothings from which we made From.

    by dylan James on 01.08.2009
  22. simple legally blonde ways we all bond and fizz away from the bonds of the universe blank blank blank nothing but eternal love that is unreachable not because i want it so but because we cannot be i do not desire you in any way but i would love to laugh with you and help you raise the children you found in stranger’s gardens help me help myself run run run danger is coming fly away flow away sea sea sea

    by Ashley on 01.08.2009
  23. I find so little in this world that I can call finite. many people search to quantify everything and leave only emotion and hearsay to the infinite. Tell me where a street ends or a car stops truely, along this timeline I have yet to see something begin or end, or see any semblance of fate.

    by Andrew Meare on 01.08.2009
  24. entropy will will end, as planned, with no trophies
    grasping at meaning never seems to help much

    by Beanpole on 01.08.2009
  25. so finite were her options she found herself unable to make a decision. she looked about herself for some excuse or reason to wait. what should you do if you can’t do what you want?

    by Emilee on 01.08.2009
  26. Is the universe finite?! Many say it’s not but I think I might disagree. There has to be an ending to everything… an ending of reality that slowly moves into the improbable, the maybe, the what if realms and still even slower yet makes its way to imaginary.

    by Kara on 01.08.2009
  27. i only have so much time on this earth to make something of myself – to make a difference, to impact a life. Sometimes I feel like there can’t possibly be enough time for me to achieve all I want. The time I have is so precious – so little, so short and all I want to do is make a difference.

    by Danielle on 01.08.2009
  28. It is all that I am, all that I’ll ever be. everything in comparison to how magnificent and vast you are is the very epitome of this. It is all we shall ever be.

    by Noelle on 01.08.2009
  29. infinte come to mind firt. sort of a sub-conscience thing, i jsut read as though there was an “in” before the word. although clearly i was wrong. i cant stop thinking about how cold my feet are, sorry its off topic i know. but its a burning cold, the kind that goes right you your bone, deep digging into your soul.

    by Dou on 01.08.2009
  30. I have to get out of here. It’s so limited, so finite. I can see the entire world on my computer, but I can’t touch any of it beyond my own little niche.

    by Cherry on 01.08.2009
  31. Finite.
    The days seem as so.
    We have time and time to spare,
    until the end when time is gone.
    As the hour draws late we see
    alone and in the dark
    illuminated, bathed in the blue
    of the clock light
    as hours tick by
    and all you know
    is that you need to sleep

    by glasszephyr on 01.08.2009
  32. finite. i dontk now what it means. ha! i should prlly improve my vocab by playing dirty scrabble some more.

    by chelsea on 01.08.2009
  33. a particular amount of something, leaving room for nothing else, which basically indicates the end. of everything. or of whatever it is that you’re counting.

    by skampy on 01.08.2009
  34. The world is not finite. Only our human minds our. Once we can possibly break out of that nonsense possibilities will be endless. Of course we will never get there no matter how hard we try or how much we think outside the box. We’re doomed to live out our lives never knowing the true potential of anything or anyone.

    by Julz on 01.08.2009
  35. To be honest, I’m terrified. When I think about eternity, my insides get hot, my hands clammy. What is it about infinity that scares me? My toes curl and I pull my arms tight to myself, as if somehow this will save me from impending fate. Eternity. I know where I’ll end up, so why am I so scared?

    by B on 01.08.2009
  36. the end of all things. there is nothing any of us can do. terminable. not infinite. the world. every life. the term of a person.

    by ella on 01.08.2009
  37. Life is finite. I just recently discovered that my very close friend has cancer. He has approximately 2 years to live, max. That really makes me think. Life really does have a limit; there’s a finite number of days we’re permitted to live on the Earth. We have to find why we’re here before our time is up.

    by Linda on 01.08.2009
  38. there is a finite amount of time that all of us have to live. So live we should. yet, most of us, even when we know better live as if there will always be another tomorrow.

    Procrastination would cease if we really knew that the next breath we took would be our last or if the day we got out of bed, it would be our last.

    by Magnolia on 01.08.2009
  39. I’m falling in love with him, The thing is.. He’s in love with the guy who’s hurt me the most. I can’t tell him.

    by breakthesilence. on 01.08.2009
  40. fuck you – you says with a laugh – we broke each others hearts – more and more and more again – I don’t know what to do with myself….backspace, backspace

    by Lisa on 01.08.2009