
June 15th, 2010 | 226 Entries

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226 Entries for “fallout”

  1. dibris falling from the sky
    particles hit so fast
    come from so high
    think if i write this imma die

    by sue ellen mang on 06.15.2010
  2. this word makes me feel awfully lonely, like i already was before i even started this. post zombie apocalypse possibly, i picture gas masks and bread rations. but that’s just because of the game i’m sure. i just did this but it’s making me do it again, interesting. i can’t write on a whim like this, i need to time to think of what i want to write otherwise it all just comes out a jumble of words that don’t matter and don’t make sense at all, though i could keep typing all night.

    by Nicole on 06.15.2010
  3. The worlds over for me. Ever since our falling out…I can’t sleep. She’s there in my head, crying like a baby, over and over. Could you sleep? I can’t. She just asks me why? why? over and over, and I say I don’t know baby.

    by edward on 06.15.2010
  4. God I hate nukes. I mean. ever since the war, there’s been nothing but nukes. Volleys of ’em. And these little shelters they’ve got just shake. Can”t get hardly any sleep down here.

    by edward on 06.15.2010
  5. They called it a fallout. I call it a fall in. By ending our friendship, I fell into who I am supposed to be. You were holding me back. I’m sorry, but it is better now. I still miss you though.

    by Laura on 06.15.2010
  6. the sky went dark. the fallout had hit their area. no one was safe now. gretchen grabbed her teddy bear in fear and looked up at her dad. he looked back down and realized he could find no words.

    by Malerie Kurt on 06.15.2010
  7. in 2010 when everyone dies of neclear fallout, it will be a fantastic event. everything will go back to basics. free trade, not for money, but for nessesities like food and water, shelter and survival. back to basics…

    by Thomas on 06.15.2010
  8. when I see the word fallout, I think of the Fall Out Boys. A lot of people call them an emo band though I am not quite certain what ’emo’ even really means, in this respect.

    by on 06.15.2010
  9. fallout. There is a lot to say about that, but not enough time. I guess what first comes to mind is how many people fallout. Then I think of what you can fallout of. You can fallout of religion, out of school, out of relationships. But all I really know is that fallouts are lame, and you never really hear about someone falling in.

    by Arden on 06.15.2010
  10. When everything doesnt work out how its supposed to. when you think something is this way and it completely lets you down. not necessarily falling but failing, failing from what you thought it was.

    by Katy on 06.15.2010
  11. Fallouts generally mean an argument or a breakdown or something bad like that. Well, maybe they are, but fallouts can lead to so much better things. We need to hit rock bottom before we can really go up, don’t we? Fallouts mean change.

    by Nidhi on 06.15.2010
  12. Stop! Don’t go there. The fallout will take you down quicker’n you can say, jack rabbit. That is – if there were any jack rabbits left around here. But, since the incident, they’re gone.

    by Deborah on 06.15.2010
  13. He didn’t lnow why he always did this.
    They’d be happy and cheerful in the morning, kissing and exchaning ‘i love you’s.
    And then someone would have a bad day.
    They’d pick a fight over the smallest things.
    They would scream and yell until the whole neighborhood could hear their raucous, boisterous roars.
    He would end up storming out, only to pointlessly circle the block in a destructive rage and attempt to run over every animal that happened to cross his path.
    But he’d always return.
    Because home was where the heart was and his never left Sora’s side.
    Because eternity was empty without someone to share it with.
    Because despite every fight and fallout, the love was still as solid as it had ever been.
    Because Sora was familiarity and everything he had ever known.
    Because Sora was his missing piece of the puzzle, the key to his lock, and every other cliche that could ever be applied.
    Because Sora was life.
    And Riku was nothing without him.

  14. These are the unintended consequences of our well-intended actions;
    The horrible non-fictions of our man-to-man-made factions.

  15. The fallout from the attack lingered in the air: debris of all sorts sifted slowly through acrid layers of man-made mutilation.

    by emily on 06.15.2010
  16. boy
    “Hum Hallalejuh”
    Fall Out boy is my favorite band.
    I’ve liked them for a while.
    “I Don’t Care”
    “Disloyal Order of Buffaloes”
    Panic at the disco

    by Cassi on 06.15.2010
  17. we fallout
    before we start
    brought together
    and torn apart
    lusting lips
    leave broken hearts
    leave uneven halves
    in shattered parts.

  18. As i sat in the fallout shelter all i could think about was abby and how i was forced to leave her on the other side of the door, for fear she was infected,

    by laurel on 06.15.2010
  19. Fallout of love with the thought that you think. Eyes burning with the things that you have seen. Lie own and sleep for just one more day.

  20. I wanted to jump from the roof. To fall, without anything to hold me up. Finally let go of it all and just topple over. Not jump after all. Just fall, off that edge. Anything to steal away this vision of a black and white skyline. To leave such a place behind.

  21. He’s the fallout. He dropped out of school, fell below the poverty line, hit rock bottom. He’s the one who learned the hard way that mistakes can cost so much more than you would ever expect. He’s the one who lost touch with his family, lost his future, lost his dreams. He’s the dropout. The failure. The fallout.

    And she’s the one that raised him up.

    by K.C.P. on 06.15.2010
  22. I already wrote about the word “fallout,” but oneword didn’t catch this because I just signed up for an account. I baked blueberry muffins yesterday. Yum!

  23. the world came to a chaotic end and now there are zombies and megamutants and shelters! wow this sounds like a game, lets see thats cause it is one my friends been playing for a while now, i took a stab at it and found it a bit tricky but then I found out that i wasn’t using god mode!

    by Allison Keats on 06.15.2010
  24. Fallout reminds me of the band, but it also reminds me of relationships; friendships to be specific. Some people that I used to be best friends with are no longer even considered acquaintances.

  25. disaster the end where everyone around you is dead and you are only waiting for your turn all your regrets laid out before you

    by Magda on 06.15.2010
  26. Fallout. I don’t see what was so good about that game. didn’t seem that great. a lot of walking. seems like a waste of time. all games are a waste of time, really. if people learned to appreciate learning in place of playing video games, the world would be full of smarter people.

    by David S on 06.15.2010
  27. During middle school, there was a band called Fall Out Boy with the acronym FOB. I’ve just graduated high school and their popularity has rapidly declined, considering only their first album was good and Pete Wentz, the bassist and frontman started drinking his wife Ashlee Simpson’s breast milk and raising a child named after a New York state borough.

    by Liana on 06.15.2010
  28. boy band love pete wentz patrick stump bass guitar singer fall apart let go butt four make up break up sugar we’re going down

    by Taryn on 06.15.2010
  29. it was my first time in new york city, just over a year ago, i was with my school’s newspaper, i had my, then new, nikon d60. i took a picture of a sign that marked a building as a fallout shelter. i thought it was the eeriest thing.

  30. You left me, you abandoned me. We fellout. It was a fallout. I miss you.

    by jessica on 06.15.2010
  31. We had a falling out. That’s what they call it. That’s what mom told me it was. But I feel like it was a falling in.

    by Laura on 06.15.2010
  32. i think of fallout boy, the fallout at the end of everything you worked for, the fallout that makes or breaks you . Falling out of yourself into the person you must become. Fallingout, of reality, falling in to a new world.

    by Ashley on 06.15.2010
  33. Fall out of love when it isn’t right for you. Fall out of touch when that person isn’t nice to you. Fall out of bed in the morning for work, school and life. Fall out of your regular schedule for once. Fall out of the old and into the new.

    by Mary on 06.15.2010
  34. falling out of my sanity. i’m falling. why dosen’t he call, why dosenn’t he want me. am i not good enough for him? i’m too naive, to be in this place. i don’t know what to do with myself. it’s pathetic when you’re drinkning by yourself.

  35. i think of fallout boy. that weird band that i used to love. me and sarah were obsessed with “thnks fr the mmrs” (which is retarded, all the vows are missing for no reason) and me and megan used it for our radio project in tech class in 8th grade.

    by Carmen on 06.15.2010
  36. I’m still experiencing the fallout from a personal nuclear disaster that happened almost 6 weeks ago. The radiation is nearly killing me and everything around me is dead.

    by Andie on 06.15.2010
  37. i once dreamed about a fallout I had with a lover. It was in a small, eager place, and we were both staring outside of a window, thinking about the snow. But that wasn’t in our thoughts.

    by Deni on 06.15.2010
  38. and we all would clash together, and then we fall apart. and beyond all of this we were never the same. you fell out of my name, my memories, just like i fell out of yours. and who were we to say that we loved each other once? how could we say we love, because love would never say we gave up.

    by claire on 06.15.2010
  39. fallout ?
    im french.
    i dont know what it means.
    but it makes me think about fall out boy.
    that i really like.
    pete wentz is hot.
    damn. i dont tipe fast.

    by Jez on 06.15.2010
  40. fall out and down in the winter snow, a pale ash that only resembles frozen water. it’s frozen soul, the only part of us left after the final conclusion, the inevitable act of self-destruction contained within all of us, that given enough time, we will touch. it will flower. it must come to pass.

    by Clayton on 06.15.2010