
June 15th, 2010 | 226 Entries

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226 Entries for “fallout”

  1. the fallout finally came down and the screams were all anyone could hear. blood and chaos. it was the worst night of my life. and every day i relived it. i could see it again- the fallout came down again and hit us, and i could smell the burning pieces of metal and human flesh. those were all the same, but every time the outcome was different. in the best cases, eva walked away alright, and in the worst, everyone died but me.

  2. Hidden away from all that is bad. Protected from the horrors of the world. Here I am, safe in my fallout shelter. But what is the cost? Cut off from society.

  3. My parents and I always seen to fallout around holidays, I never really know why. FallOut boy really sucks. Yesterday I saw a bird fall out of a tree. Maybe tomorrow I will fallout of bed and find a bunch of money.

    by trisha on 06.15.2010
  4. The man sat shaking, barricaded in his fallout shelter waiting quietly. Unfortunately, his family wasn’t able to make it home in time, and he was impatiently waiting to discover if they had found shelter, or fallen to the same fate as the greater population of the country.
    But, as he would soon find out, there was no shelter from an atomic bomb.

    by Jonathan on 06.15.2010
  5. me and her. her and me. us, no more.
    this is our falling out.
    i certainly don’t want this,
    but does she?
    i guess i’ll have to talk to her,
    but thats really the whole reason for our fallout in the first place.
    no talking, too much talking.

    by tannor on 06.15.2010
  6. Fallout over time and in different places
    fall out of bed
    fall out of sorts
    fallout–ouch–Hiroshima style

    I have fallen out
    I fell out.
    I will have fallen out

    by Saroyan on 06.15.2010
  7. When two worlds col lide
    with such force
    the insides erupt
    into new beings
    those beings
    never existed

  8. This is us. This is what’s happening. We’re falling apart, crashing together head to head. Nothing happy left. Just pain, and sadness. Just a fallout of what used to be. Like the aftermath of a huge explosion of love. Just nothing.

  9. When two worlds collide
    with such force
    the insides erupt
    into new beings
    those beings
    never existed

    by Sean R. on 06.15.2010
  10. She was a wreck, an emotional fallout. How could she go on, when he treated her in such a way? She would find the strength though, for she, in the end, was stronger that he could ever be.

    by alexandria on 06.15.2010
  11. We had a falling out. After all, everyone has them. It took me awhile to miss you. It seemed like everything just picked up and continued on after you were gone from my life. Friday nights were filled with other friends and my parents never dared to ask why you never came around anymore. Neither of us made any move to bridge that gap that grew every day, every hour, every minute that we spent apart. I used to know you like the back of my hand. Now, you are a complete stranger. I wouldn’t recognize you if I passed you on the street. That part is the worst. Not being able to say that I know you anymore. Especially when once upon a time, you knew all of my deepest secrets and could read my mind without trying. It’s the circle of life though. We both have new best friends that maybe, one day, we will fall out of friendship with.

  12. i simply feell out of your arms. it was the greatest time of my life…. it was my greatest fallout…

    by Alex on 06.15.2010
  13. sooo i was walking douwn the street and fell and then i cryed so that my mom had to find a fish for me to eat and then i was happy.

    by bob on 06.15.2010
  14. The one world alliance brings people together in love for nintendo. Yes…thats right…nintendo. I couldnt think of anything serious to type. But nintendo is savage. Especially mario, he will never get old.

    by eef on 06.15.2010
  15. “Have you heard the latest fallout boy album? It’s amazing.” “And that class, is an example of a sentence that doesn’t make any sense.”

    by Martin on 06.15.2010
  16. Marine ranks in two by two formation jogged in semi-peramublatory style as Mason shot photographs of passing clouds. His photographs were cut quite short when the soldier in front of him stopped abruptly.

    As his camera dropped, his posture conveyed an ache to catch the device before it landed.

    And landed it did; film, plastic camera case, and lens split into smaller bits.

    Sergant Johnson, voice careening with dozens of years of recruit correction, proceeded to dress Mason up and down. The last Mason saw of the camera was bits of film under Johnson’s boot.

  17. fall out. that isn’t a word. you people are insane.

  18. there is a time and space for it all there are things you will never know boy you will fallout of my orb and make a nothingness out of the beauty within you are falling out of the darkness of love.

    by andre on 06.15.2010
  19. My world had the ability to collapse at a moment’s notice. It would leave behind only the wreckage of a person, like the fallout after a literal explosion; except this disaster would leave a much messier result behind, as there is no sort of hell like the life of someone whose heart has been ripped from their rib cage.

  20. The rain of metal
    Sliced through our skin, filling the
    moonlit streets with blood.

    by Sara on 06.15.2010
  21. They called it radioactive fallout. It wasn’t. Everyone knew it was magic. But, of course, the great leaders of our world had just decreed themselves scientists. Magic didn’t exist. Not to them. But to us, it killed all the same.

    by audrey Treib on 06.15.2010
  22. This fallout has hurt me to the core
    We were perfect for each other and a lie separated us.
    There is no way to be back together, I am with another.
    I wish we had longer.
    But in the end:
    I’ll always be happy for the fallout.

    by KT on 06.15.2010
  23. The sky was black with ash and floating debree. The sun struggled in vain to break through, and the few unlikely survivors were soon hit and killed by the fallout. The nuclear winter would take its toll on the world.

  24. Fallout. The fallout of your words has been intoxicating for you, but manageable for me. I learned to compartmentalize a long time ago, and so should you. Keep calm, and carry on.

  25. me and my friend had one of these once, we sorted it out though. she said some nasty things to me about my behaviour as a friend and it upset me because i didnt think it was true. we are best friends again. perhaps not forever though.

    by hannah on 06.15.2010
  26. One word; Fallout.
    And I’m falling
    head over heels for you
    without the need to question who’s going to catch me

  27. The fallout from thier breakup was nasty. Friends turned on friends. Families chose sides. People moved out. New people moved in. The story got warped, and what actually happened was forgotten. Before lon

    by Galrion on 06.15.2010
  28. The fallout of anything seems to be a very depressing time. I shouldn’t like to experience the fallout of anything in my life.

  29. I watched, completely terrified, as the precipice above my head shuttered, and then with a terrible groan that will stay with me for the rest

    by Lady Diva on 06.15.2010
  30. I played Fallout 3 for the xbox 360. It was fun. It really made me question the future, following nuclear tests and wars. I particularly concern myself with the fate of humans, unsheltered when the fallout happens.

    by Canaan on 06.15.2010
  31. nix zu tun. einfach warten. fallen. rausfallen. fliegen. abheben. oder doch runtr in die wunderwelt. immer weiter weiter weiter weiter weiter weiter weiter weiter weiter weiter w

    by andrea on 06.15.2010
  32. The fallout was more a case of perception than reality. Once the tunnel had been waged, the exit was free and clear. Sunlight here I come.

    by Peter on 06.15.2010
  33. Falling out of a relationship, as if you were trapeze artists swinging skillfully across the tent, only to be dropped, falling until you land to the realization that you’re alone

  34. There isn’t much to do about fall­out. We breathe it. We eat it. We sleep in it.

    It col­ors our dreams and our playgrounds.

    None of us have use for play any­more, we just hope to live.

  35. when friends leave each other and never get in touch again….its quite sad but not intentional we all wish it wouldn’t happen but it does especially in collage and high school

    by kay on 06.15.2010
  36. The man was found in an old fallout shelter. He skin was pallid and his clothes were filthy. He was on the brink of death. Before they lifted him into the ambulance his barely audible whisper echoed through the night, “Please don’t take me out of here.”

  37. There isn’t much to do about fallout. We breathe it. We eat it. We sleep in it.

    It colors our dreams and our playgrounds.

    None of us have use for play anymore, we just hope to live.

    by Clint on 06.15.2010
  38. The bomb shelter wasn’t working. IT ISN’T WORKING.

    We are all going to die here, in this bomb shelter that is broken.
    Who didn’t fix the door?
    Who did that?
    It doesn’t matter.
    We’re all going to die together.

    by Natalie on 06.15.2010
  39. I think what happened could best be described as a ‘fallout’. A massive human error resulted in a cataclysmic explosion in my chest and the fabric of my past inspirations were strewn about the landscape like so many blood-stained, bloated corpses.

  40. It hung in the sky for days, a huge black cloud of fallout. It seemed dark, the sun dulled and dust rained down on us. The entire town was dirty, everything covered in a layer of dust and ashes.