
August 18th, 2010 | 282 Entries

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282 Entries for “fallen”

  1. they knew they couldn’t be, that it would destroy so many things they would never be able to fix anything. But they didn’t care, they already were fallen angels anyway.

    by laura on 08.18.2010
  2. although we have fallen through the cracks of time and avarice;i have never stopped loving or admiring you.you are my ‘wow’.you are the one thing i never wanted to control,or change,or make become something it was not…i have always have loved you just for being you..and it was my death sentence..

    by on 08.18.2010
  3. the angel lay sill and broken on the dusty ground. Her wing crumpled and her feathers gray with dust.

    by Alex on 08.18.2010
  4. i have experienced a fall from grace. I once was intelligent and looked up to. All of my reputation has faded and others have surpassed me. I need to do something to change who I am. There is a big difference between who I am now and who I want to be. Im not exactly sure where Ill end up or exactly who it is I want to be. Im excited to start to become the person.

    by Chelsea on 08.18.2010
  5. A boy for a girl
    ai deer on a cliff
    I time to be without gravity
    The time to be consumed by something else
    The way of the world
    The way it’s not suppose to be.

    by Daisy on 08.18.2010
  6. You´re a fallen angel, I said, will you take me with you?


    Because you´re all the things I dread, all things soiled, distorted and damaged. I can´t do without you.

  7. She’d fallen across the stream, and it was about time. The last leaves had been, what, forty years? She felt hollow, tickling with ants and beetles. Summer meant nothing anymore. It was good to lay down at last, a bridge, a sleeping bridge.

  8. i feel this way when i am stuck or lost. lately i have felt this way so i am making some changes. it reminds me of a song i just learned about by Sia. it makes me want to tell you a secret.

    by Chelsea on 08.18.2010
  9. I fell down in a flash, losing my wings, burning up as I entered the atmosphere of ordinary life. This loss isn’t so bad, I thought to myself. Besides, I never even knew how to use them. But my beauty was gone.

  10. i knew i had fallen for you
    after that night of scrabble maybe
    or one of those nights we spent up all night
    talking and talking and talking
    hitting it off more than i ever had with anyone before
    or how we could just sit and listen to music
    laughing hysterically and playing with glowsticks
    feeling your eyes on me
    i was hoping you had fallen too

  11. has my mind wandered into an abyss of silence, air rushing on either side but no sound rushing in my ears. at what am i falling… or am i rising backwards? up up up we go

  12. fallen from the sky. fallen helplessly for you. fallen fell fast. no hope ahead. cant think straight. helpppppppppppp. fallen from heaven? can you fall from hell? do you know where u are going? do you know why? are you using your head?

    by sasha Ruiz on 08.18.2010
  13. The water was deep. So deep I could only see…nothing, really. There was no chance of retrieving my keys. Even if there were, there was no fucking way I was going to dive in. I mean, after all, I was at a water treatment plant and this was a container of raw sewage. Shit!

    by Brian Martin on 08.18.2010
  14. She fell below the clouds, staring heartbroken at him, still in the sky, still clinging on to his feathery soft wings. Her eyes closed as her own wings shrinked and were replaced by newer ones, dark ones. Before she knew it flames blazed before her eyes. She had landed flat on her back. The paralyzing pain struck two seconds after she hit the ground. She tried to remember, tried to think about how this had happened. One thought entered her mind; He’s still out there. The real culprit to the crime at which she was convicted. Then a mysterious voice called from the shadows, “Welcome, Azel. You are now in the land of the Fallen.”

  15. i have done it many times in the past. finding new ways every day to somehow become more clumsy and do it again. you would think that humans would have developed more of a depth perception, or at least caution to what may happen, but we are always just oblivious.

    by erin on 08.18.2010
  16. I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. I’ve let the addiction take control of my life. I feel as though I have fallen into a black hole that has taken me away from everything and everyone I love. Someone please help me climb back out.

    by Haley on 08.18.2010
  17. A fallen angel like a fallen star lost on the planet of strangers and evil. Lost again.

  18. fallen like the angle who broke his wings and forgot how to walk! a fallen star upon the earth of strangers.

    by karolina on 08.18.2010
  19. The skier has fallen to the bottom of the ravine. He is hurt and scared. No one knows about this spur of the moment trip. They had no guide. The question is now whether he should resort to the only food available: his dead girlfriend.

    by enigmachick on 08.18.2010
  20. I feel as if I’ve fallen. But I never hit the ground, no matter how badly I want to. I think I’m just going to keep falling for the rest of my life, and the only thing that could stop me is the ground. If only I could reach it.

    by Maya on 08.18.2010
  21. I have fallen and i can not stand. my feet are berried in the sand. the waves are coming down on me. and i am happy where i am.

    by Alli on 08.18.2010
  22. I am a fallen angel. I’ve been casted out of my home. I wander the earth, helping out others in need so that I could possibly return home.

    by Megan on 08.18.2010
  23. The Fallen had come to us. An ancient civilization, now here to tell us the truth, what had happened, why they no longer exist. Such a sadness came from them that I had a difficult time standing in their presence.
    The Fallen were here.
    It was time to listen.

  24. out of love over the hill people children girl sister far away lost leaves sky home away from the place that was once always there into your eyes his blue love filled eyes

    by lozan on 08.18.2010
  25. hearing you words fall out of your mouth and into my ears and into my hands never really understood what you were saying to me but i do now

    by Dalton on 08.18.2010
  26. the wings of the angel smiled with a fallen smile. it was far away from home. on earth where heart couldn’t be found amongst the stars. she was a fallen angel trying to just get home.

    by Alex on 08.18.2010
  27. You had fallen. First into depression, and then into Death’s awaiting hands. You appear before me, up in these clouds, and while I’m happy you’re here as well, I cannot forgive myself for causing it in the first place. 

  28. down. Ouch and I hurt my knee.

    by Soapstar on 08.18.2010
  29. Every time I keep getting up, I keep falling, and I have done this many times despite the world and its cruel intentions, but all I can do is keep standing for I have fallen before.

  30. The leaves have fallen from the trees.
    The smells of apple cider and cinnamon sticks fill the air.


  31. The crepes on the floor, the decanter tilting… it’s all over.

  32. The tears rolled down my face burning my checks. The pain was unbearable. It felt like I had two thousand pound weights on my back that were on fire. I took a deep breath and turned to look in the mirror and face my reality, I had fallen, never to returen to heaven.

  33. I had fallen faster than I had previously thought possible. Perhaps the weight of my previous failures had finally accumulated, pushing me deeper and deeper into this blood filled hole called life.

  34. there was always a small group of us who felt we were above them. we would look down, laugh and make our snide remarks. we called them ‘the fallen’ we never figured we would become them.

    by jess on 08.18.2010
  35. I have fallen from the sky, from the paradise, into the earth that will be. A planet doomed by my actions of a previous life, how can i find atonement now?

    by Guillermo Schiappucci on 08.18.2010
  36. I have fallen from a large building. I am falling towards the ground at an incredible rate of speed. I see my life flashing before my eyes, all my regrets and my joys, and i wonder how it came to this.

    by Gray Donohoe on 08.18.2010
  37. We are all broken
    pieces of art
    Needing to be
    put back together
    By the hands of
    our own artist

  38. The little girl couldn’t help but remember all the times she’d fallen off her bike. She was too scared to get back on, but her big brother kept pushing her to try it again. It scared her, but she knew she couldn’t stay scared forever.

    by jackie on 08.18.2010
  39. I watch as she falls. She is Falling, through the crisp air, and with a thump lies in the colorful leaves. she has fallen

  40. Life had crumbled around me, everything I knew had fallen away. I look, not knowing what to do, feeling like a piece in a broken puzzle. So I take the step, diving gracefully into the black hole my life went down, spiralling towards the bottom.