
April 26th, 2023 | 10 Entries

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10 Entries for “evaluation”

  1. It is not all who you are, these numbers, these circles sliding over each other, %. You are not only your mistakes, your steps away from perfection. You are every hug, you are the “Good Morning!” to the dog in the sweater, the sidewalk chalk with a pink Spinosaurus for your three year old neighbor.

  2. Holding a mirror so close heightens every flaw, increases every doubt and shines a light on all mistakes. It could have been better! Never good enough! More More More! Perfection wilted by self evaluation.

    by cat on 04.26.2023
  3. She wanted so badly to be a part of this elite clan. They had watched her hunt, kill and feed. Eyes on her every move, deciding if she was good enough to belong. If her heart could still beat, it would be pounding in her chest, as she waited for her final results. The door creaked open, and five dark figures entered. This was it! the evaluation was over, and now… the results

    by cat on 04.26.2023
  4. tests

    by Guilherme on 04.26.2023
  5. an ever-present companion in the dance of life, guiding our steps, leading us to our unique paths, and shaping our destinies.

  6. The weary traveler approached the gates of the mystical city, guarded by an ancient oracle. To enter, he had to undergo an evaluation of his virtues and intentions. The oracle peered into his soul, revealing the truth within. Only then could he pass and discover the city’s secrets.

  7. Evaluation is a double-edged sword; it can propel us towards excellence or plunge us into self-doubt. The key is to strike a balance, allowing room for growth without letting harsh judgment overwhelm us. In essence, we must learn to be our own constructive critics.

  8. in the quaint village of Evalua, a peculiar custom existed. Once a year, villagers convened for a grand festival where each person’s talents were assessed in a series of evaluations. The highest achievers earned honorary titles, inspiring awe and respect from their peers.

  9. Evaluation, a necessity in our fast-paced lives. We constantly assess our choices, relationships, and aspirations. It’s through self-evaluation that we grow and refine our beliefs, moving toward our ideal selves. But remember, it’s the journey that truly counts, not the destination.

    by ivyivy on 04.26.2023
  10. The professor’s gaze pierced through the dimly lit classroom as students submitted their final exams. Months of intense study culminated in this one evaluation. They exchanged nervous glances, each hoping their efforts were enough to earn the coveted A.