
April 25th, 2023 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “resourceful”

  1. It’s making mountains from a handful of dirt, weaving baskets of sticks, turning dandelions into fairy dolls, the true human tradition of making towers out of anything: jam packets, cards, rockets, using the earth to reach the sky.

  2. They always underestimated her. They never thought she could do it because she was different. Well one thing they will soon learn, is just how resourceful one can become when treated like an outcast. Her strength was like none other, and her vengeance would be swift. Their cries would fill the empty night sky as their blood ran deep into the river

    by Cat on 04.25.2023
  3. Meandering through the bustling marketplace, an artist in search of inspiration stumbled upon a peculiar sight: a resourceful child turning discarded scraps into beautiful sculptures. The artist, moved by the child’s ingenuity, began to see the world in a whole new light. Then the kid died and blew up his whole worldview.

    by 2lit on 04.25.2023
  4. It’s the art of looking beyond the obvious, finding potential in the mundane. It’s the spirit of MacGyver, repurposing a paperclip into a life-saving tool. Our modern world could use more of it.

    by ivyivy on 04.25.2023
  5. In a faraway kingdom, a resourceful queen ruled with wisdom and foresight. She harnessed the power of her subjects, using their unique talents to solve pressing problems. When drought struck, she led her people in devising water-saving techniques, thus securing their prosperity.

  6. resourceful. a word I contemplate as i sip on my morning coffee. it evokes a sense of readiness to face life’s challenges head-on, with grace and creativity. in a world that seems to be moving too fast, being resourceful is the key to staying afloat and thriving. bitches gotta thrive.

  7. The faint rustling of leaves caught Lily’s attention as she carefully constructed a makeshift shelter. Resourceful, she had always been, making the most of the wild around her. Her keen instincts and ability to adapt were more valuable than any tool or weapon in the wilderness.