
August 16th, 2010 | 224 Entries

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224 Entries for “eternally”

  1. from the choirs and bells of heaven and hell, come whipsers and shouts of a place outside time. no human has seen it and lived to tell. it’s hearsay leaked from hallowed halls, from lips of lovers and priests, devils and barristers. it’s a rumor, a bad or good one depending on the order of chaos on any given day, eternally an earthbound concept.

  2. forever. to be with you. i need you now. and ill need you when i grow old i want you to be my best friend and my only friend. i need you to be my rock and my life. please stay with me eternally

    by Ginger on 08.17.2010
  3. He was eternally depressed, forever looking out his window for the sun and seeing only clouds and rain.

    by gino on 08.17.2010
  4. This day goes on eternally, stretching out past the night that was supposed to follow it, and it heats everything, wilting every leaf and scorching every passerby on the street, and causes the hair of their little dogs to burn and smoke and burst into flame. Not a good day.

  5. i had a family member that i cared for dearly. they were my best freind and the love i felt for them i will never feel again. they will be missed, eternally.

    by hope16 on 08.17.2010
  6. I hope to be alive eternally. Humans have the soul… I refuse to believe that we spend our entire lives becoming wiser and learned just to be snuffed out. Let my soul live eternally.

  7. eternally, i want to be yours forever but i know thats nothing but a possibility. so for now, these feelings that lay eternally inside me will just be another voice in my head.

  8. I am eternally grateful for your inquiry as to how awesome I am… Sarah is eternally in my debt for my awesomeness. Seriously, even though she fails at life…

  9. When two people get married they promise to be eternally faithful to each other whether they are alive or dead. How true is this commitment though? We hear about cheaters and deceiving partners all across the world. If a promise is so important than why is it so easy to break?

  10. eternally

    by kaila on 08.17.2010
  11. is what everyone thinks about when they’re told to think about that fairytale kind of love. y’know, the kind in the movies which have all this build-up to it. the kind that never really last… eternally.

    by Anne de Vrai on 08.17.2010
  12. I can’t stand it because I looked up a map of how far away we’ll be when I’m in Boston and it’s 400 miles which is still too far so now I’m considering going to Johns Hopkins because at least then I’ll be in your hometown and maybe just maybe you’ll still love me a year from now and we can make it work.

  13. i entered the room and from the moment i saw it, eternally i was never the same.

  14. Eternally my thoughts are with you. I would go with you but recognise that you are moving on. My only regret is that we will not grow old together: all the good things about you will stay in my memories, you will get no older and I will retain a shadow.

  15. eternally isn’t something that i can decide on right now ask me again when i’m older and more able to deal with it . but if what i’m with when i’m older is determined by what i do now isn’t my eternity decided now?
    so much pressure to guess right

    by Adeona on 08.16.2010
  16. eternally in knew the world would end in five days of i didn’t stop them from coming here. but really there was no stoping it from happening. they would come, we would befriend them, then our world as we knew it would cease to make room for them.

    by willow on 08.16.2010
  17. forever and for always. Never ending. Will never be over. Eternal life. God. Years.

    by samantha on 08.16.2010
  18. eternally is the stuff of wedding ring commericals the kind of rings that come with teddy bears

  19. i wish that you could be eternally mine. but i know it’s not possible. you’re a cat. you live way less time than us humans. such a pity. we would have been perfect together. although you are a little too furry…

  20. Dirk Spacely’s jet pack was running out of fuel on the way back to his ship. It was only 7 kilometers away, but he still needed a charge to steer in teh zero gravity of space. Within the last 1200 meters, he saw his fuel gauge give up the ghost. His kicking and waving his arms had no effect on his trajectory, which was off by only .0035% of a degree. He thought if he could just loop his air hose on the antenna as he drifted by his vessel, perhaps … but as he twisted his body and flung the hose out, the compression of his intestines caused an unexpected expulsion of gas, not only pushing him out of reach, but Dirk knew. He just knew he would be floating in the void of space eternally.

  21. I will eternally love you and exist forever, immortalitized in stone and glass and tears and sadness. And I will have butterfly wings when you think of me, and big, doll eyes and ballerina legs and shoes and a pink tu tu. And I will be the girl that you thought I was, wanted me to be, and then the real essence of me will fade and slip away and I’ll be a fairy, and you’ll be a prince, and it will be a forever happily ever after.

    by Alina on 08.16.2010
  22. kept close
    stuck in reflection
    reading in reverse
    shining glass’s
    let the sun pass
    creating rainbows
    double rainbow all the way

    by quantum suicide on 08.16.2010
  23. Our hour of nocturnal hibernation; creeping gigantic stomps upon sleeping owls.

  24. Eternally in love. Something i hope to have eventually provided of course that is what is supposed to happen in my life. I guess if that can’t happen i would be fine with just being eternally happy. In fact i believe that it even better.

    by Zaza on 08.16.2010
  25. I always know the answer, I got ears all around me. It doesn’t matter though, does it?

    by Cobi Crowe on 08.16.2010
  26. forever and a day, outer space, stars, classic rock, the feeling of the earth beneath my bare feet.

  27. eternally we walk along this long road. Eternally we strive to walk along this long road. eternally we desire to walk along this long road. eternally we despair over walking along this long road. eternally we rejoice over walking along this long road. eternally we need help walking along this long road.

    by Burdius on 08.16.2010
  28. “I had always thought we would be together, and that would simply be the end of it. That love was like, easier than this, and that there wasn’t wedding cake; that at the end, I couldn’t bring myself to throw out of the freezer; even after five years.”

    by blue collar poet on 08.16.2010
  29. To make something last eternally, you must never stop trying. You have to give it your all, and nothing but. How can something last forever if you don’t work hard enough for it to even last a few decades? For anything to last eternally, tremendous effort is required.

    by Amy on 08.16.2010
  30. i wish that i could live forever. or that there was a heaven. and we can all be together forever..i love

    by elise on 08.16.2010
  31. it was the day that would never end… >:(

  32. Haha there are so many memories that we share together my love. So many eternally bonds that will keep us together. Both the good and the bad times. These memories will keep my love for you eternal. Eternally I am yours.

  33. Eternally longing for a more compelling thing to right about. A concept as magnificent as it is vague. Suffice to say, it is quite magnificent. Beyond the scope of 60 seconds, I can tentatively say. Can’t I?

  34. I am eternally grateful for him. I care about him deeply. Without him, i am not myself. I wish that he’d figure things out. I wish he knew just how much i cared. I wish he understood. I’d be eternally grateful if he could just understand how i feel.

  35. “Where am I?”

    He looked around. He saw only darkness.

    But, he heard something in the distance…

    Lady Gaga. He was in Hell, eternally receiving his punishment for his life of wickedness.

    by JJ on 08.16.2010
  36. I sat waiting in the doctors office. I spend most of that time reevaluating my life. I delved into the wonders of the universe, discovered new planes of thought and existence. Then I glanced at the clock, only 30 seconds had passed. I hate doctors.

  37. I am eternally grateful for you. I love you with all my heart. I wish i could tell you this, but I can’t. I’m so sorry. I love you, and i always will. I am forever, eternally grateful for you my dear. With love; Me.

    by Cass on 08.16.2010
  38. eternally grateful for all the happy times i’ve had, eternally looking forward to the good times to come… eternally wondering if I’m making the right path for myself or if I’ve been trying to hard

    by Anna on 08.16.2010
  39. i am Yours.

    by Jenny on 08.16.2010
  40. Eternally yours. You know who you are, and I am yours – eternally.

    by John on 08.16.2010