
August 16th, 2010 | 224 Entries

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224 Entries for “eternally”

  1. Eternity.
    Is that all that we have to look forward to?
    Or to fear?
    Is it true that there are no true consequences in this life?
    That they await us on
    “The other side”?
    If so,
    Then why does it hurt?
    If so,
    Then why do we try?
    If so,
    Why is it so hard?
    I suppose
    I will be eternally punished
    For what I have done to you.
    But I deserve it.

    by Bethany on 08.16.2010
  2. “Eternally yours.”
    These were the first words he said to me on our wedding day.

    Things always seem to come around full circle.

    “Eternally yours.”
    These were the last words he said to me, before he took his last breath.

  3. Eternally. I will love you eternally. Said with such conviction, earnestly. But five years on …… who knows? Love you for as long as I need you, love you till I get a better offer?

    by Rox on 08.16.2010
  4. Forever and ever
    And a day
    sway with me
    Hold me
    And never
    never leave

    by staz on 08.16.2010
  5. Cl

    by Clare on 08.16.2010
  6. you dont know it yet, but i’m eternally yours.

  7. He loved her.
    She never knew.

    by TomTom on 08.16.2010
  8. they sat together on the precipice of forever, silently contemplating their future. He whispered in her ear eternally and she collapsed into his arms.

    by james buchanan on 08.16.2010
  9. eternally forever that’s what it means I guess. I see this word a lot in bad fiction and on notecards…. but what does it mean? after we’re dead? really? huh. oh god i hope i don’t die now. fuck.

    by Mace Avam on 08.16.2010
  10. My love will last eternally. No matter what changes or what goes wrong…I can’t imagine not being in love with you. It’s simply impossible. I’m glad when you say you feel the same.

  11. I will be eternally grateful for……. people always say that but are they? Enternity is a long time, and do they forget what they promised after a short time? Eternally, who would want to be Eternally anything.. Eternal is forever!

  12. Forever doesn’t seem enough time to forget you. Give me back my lost time and I’ll give you back yours, then we can forget each other eternally.

    by Simon Orr on 08.16.2010
  13. Marriage. Marriage should be for eternity. But it doesn’t happen that way.

    by Emily Ann on 08.16.2010
  14. it’s there forever you can’t get rid of it always there.

    sometimes it’s a comfort, sometimes it’s kind of scary. but the idea of endlessness, forever, past forever because does eternity have time limits?

    by Glynis on 08.16.2010
  15. “I want you to know something,” she said softly, watching the sun light up the cathedral’s spires. “I always knew I liked you, and you know that, but now I want it to be forever.”
    “Forever?” he asked with a smile, gently touching. “I think the danger’s made you blunt.”

  16. forever, and ever! thats a whole lot of time? can that even exist? nothing happens eternally, that we know of… yet… what really is it then?

    by Calvin on 08.16.2010
  17. jegue

    by x on 08.16.2010
  18. Ugh. I’ve already written something for this word. Can’t oneword give me a different word? What will it take for oneword to give me one other word?

    by Mara on 08.16.2010
  19. Grateful. Eternally grateful–what an overused sentiment. No one is ‘eternally grateful’ for anything aside from something life and death. And who’s often in a life and death situation? Not I. Not you.

    by Laura on 08.16.2010
  20. …falling through the experience of pain.

    I wonder sometimes why I am here. Who sent me? From what source does my life originate? Is there more than one of me? Perhaps others are not eternally falling through the experience of pain, rather soaring through the adventure of beauty!

  21. Forever and always. Mine. Like a puppy with a chew toy, I will never give him up. He will be mine for as long as I live. For as long as he lives. Forever.

    by Mara on 08.16.2010
  22. I was eternally grateful for the chance I was given. It is not every convict who finds his freedom.

  23. It’s something the human mind may never be able to comprehend. Our minds and thoughts are constricted by time and space. Nothing is eternal. Nothing except for God.

    by Olivia Lirette on 08.16.2010
  24. for eternaty i was hurt unaware of who i was living but not LIVING life my life my eternaly everlasting life

  25. He promised that he’d love her forever. Which was stupid, because their bodies would age, perish, rot, and decay. What could last past that? She didn’t believe in life after death. It was life, then nothing. It was an empty promise.

  26. too much time for anyone, if you ask me
    but it sounds good in fairy tales

    by aljtgs on 08.16.2010
  27. Eternal moonlight in my mind, I trip over you daily. You voice surrounds my atmosphere and my heart beats eternally.

    by Cassandraaaaa on 08.16.2010
  28. Eternally is always present. Some could say that it lasts forever, but thats just what they want you to think. Who’s they? They are eternal.

    by Cam on 08.16.2010
  29. There are many things in this world: all begin, most cease, some last, but it is the eternal I wish to understand.

    by Matthew on 08.16.2010
  30. eternally we are forgotten
    little simple souls
    floating under the grease
    of fast food commercials,
    we are waiting, constantly waiting
    for the timer to go off
    and for this to be over
    and done with

    by KayKay on 08.16.2010
  31. eternally means forever it means somethhing that never stops that lasts and lasts and never dies. there is an eternal light in the synagogue asa symbol of light that never dies the light of god

    by Lisa on 08.16.2010
  32. I am eternally grateful for the woman who brought me coffee and a wet towel at the station after I arrived. Being beaten within an inch of your life, and then dealing with questions up the wazoo is a very tiring experience.

  33. Eternally. It’s a phrase that strikes a particular chord with me. Mostly based on how frivilous the word is not only in it’s nature, but how it used. Someone promised me something eternally recently. Look how well that turned out.

    by Frank on 08.16.2010
  34. I don’t actually have anything good to write about. What kind of word is eternally? It’s just weird. Ugh.

  35. Eternally yours,


    He looked at the letter in his hand, so easily wrinkled from his grasp, wiped his eyes on his shirt sleeve and looked at the words twenty more times. He was finally hers.

  36. “I am eternally thankful for your goodness toward me,” she cried, “but this is too much, sir; I cannot accept such a gift.”
    “Think of it as a going away present,” the count insisted as he closed her hands over the gift and gave them an affectionate squeeze.

    by CJ on 08.16.2010
  37. Eternally was not a word that I would just throw at any boy, but after looking across into the ever growing distance forming in his eyes, I realized that eternally would only describe how long I would be alone.

  38. I’m eternally grateful. For this freedom you’ve given me, the love that reminded me that I didn’t have to please everyone, that life IS in fact, very brief. No matter where you go (because, it seems you’ve gone very far, far away) I’ll be eternally grateful.

  39. I love you eternally. Heart and soul.

  40. Forever, as a young man it is eternally important to know, that you, your mind is not in fact Eternal.

    by Matt Littler on 08.16.2010