
August 5th, 2010 | 188 Entries

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188 Entries for “escape”

  1. I couldn’t escape from this horror. I had my children to think about. My sweet sweet twins and then little Alex. They had no idea what was really going on at home with Mommy and Daddy. They just thought that Daddy was off on a business trip. He was really in a hotel downtown.

  2. Escape is a strange thing when you think about it. I think that a escape is simply a form of change, but there is never any certainty as to wether escape is good or bad until the very end.

    by Wilson on 08.05.2010
  3. Let’s escape the world we’re in now to go to a peaceful place. Let’s go to a place that is calm yet real. Let’s go anywhere but here. Take us away.

  4. ‘Why would you want to?’
    ‘I just do, ok?’
    ‘No, why would you want to leave here, you have everything you could possibly want right here’
    ‘I don’t have everything, I don’t have someone’

  5. He tried to loosen the chains to escape the tank and wow the crowd in front of him. He remembered, unfortunately, that he had left his pick set in his dressing room, and he let out a startled gurgling cry as he began to drown.

    by JJ on 08.05.2010
  6. escape from the emptiness that holds its place within my heart,
    escape from the love that once bound me
    escape from the prison that once held me,
    escape from your arms, which tried to destroy me
    escape from the life that once shattered me
    escape from myself

  7. He can’t breathe. Under their stares, he feels like a butterfly pinned under the glass. They’re everywhere–judgemental stares stabbing him in the back. He can’t escape from them. They follow him through the hallways and taunt him, laughing at him. He’s all alone. So cold and so alone. Left only with the reminiscences of childhood and the smell of dead lilacs.

    by Alicia on 08.05.2010
  8. I wish I could escape from this fucking bird cage – who builds a bird cage this big anyway. . .unless they wanted to catch little children in it.
    What is this? A fairy tale!!? Fuck me – why am I still in here. . .oh I think I see the key there. . .if I stretch maybe I can. . . .

    by Jess on 08.05.2010
  9. i want to run as fast as i can,
    i want to hide in a world that nobody knows who I am
    i want to see no one
    i hate you
    every side of this room i see you
    youre unfair even if i close my eyes i can still see you
    please be invicible at my life

  10. “Are you looking for an escape hatch?” drawled the first officer. “Because it’s weld shut. I made sure of it. None of you are getting out of here alive.”

  11. He holds me in his arms. And I escape all the horror of my life. If only for a few moments…

  12. “Are you looking for an escape hatch?” drawled the first officer. “Because it’s weld shut. I made sure of it.”

  13. this isn’t where I belong. I can’t seem to fit in. i am holding my arm and seething with fear. when she told me she loved me i

  14. She needed an escape from everything that was in her life. She needed something new, something to stimulate her. She’d been in the same mundane situations for too long. She could tell her sanity was slipping from her from day by day.

    by on 08.05.2010
  15. i want to escape this place. I want to leave. I cannot wait to exist some place far from this place. An escape would be perfect. That is all i have to say.

    by sade on 08.05.2010
  16. There are times when one wants to escape their life by ending it, but that is not the answer. You can simply leave you mind, and put yourself in a better place.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 08.05.2010
  17. I want to escape. I want to run away. This place is like a prison. Take me away from here. Embark on this journey with me. We’ll go down in style.

    by Cori on 08.05.2010
  18. he makes me escape reality.. with him, i forget about the world around me. i forget about the chaos, the commotion, the noise that drowns my life. he brings to this world where dreams collide with fantasy. Escape never felt so justified.

    by allycat on 08.05.2010
  19. Escape – what I would give to attain it now. I have been running around town, and spent a night in the ER with my mother. And all I’ve wished for is escape. I’m too young and too selfish to have to be by her side when she’s so sick. For now, my escape will have to be the new books I bought – my only escape for the past eight years.

  20. i wish to escape to the forrest and make music but i lack the skills to do so and thats another reason that the forrest is to good for

    by mary.m on 08.05.2010
  21. Step into the space. Close the door. Shut the curtains. Shut your eyes. Open them. You are somewhere different. You are someone else. You are not alone.

    by AAAA on 08.05.2010
  22. escape was imminent, this had taken so long, it couldn’t possibly go wrong,timing as ever was the enemy and friend

  23. I want to escape this life sometimes. I know everyone has a story and tough times, but is it really so much to ask to have some normalcy sometimes? I miss you.

  24. I looked through the bars out over the ocean, pressing my face for the millionth time up against the ice cold metal, just to see if I could squeeze my head through. I duno why I bothered, I knew it didn’t work. But still, it was better than thinking about what was beyond the bars on the other side of the room.

    by Brett Johnson on 08.05.2010
  25. leaving behind the past, starting in anew place, leaving to go to a new town, leaving behind a sticky situation, reading a good book, doing yoga, learning about something new, living in a dream, living in a different reality, putting on headphones, listening to good music, writing, painting, talking with people

    by kristen despommier on 08.05.2010
  26. I…want….to…escape….your…mom. She’s quite terrifying when she starts yelling about fried chicken and such things. It’s odd, really. Why does she drink so much?

    by Adrie on 08.05.2010
  27. zombies, zombies!
    beyonces’ to the left only came to mind,
    so i pondered on where she was during the attack, is she okay?
    fuck mainstream media and all of their brainwashing maneuvers that sneak into just of a shy of everyones mind. id find my way out through a ventilation shaft if i really needed to, any way out of that mess is a lot more difficult than escaping a zombie attack, zombies are brain-dead humans with a compulsive eating disorder, don’t even laugh when i write this because we all know this is true, i have never heard of a zombie that all of sudden just got full and stopped eating, shit if you have i think you and i need to have a little chat on this subject, id probably bring up the hot topic of hiring a professional camera crew to catch this rare act of nature; id like to see the face on the person who that zombie was about to bite, my expression would be something like,”OH!WHY ME! WHY ME! BRO! BBBRRRO! BRO! DONT TASE ME BRO! FUCK BRO!! bro?Oh what, huh what?(all confused and shit) what…your not hungry? oh shit man, are you sure? if you bite my leg i picture it not hurting that bad bro, go ahead bro take a huge biite bro. umm.. hey guys he’s not hungry anymore….shit if i caught that on camera and put that shit up during the zombie apocalypse going down in 10079 a.d. i think ppl wouldn’t be that scared of taking their kids to the park down the street that often during the far,fetched, unbelievable future bro.

  28. i want to run away
    i had a dream once that i did
    i woke up terrified
    i dont know why i did
    it was creepy
    what would it be like?
    i dont know what im even ‘escaping’ from
    what the hell
    i need an escape.

    by Letty on 08.05.2010
  29. I’d really like to escape to a place all my own, a refuge. A place far from here, from my own sanity- where love can run free without disappointment and heartbreak… The sighs of hope undulate in my deceptive perception. Inhale. Fire. Exhale. Ice. Inhale. Sense. Exhale. Nonsense. Inhale. Understanding. Exhale. Ridicule. Inhale. Open. Exhale. Close. Inhale. Love. Exhale. Hate.
    Out & in.

    by Amanda Bacchus on 08.05.2010
  30. always, there’s always a way to go. I check the walls and look for doors. But the way out hides until I draw it with my finger.

  31. I want to escape the love I feel for you
    The each-and-every-day love
    It’s deep and true and terribly
    I’d avoid it if possible but it creeps in
    I’m searching for a way

  32. Getting away to an isolated island. Away from all the realities that this world binds us to. Getting away. Living life the way it should be lived. Not with degrees in a major that you really didn’t want to do. Not having to deal with people and things and problems that don’t even matter. Fuck it. Fuck it all.

  33. Getting away to an isolated island. Away from all the realities that this world binds us to. Getting away. Living life the way it should be lived. Not with degrees in a major that you really didn’t want to do. Fuck it.

  34. You’re hanging on tight with your sparkling nails
    Just painted Spitfire Pink
    I can’t help but notice that
    It won’t be long before they’re shining in red
    Such a glamorous death is not becoming of me
    Such an easy escape is nigh on a cowards blasphemy

  35. the man ran through the forest, ducking so often. His life depended on the next seconds. Could he escape and be a free man…or would he be lock in prison forever!

    by james on 08.05.2010
  36. Every once in a while, when nobody was looking, I would toss down the shovel in disdain and scoff at the whole situation I was in. Underground, digging a tunnel with an infinitesimal chance of going in the right direction to escape this prison I had wrongly been locked up in. What was the use? But before long, the sound of steady digging replaced the silence.

  37. Writing is my escape from the real world. Everything fades away. I create. I construct. I control. I can imagine a world where people are just and everything matters. Where everyone makes direct choices and everyone is able to live. I hope this world will become a reality some day.

  38. I want to escape so far away so no one will ever find me. Wilderness seems to be so great compared to towns. I want to escape from a world in which I don’t belong. I’m a human being lost in the infinite blue space.

    by Indiana on 08.05.2010
  39. Escape, is there anything more misleading and vague? There isn’t such a thing. You’re always somewhere, and if always escaping, nowhere.

  40. Run away and break free. forever lost. Escaping things that are bad? For a word I hear quite a bit I really dont have much to say about. I find myself not saying I would like top escape but instead drawing a blank… this is odd so I think I shall escape from this thought!

    by .. on 08.05.2010