
May 17th, 2008 | 58 Entries

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58 Entries for “entertained”

  1. i love to be the entertainer.

    i keep people entertained.

    and when i’m not in the spotlight i feel sad.

    so in the words of the wonderful robbie williams (blech)

    let me entertain you!

    (for my own sake)

    by lalah-simone on 05.17.2008
  2. i love to be the entertainer.

    i keep people entertained.

    and when i’m not in the spotlight i feel sad.

    so in the words of the wonderful robbie williams (blech)

    let me entertain you!

    (for my own sake)

    by lalah-simone on 05.17.2008
  3. i love to be entertained by dancing. I wish I were that talented. Singing is my favorite way to entertain people. Whether it be listening or singing music is amazing. It does amazing things to a person and i love to watch it form. Entertainment is different for each person whether its a book or an activity.

    by nikki on 05.17.2008
  4. when you amuse something then it means you are entertained

    by bengi on 05.17.2008
  5. I am very easily entertained. Particularly when sleep-deprived or over caffeinated. The simplest thing is enough to send me into gales of giggles. I have spent nearly an hour amusing myself with only the thoughts that arise from my own twisted mind.

    by Mary on 05.17.2008
  6. I sat there, on the frayed, fading and yellowing couch, waiting. I was promised a show, one of epic proportions, and that is what I expected. I expected to be entertained. And when I was about get up and leave, she walked in. More like sauntered in front of me and began to move her hips.

    by cray on 05.17.2008
  7. I have entertained the idea of getting back together with him. But it just doesn’t seem like the right decision. I’m finally happy.

    by kate on 05.17.2008
  8. I wait to be moved but I can’t be budged. Something else needs to happen. We need to pull the plug.

    by Jar on 05.17.2008
  9. I love being entertained. To be Entertained means my mind is not worrying about lifes bullshit that comes my way every day. I also love to entertain. I am a great cook and I love knowing that I can entertain people with my cooking. I feel good about that. I have nothing else to say about being entertained or entertaining people.

    by Delanie on 05.17.2008
  10. tv absoulute fun sex and the city everyting wonerful haha no one can stop you tv lala tletubies junkie bunkie spongebob squrepnats. octopus loonies georgia nicholson books. boob. no just kidding penis.

    by Lily on 05.17.2008
  11. entertained is when you arent bored it could be with friends or withg anyone. Tv is not that entertaining just a time killer, the real entertainment is when you go and live and make some thing of the day because otherwise we wouldnt be who we are.

    by Megan on 05.17.2008
  12. I was entertained — actually, amused — upon learning of this site. It’s fun. Congrats to whomever thought of it.

    by Joseph Leff on 05.17.2008
  13. If I said I was entertained it’d be the understatement of the century. The second act moved the audience in a way I’ve only heard about in reviews. The lights dim, stage right. Enter Ethan holding a package and looking none-to-pleased with his current surroundings.

    by Ethan on 05.17.2008
  14. i love being entertained by people who are willing to have an intelligent conversation with me. Watching television and listening to music don’t interest me as much as talking does. Similarly, i can entertain those people very effectively who love playing around with words as i do.

    by Shilpi on 05.17.2008
  15. and so, we sit and stare at the tele, mezmerized by the colors. bored and vapid this existence of lights…

    by Mina on 05.17.2008
  16. movietheatre with girlfriend, laughing at comedian on the screen while she lightly grazes her fingertips on my thigh, we both laugh and then glance at each other, happy.

    by jake on 05.17.2008
  17. Entertained. Entertainment. It’s what most people these days want. I imagine it’s what most people have always wanted. It’s how people distract themselves from the reality they live in, how they avoid thinking about the things that actually matter. Or maybe that’s just me, and I’m applying my feelings to the rest of the human race.

    by Steven Bilyeu on 05.17.2008
  18. I entertained myself with unrealistic thoughts like always. I’m okay with being your best friend. I just wish I hadn’t spent all this time wishing for something more. I knew it would never work out, I am just unfortunately optimistic.

    by bailey on 05.17.2008
  19. Gosh entertained? Well i suppose ill talk about monty python. Just got my dvds in from amazon.com I LOVE IT. Vert entertaining.:) Well i suppose thats not really the word im ment to write about. I was entertained by the dvds. Better? Cause thats the past tense..if i were to write about the word in general it would be “To Entertain” so this better please those fat cats upstairs.

    by Lu on 05.17.2008
  20. “We all must be entertained said the sad little clown.”

    His make-up said, “Smile!” but his eyes were cast down.

    We all must laugh and ignore our vast woes.

    But the clown, he only had eyes for his toes.

    He took out his heart and said, “Got a laugh, mister?”

    by JO on 05.17.2008
  21. We often spend much of our time seeking to be entertained. I believe that this has caused a tidal wave of apathy to infect our youth. For when we only seek after those things which cause ourselves to feel good, we ignor and neglect those around us.

    by Patrick Davis on 05.17.2008
  22. if people were more easily entertained by books, maybe they wouldn’t all be so stupid. actually they should just read anyway, for the good of society.

    by rachel on 05.17.2008
  23. I am very entertained when t comes to the jonas brothers i love them 2 death. they are th best entertainers in the world. i am also very easily entertained by the tiniest things which is extrememly funny and that by itself entertains meny of my friends. this game i am playing right now is very addicting as well as entertaining.

    by erica on 05.17.2008
  24. i wish i was cnstantly being entertained by your jokes and humour, i really miss it.

    by kara on 05.17.2008
  25. I was entertained by the notion that he just might be out there, my knight in shining armor. I might search forever and never find him but I feel like it might just be worth it I don’t know I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

    by Raven on 05.17.2008
  26. if you love to enjoy, you should be somebody who wants to be entertained. ok, that’s good but what about misery? don’t you think it can be more enjoyable? I think it is but people generallyy pre

    by can on 05.17.2008
  27. I have entertained the idea of having a baby, and I dont konw how to bring it up with my husband. Ive decided that I dont want to just yet. There is so much more that I want to do in life and I dont think that I can have one just yet, let alone giving up entertaining all my friends on a weekly basis for cards and dinners.

    by BLL on 05.17.2008
  28. I was not entertained in the least. Furious i was, ole chap promised i’d get my money’s worth. Liars the whole lotta them. Entertained? Pah! A load of codswallop if you ask me!

    by Dominique on 05.17.2008
  29. I was so tired. I didn’t feel like going out, the crowds, the hustle, the pick up lines. But for my socialogy class, we needed to write about how Americans are entertained. So with a spritz of perfume and a swipe of lipstick…. out the door I go.

    by Tango Karnitz on 01.01.1970
  30. I am entertained by those who try so hard to be popular. High school is four years long. It’s nothing. Nobody is going to care if you’re popular when you’re 25. They will do or say anything for the popular label. It is truly entertaining to be on the outside of it all.

    by Kaiti on 01.01.1970
  31. Sometimes, when I’m stupid, I need to look at something and feel, not bored. I can’t just think. I’m too stupid to. It’s like, a simple reaction: :Look. Do. Don’t actually do anything about it. It’s idiotic, but it’s the truth.

    by Anna F. on 01.01.1970
  32. Enteresting idea. I’ve often entertained the idea of entering enonymous entries en a site like this. Entirely entriguing, exit left, the end.

    by the bushy-tailed jird on 01.01.1970
  33. entertain, tell a joke, make a face, make me cry, make me feel, fill me up, let me see, let me tell.

    by KJ on 01.01.1970
  34. I needed something to keep me entertained after what she had done to me that night. Then I went to some place where I could drink some beer and talk to my devils. I realizes that wasn’t getting me nowhere.

    by Guilherme Augusto on 01.01.1970
  35. I was entertained this evening. My friend Justin fell over down the staits. He wasn’t hurt, only a little scratched on the upper right arm from the railing. If you knew Justin, you’d get it. He’s gay. When gay people fall down stairs, you laugh. It’s a rule…I made it up now.

    by Sean Smith on 01.01.1970
  36. I watched as he danced. It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before, profane and beautiful all at the same time. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he was on strings. He writhed and twisted, leapt and tumbled, and all his audience could do was scream for more.

    by CarlaB1211 on 01.01.1970
  37. to be entertained is the dilemma that shouldn’t be
    boredom should not exist yet it does it prevails there’s always a gap between ideals and reality. ideal i would always be entertained. on second thought, to not be entertained is not to be equated with to be bored blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    by asdfads on 01.01.1970
  38. It intrigues me the moment I sw it. I went from bored and subdued to completely engaged. I couldn’t tear myself away from this experience, as it wrapped itself around me and brought me to it.

    by Robert A Reinsch on 01.01.1970
  39. i was hoping to be more entertained, i thought to myself; but the simple fact was, it wasn’t nearly as interesting to watch your own death as you’d think it would be. I mean, there i was; dying; i was watching; and i couldn’t keep my mind off of what i had to do when i got home. Still have to clean out the litter box, i thought, as i gave my death rattle and bits of cloudy frothy fluid collected on my lips.

    by matt miller on 01.01.1970
  40. I entertained thoughts of letting you back into my life today. I know i wont, not now at least, maybe sometime in the future…after this summer…after i’m over you…is that possible? you were the love of my life, but i can’t let you be part of my life unless you’re there for real.

    by heartbroken on 01.01.1970