
April 19th, 2008 | 168 Entries

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168 Entries for “elevate”

  1. being brought up to a higher standing only to be brought down again. elevation is fictional. elevation is something one tells oneself because that is all that gives hope. hope for something better, something meaningful.disillusionment is concrete.

    by kelianne on 04.20.2008
  2. lift rise go up float uprise raise fly glide fly up hover

    by joon on 04.20.2008
  3. To rise up from the ground, float tward the stars. To Levitate slowly, never touching the ground. To feel yourself fly, to live, and be free. Won’t you come and elevate away with me?

    by Jacky on 04.20.2008
  4. Elevating is when you are being lifted into something, I have no clue what you are being lifted in to, but I guess it is something higher than you are. If you are lifted in to something lower, you must either be upside down, drunk, high, or stephen hawking. Elevating is very scary, as the cord could snap and you could plummet to your untimlely demise.

    by Joe on 04.20.2008
  5. elevate me to heaven and you’ll see what all the fuss is about. To elevate is to live. Elevation, U2. Up and down and round and round.

    by lisa on 04.20.2008
  6. Elevate, could of course be the verb that we do in an elevator, but it isn’t. For some reason it seems to be reserved for far less mundane activities. One elevates one’s mood, maybe even one’s people, but never an elevator.

    by Jack R on 04.20.2008
  7. I suppose this might be in refgerence to an elevator. Those things lift you up to either the top floor, or the second from top etc. If i was really clever, i would include this into an anology of life but all i can think about right now is pop tarts. Those are elevated out of a toaster.

    by Miles Tincknell on 04.20.2008
  8. i lifted myself high above the clouds and saw what the people looking down never see; i saw the world beneath me as it is, was, and will be, and wept, and my heart broke as i went back down. . .and once dpwn i decided to elevate myself and decide what comes next in the air.

    by pandem on 04.20.2008
  9. elvating should be used when youre talking about maountains. or maybe an elevator? theres an elevator in whipple. i hate the stairs. there are way too many stairs in this place. god help the handicapped. “elevators are for the weak.” pah. let me be weak then.

    by cdawg on 04.20.2008
  10. Raise someone to the top. Raise something above the level where it is now located.

    by Harry on 04.20.2008
  11. Bring me up, she said. Bring me up to your level, help me rise to the occasion. I need to get out of this hole, out of this slump I am in. I need new ideas, new beginnings. I have nothing to lose.

    by Jenny on 04.20.2008
  12. i elevate my mind on to the level of people liek einstein and picasso, I wish to talk to them on a super natural like level. when we as humans elevate our minds we truling reach our peak and our very best. elevation is key to sustaining a healthy brain, elevation is transportation.

    by jacob oswald on 04.20.2008
  13. I just wanna understand how the your anxiety come from, That’s is the crucial point for us, that means, to make good relationship.

    by rat on 04.20.2008
  14. To elevate is to bring yourself above, to lift yourself out of a horrible situation and go somewhere better, rather than sitting in proverbial shite. Most people fail to elevate themselves in life and get bored.

    by Steven on 04.20.2008
  15. We all want to be great.
    What can we do to achieve this though?
    Some are naturally talented.
    Others have to work hard to get there.
    But at the end of the day, both people are the same.
    Both strive.
    Both win.
    Both elevate.

    by Daniel on 04.20.2008
  16. it kind of sounds like elevator, which makes sense if you think about it, I guess. But, as for this word it makes me also think “elevate your mood” like some bad school teacher would say. They should elevate the cold metal pole even further up their arse, if that is even possible. Hey, I like this, and i hope a school teacher reads it, and gives some poor kid a break the next time he sees them

    by claire on 04.20.2008
  17. lift me up to the higher reaches of the universe, so that I may peruse the mere mortals and their wanderings on the ground below me. Higher! Higher! And higher yet! Until the sun sears my wings and I fall, burnt, onto the ground below.

    by Primm on 04.20.2008
  18. I wanted to elevate myself off the ground but was too tired to even try! I knew I could do it thanks to that dream I had a few weeks ago but every time I tried I got scared just in case it didn’t work this time and I fell off the building to my grim, untimely death.

    by afwsf on 04.20.2008
  19. evaluation

    by anas alali on 04.20.2008
  20. u2
    ma’am mendoza
    get backers
    of love
    elevator guy

    by pat on 04.20.2008
  21. I thought that the word elevate had divine purpose of reflecting how one’s person can go to a higher place or higher better emotion but now i see that after having to write about it that it is nothing of that sort.

    by Ahmed on 04.20.2008
  22. to raise on to another level – whether it is a person or an object. we often elevate our heroes to positions above normal society.

    by Kev on 04.20.2008
  23. Elevate me, dont leave me standing like a wet dog. Take me with you, dont leave me behind. I think about you a lot. You love the sea me too. love you

    by Ivan on 04.20.2008
  24. I would like to elevate myself.
    I can do this myself, don’t need anybody else.
    But a little support would help.

    by kees on 04.20.2008

    by JOSH on 04.20.2008
  26. My emotions are being elevated by just the thought of this word. Thinking about it has brought me to a higher state of being. It’s an enlightening word, and I feel truly blissful now that it has been included in my life. I truly have my head in the clouds, as I’ve been elevated high enough to reach them. Great, isn’t it?

    by r3ptile on 04.20.2008
  27. to elevate to float and fly… which makes me think about dreaming and flying which is really cool… and I wish I could actually fly in real life and then I could take daily trips up in the clouds with no one else but having to watch out for aeroplanes. It would be really bad however, if everyone could fly because then it wouldn’t be as cool… and

    by Lasski on 04.20.2008
  28. shaft deep lots of people crammed together. Some lame slow music is playing in the background. Everyone is just looking at each other not knowing if they should say something or if anyone wants to talk even though everyone wants to talk.

    by observationist on 04.20.2008
  29. Wow, i got stuck in an elevator once. There was a guy and a dog in there. So being shy, i spoke to the dog. By the time we reached my floor, the guy had asked me out, the dog rather indifferent. But i liked the dog so much, i married the guy. The three of us have been quite happy ever since.

    by xanz on 04.20.2008
  30. I would like to elevate my being to a new level.

    by David Sandhu on 04.20.2008
  31. Raise, make good feelings, satisfaction

    by Rami on 04.20.2008
  32. He rose to the top of the starewell were the roof met the sky and lept up into the clouds like a bird streaking the the day straight into the sun.

    by Ra on 04.20.2008
  33. to lift up. to raise. An elevator – that takes you up, takes you there, gets you to your destination. But not without fear – fear of falling, of dropping without explanation or rationale. to rise, we have to be low, to have fallen, or to never have dared elevate ourselves.

    by Sam on 04.20.2008
  34. When i am alone sometimes I stand on my tiptoes and pretend i am taller than i really am. it sort of is embarrassing cos im not actually short.

    by paul ellis on 04.20.2008
  35. elevation is the key to go up
    all the way up
    lik go up
    from down all the way up
    it takes u from negative that is down to up
    it just elevates u
    like in elevation

    by mohasin on 04.20.2008
  36. I once tried to elevate my mood by singing a song about a tiny weeny cucumber. Suffice it to say it didn’t work, and mood elevations switched from childish songs to tobacco and alcohol. They work much better – in a social context at least.

    Another way to elevate oneself would be to literally increase your height through means of lifts et cetera. This would work as an elevation, but I prefer the idea of mood elevation.

    by Daniel Jennings on 04.20.2008
  37. elevate your state in turn create
    don’t wait!

    by denise on 04.20.2008
  38. i used to try and raise myself by the sheer power of will alone,but that was before I found an elevator which could take me all the way to the top with nothing more than the push of a button and the screech of wire.

    by Alexei Krystoff on 04.20.2008
  39. going up, it’s amazing how fast you can go, it’s a breath of fresh air, no it’s more than that, it’s a light, a transcendence into a place where dreams can be seen. I can do it, i can do it, repeat it and dont stop repeating it untill you finnaly find that place and you can smile, a big smile for all your friends to believe in, breathe. It’s beautiful, it’s real and it’s happening right now, do it for me, i love you.

    by Lu Qiao on 04.20.2008
  40. Rising from the ashes phoenix like, my eyes drifted from the base dark depths of nothingness to the sudden illumination of a star as it bursts forth in a supernova of illumination and wonder at what the heavens could possibly hold for one such humble person as myself.

    Life love, hope ambition and miracles are all that we can dream of and all that makes life what it truly needs to be.

    by Matt on 04.20.2008