
January 16th, 2011 | 465 Entries

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465 Entries for “drain”

  1. I have little understanding of what it is, but seems like something is falling down in a rainy day. Loads of umbrellas with noone to save you from the rain. It will never become dry. Up until spring when everyt

    by marta on 01.17.2011
  2. “..and of course the Elizabethans didn’t have the luxury of drains”. The students laughed politely sharing the joke. Professor Robeta Von Mindt swung her legs roun

  3. Draining down my thoughts, I flushed them down the toilet. I wrote about my girlfriend and how I loved her. All the time we spent together, all the great times we have been through. All gone, down the drain. Flush it all down, never see her ever again. She has wasted my life, never see her again. I don’t want anything to do with her anymore, just away from my life.

    by IanIan on 01.17.2011
  4. you drain my energy with your endless fighting. you don’t mean to; it’s just who you are. you take away my will to fight with your steely wall of silence and deny the pain you’ve caused. you drain me.

    by Silvi on 01.17.2011
  5. Ours was blocked this morning, and Christo cleared it: tangled black curls and toothpicks, scented with old soap and bound together with gunge came up with the plunger’s burp. Why didn’t I do it sooner?

    by Asproulla on 01.17.2011
  6. Resources drain from face
    Nostrils flare mist and cloud
    Like a bull on a winter morning
    Negotiation closed to fairness
    Handouts add insult to integrity;
    Not pride
    Trust lost to good intentions

  7. Drains feel like simple inventions but hey man, they do lots of everyone. Imagine the floods we’d have experienced if not for these simply heroes. And of course, they do smell at times. But what they do for us outweighs this. So take a good look at your neighbourhood drain today and marvel at how wonderful it is!

    by aa on 01.17.2011
  8. She went down the drain like Alice down the rabbit hole. What she was looking for, she didn’t even know herself. Down she fell, into the darkness, her dress wrapping wildly up and around her, catching her raven locks into tornadoes. The ground beneath her feet was no where to be found, and soon she would be right where she wanted. There was no going back.

    by Melissa on 01.17.2011
  9. The drip grew louder…and louder. It was his life slipping noisily down the drain

  10. I’m empty. It’s as if I have nothing left inside me. All my human thoughts and feelings are gone. My love, my hate, my anger, my jealousy, my pride… everything. All is gone. My insides are hollow.

    by Lourdes on 01.17.2011
  11. Too much hair in the drain today. I’ll have to have my husband snake it out. Damn you chemo. Damn you cancer. I don’t know what’s more expensive, treatment or a plumber…At least I know that one day my hair will be all gone. Oh solice. :(

    by JaxJax on 01.17.2011

    by Alissa on 01.17.2011
  13. I pour every bit of myself into my mouth. That’s the food. Then, when it becomes too much, when even my own thoughts weigh me down to the point where I am sick, comes the finger. It probes, pushes its way into my throat, pulling up all of the emotion. Anger, fear. Lonliness, ugliness. It all washes away, down the white drain. White. The color of puri

    by Dana on 01.17.2011
  14. things drain. energy. water. life. it drains away. slowly but surely. it’s like water after a bath when you pull the plug, forming a vortex or a maelstrom as it spirals away from you.

    by noelle on 01.17.2011
  15. I close my eyes, finger down the throat, and I allow everything that has happened to pour from my stomach, down the white porcelain drain. Every bit of disgusting, smelly, yellow anger and sadness spills forth and falls into the spinning water, spinning, spinning like my head down into WHOKNOWSWHERE they go.

    by Dana on 01.17.2011
  16. brain drain. very common when you’ve had too much information or when you’re trying to remember a whole lot of damn stuff. You just keep going and going, not knowing when to stop. Not realizing you’ve run out of things to squeeze outta your head. Not thinking about anything anymore. Your brain has gone out. drained. So you recharge. And drain it all over again.

    by happy on 01.17.2011
  17. The water circles the drain, smooth in its descent.

    If only life were that easy. If only I could stand here and watch my regrets go down the drain with the soapy residue of my shower. Clean, fresh, starting anew.

    But life is not a novel, and I can’t hide behind metaphors and zeugmas. If only.

  18. drain into the floor as i go ahead and try my hardest to see where you are… why cant you just see me.. i am here… just like this drain here on the floor… you see it but never seem to notice… like you never notice me. why not? i am here too… you should notice some

    by Tracey Foster on 01.17.2011
  19. Drain, drain, drain. My life is going down the drain.
    I watch the soapy residue of my shower circle the gray plug, going down the drain. I only wish that my regrets could follow the slow, graceful descent.
    But life is not a zeugma and I can’t write it the way I want.

    by Annie on 01.17.2011
  20. Well you know this what I feel, after a long hard day. A long hard slogging so to speak. Slogging the daily life, going through the motions etc etc. It’s quite a nice feeling at times, almost as though weight is being lifted, a necessary liquid removed that has since been used to power the ol’ batteries. But now, yes now, it is to be free to have this removed.

    by Callum on 01.17.2011
  21. He drained her of everything she ever knew — he took everything from her, draining and draining until nothing was left but the core of her being. When she was totally drained, hit rock-bottom, tapped-out, completely gone… Then she pulled herself together and rebuilt herself, forgetting that he’d drained her before. She became better, bigger, stronger than before… all because he drained her.

  22. She would often just sit back and watch her life slowly go down the drain. There was nothing she could do about it, not with out help. But, that was the problem she didn’t want help. She wanted to stay with the boy who beat her, she wanted to do the drugs that were destroying her life, and be with the friends that didn’t care. If no one else cared why should she. Her friends were to high to ever notice what her boyfriend was doing to her and as for her parents they where to busy trying to ruin each others lives that they didn’t even give their daughter a second thought. Things might of been different if she had a sibling that she could look up to but she didn’t. She was an only child who created a surrogate family out of the friends she had. There were a couple of kids that she went to school with, when she would go to school, that showed a mild interest in her well being, but they didn’t count to her. They were the kids that went to church and did everything right she didn’t care what they had to say. She knew that they didn’t really care it was just so they could continue to be perfect. She didn’t want or need any ones sympathy especially if it was fake. She had everything figured out and that was all that mattered to her. Or at she thought she did, that all very quickly changed when she woke up in the hospital with tubes running through her body cause she couldn’t handle being alone anymore. She couldn’t handle the lack of love she was getting and she knew that no one would miss her except for the few church kids from her school.

  23. Drain, brain drain, rain in drain, rain in brains
    plastic, terracotta, tubular

    by Aingeala on 01.17.2011
  24. Clogged drains waiting to be declogged full of gunk and slimy stuff. Makes you wonder where it all comes from….To declog or not to declog, that is the question. It’s a matter of time and having the stomach for it

    by Aingeala on 01.17.2011
  25. Hope was draining away from me, little by little as I saw him get happier each day. I finally found the source of his happiness, and it was a girl. A girl, who was not me. Oh yeah, go ahead and break my heart that has been yearning for you for like one year already. Sure, not as if I would mind. I cannot believe that another girl would be holding his hand. Shocked, and scared of her stealing him away from me, hope and dreams drain away from me.

  26. what goes down the drain? what do you hope stays out of the drain? do you feel drained at the end of each day? whats draining you? and what wont you allow inside…
    dont clog.

    by cas on 01.17.2011
  27. pouring emptied emotion. swirling around the sank. Disappearing forever.

    by Margaret on 01.17.2011
  28. emotionally emptied. swirling down the sink. lost in the sewers. forever.

    by Margaret on 01.17.2011
  29. the other day there was a lot of food stuck in the drain. we thought that it would take hours to clear but all we had to do was turn off the water and the sink stopped flooding. it’s funny how somethings can seem so complicated but really the solutions are very simple.

    by julia on 01.17.2011
  30. drain. takes things away. things can’t stay forever- they have to leave. drain.. to relieve one of something. to take away. like water down a faucet.. drain. one can also feel ‘drained’.. which is to feel empty. to feel like something has been taken away from you. to feel without. for example: today i feel emotionally ‘drained.’ that’s a great example. drains. rain. drains.

    by SJ on 01.17.2011
  31. the rain which fell long and hard through streets and streams causing yellow and white timelines to eat slowly away the shine and replace is thus with rust as if it was the only must

    by Bryan on 01.17.2011
  32. The drain in a bathroom is what most think of. Or the drain in the shower. But what about the drain of life one gets from working a dead end job or raising a family? That’s something to right about.

  33. hello my name is drain. the water gets drained out of the sink. drain is a nice word. what do you think about it? drain is a blablabla. hehe. It’s a funny word.Do you like it. drain doesn’t sound like a word anymore. becuase I kept writting it.

    by Nouf on 01.17.2011
  34. drain is where the water goes down. where dreams are flushed, that is if it is a metaphorical drain. perhaps the drain takes away your fears. It can be a good thing I guess.

    by Angie Stoecklin on 01.17.2011
  35. Life in a drain isn’t much fun. I mean, the slime mold isn’t very good company, neither are the shed hairs. And when people pee in the shower? Disgusting! What I’d give to be anything but a spider in a drain-pipe…

  36. Water falls down from an elevated, picturesque patio. The rain man can be heard in the background, calling the rain down upon them, causing the water to shimmer in the sun in flight as it soars down into the drain.

    by Alex on 01.17.2011
  37. i feel like my body is draining. my mind is draining. my life… is draining.
    like a drain at the bottom of the sink. i watch the colors run down, quietly simply.

    by jenn on 01.17.2011
  38. I drain the bathwater when I’m finished taking a bath. Sometimes after I shower there is standing water and it doesn’t drain so well. That irritates me. At least it’s not as bad as that one time that I lived at those apartments years ago. The standing water there lasted forever, weeks! It was fucking cold too. I hated that place.

  39. I’ve been drained from school. I love what I’m doing but I am trying my damndest to appreciate the beauty that is indulgence, whether it be bubble baths, sweets, or chick flicks. Relaxation should never trump diligence. They live in harmony.

    by zoe m on 01.17.2011
  40. He sunk into the chair, entirely drained of energy.

    “Darling,” cooed a voice, lightly accented in French as a pair of broad hands landed on his shoulders and began rubbing, doing wonders for him, “Do you want to tell me?” The Frenchman asked and his husband shook his head.

    “It’s… not a conversation for the moment…”