
January 16th, 2011 | 465 Entries

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465 Entries for “drain”

  1. Drained. An adjective. A moderately common word. It was also the first word that came to mind when he saw her limp, lifeless body laying on the stone floor of the pavilion. She was dead, and it was his fault.

  2. Some things simply drain you. A bad day, a spoiled relationship. They take their toll on your mental, emotional, and even physical health. You go from being bright, happy, and full of life, to suddenly downtrodden and depressed. It never ceases to amaze how quickly this dramatic change can occur. Simply in a matter of months your entire outlook on life shifts.

    by Shannon on 01.16.2011
  3. My friend Sara told me once about an incident involving the shower drain at an apartment she had during college. Her roommate was in the shower when she heard a scream.


    Sara rushed in to see what the problem was, only to discover a tiny fingered claw sticking out of the shower drain, pawing around at nothing.

    It would turn out that there was in fact a bat that had somehow made its way through the sewers, climbed its way through the pipeline and ended up at the grate leading to the shower drain just in time for her roommate to get in and take a shower.

    by Jeff on 01.16.2011
  4. drain it all, the bad feelings, the bad motions, the bad. Rid it all, down the drains of your physical mind. let the dregs of your sad, your bad, down the drain of the forgotten. It deserves to be forgotten. The only thing in your mind should be the oblivion of the happy, the great. Love life. Its well heard, its hard, but do it. let it be.

  5. My friend Sara told me once about an incident involving the shower drain at an apartment she had during college. Her roommate was in the shower when she heard a scream.
    Sara rushed in to see what the problem was, only to discover a tiny fingered claw sticking out of the shower drain, pawing around at nothing

    by Jeff on 01.16.2011
  6. drain, plumbing, down the drain, don’t ever put pasta down your disposal, the disposal can handle it, but it gums up the drain. My plumber told me that. I LOVE my plumber, He’s hot and handsome and has a wonderful laugh.

  7. The color drained from her face as he stood in the doorway. He smirked as she looked around nervously. He knew she had nowhere to escape. This was the end of the chase; he had finally caught his prey. Clenching her fist, she sat, anticipating what he would do next. He laughed to himself while creeping closer and closer…

  8. Lit between a fire inside my brain, I burn for hours a day to find a time to plant the seeds of mine into the world, but through the mundane work, I burn too hot as I drain all that I have in me.

    by Zero on 01.16.2011
  9. the drain. shiny. silver. pouring. breaking. shaking. cold. hot. one works. burns. scald. dishes. flush. insane. water. flowing. plumb.

    by Casey Padgett on 01.16.2011
  10. Drain the sadness, drain the pain. Open your heart, despite the rain. Dream your stars out of the sky, and walk with me, but don’t ask why. I’ll always be with you, never fear, for you are the only one that I hold dear.

    by Tkot on 01.16.2011
  11. Drain the sadness, drain the pain. Open your heart, despite the rain. Dream you stars out of the sky, and walk with me, but don’t ask why. I’ll always be with you, never fear, for you are the only one that I hold dear. I love you.

    by Tkot on 01.16.2011
  12. to drain one of all energy that one has is to totally be a f***ing black hole and suck up all you have. black holes are like the exceptions in the universe in which everything dies and there is not hope for anything- you get trapped into a black hole and there is not going back. you are being sucked down the biggest drain of your life.

    by harper on 01.16.2011
  13. They should really put a drain in my dorm room bathroom…..the shower leaks all the time and floods the whole bathroom. -__-

  14. The water sat in the bathroom sink. The fucking drain is clogged again. All that hair from my head, toothpaste spit and lots of dirt, sitting underneath that shiny stopper.

    by Alicia Marie on 01.16.2011
  15. The drain had a plug that seemed to have a grudge against not only me, but my whole family as well. I tried the fork, but to no avail. Surprisingly, the plunger that was discarded for next week’s yard sale for “special people” worked just fine.

    by ThePickleBandit on 01.16.2011
  16. down. falling. dripping. dying. my life is swirling down one. feeling like i’m being pulled down one. ebbing away slowly. down.

    by Niko on 01.16.2011
  17. I need to just scream at the top of my lungs for a few hours straight. I need to pound a pillow to absolute shit, I need to cry my eyes out. I need to drain myself of all of these stifling emotions, because the world has no use for them and neither do I.

  18. “Honey, call the plumber.”
    “Something’s wrong with the drain.”
    “Is it plugged?”
    “Okay. I’ll give them a call.”

  19. There goes any chance I may have had, down the drain. You and your goddamn pencil. Next time, remind me to check you for any projectiles before I take you out in public. Don’t cry; he’s only the love of my life.

    by Tomato on 01.16.2011
  20. Drain can be used in so many different ways. The first way I can think of is the energy being drained from someone. I have this feeling a lot, especially after studying and being up for hours. It’s also in a sink and other places where water runs into, such as a shower. It can be used as an object or a figure of speech.

    by Alyssa on 01.16.2011
  21. energy’s gone,
    along with the time.
    it’s all been taken,

    by Tom on 01.16.2011
  22. Supportive, i clean your space to let you have a party. Why Do i get stuck cleaning up after a whole week of dirty dishes? it makes me wonfer. who is going to take out that stinking bag of garbage?
    Im moving out.

    by Resa on 01.16.2011
  23. Drain You, by Nirvana is one of my favorite songs because in the book Cobain Unseen by Grant, (I totally just forgot his first name, I’m pretty sure it’s Tom but whatever) Kurt described Drain You as a sad-happy or something song. I think it’s one of my favorite songs. So yeah, that’s about it, and now I’m thinking about a bathtub drain draining.

    by Rachele on 01.16.2011
  24. when i see this word, it makes me think of someone’s soul draining from depression. A depressed state where nothing matters, and slowly buy surely, your personality drains from your soul. where there is nothing left.

    by E Kersey on 01.16.2011
  25. My emotions are drained after the conversation I just had. i was in a pressure cooker the entire time. I can’t find myself, because i’m not entitled to find myself without you. we have to be one, not separate beings. So me is drained. I have a lifetime of draining to look forward to.

    by Emilee on 01.16.2011
  26. Drains, they are pretty, very useful. ya know? They drain out our water, into ditches, bitches, lol. They drain into dumpsters and ditches. You use them to rape fine white buzzzitches. You know bitch take thzt hoe bitch

  27. flushed cherry cheeks billow round from chill & our sparrow legs twitch in the stormy atmosphere this drenched night when we wash ourselves feverishly down the stormdrain

  28. Exhausted
    Need refuge
    Revitalized, renewed, refreshed

    by emily on 01.16.2011
  29. Drain, one word that can mean so much or so little depeneding on the person you are, and the significance of the word. Drain. to drain water, to drain life, or just a peice of metal pipe that ur waste and water trickle down. a word can be powerful and a word can be nothing.

  30. drain…the rain…it’s wet out…drain away all the tears…all the pain…let it be

    by cherri3pie on 01.16.2011
  31. when i was brushing my teeth this morning i kept thinking about where exactly the water went that ran down the drain. how many buckets can be filled with the water that we’re wasting? the water goes down the drain in a spiral motion much like that of a whirlpool.

    by curnutte on 01.16.2011
  32. “I’m draining my patience with this.” That’s something I could say about my last relationship. I love her to death. I mean, I truly love her. But I felt drained, emotionally. By what had happened. It’s time to move on I guess.

  33. drains are in the sink. i need to drain my sink because is clogged. just kidding! but drain is such a weird word dont you think? drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain :P

  34. drained.
    that is how i feel.
    as i slice my finger along the side of a letter.
    and watch the liquid
    drain of all the emotions.
    until they reach the floor
    are absorbed in the carpet
    and are someone elses problem.

    by Audrey on 01.16.2011
  35. she was watching her engagement ring go down the drain. she knew she could cover it up as a tragic accident. she knew it had cost benny a small fortune, which he was going to have to pay back for the next five years. but for that one moment, as the ring went down the drain, the 2 carat diamond falling into the abyss, she felt relief. she felt as though she were a child again, free to be who she wanted to be, free as the day she was born.

    by on 01.16.2011
  36. drain? The water that flows down the drain heads to the river, which heads to the sea, which mixes with the ocean- all our water is one, just like we are one. All rivers drain into the sea.

    by Peggy Mativo on 01.16.2011
  37. The drain dripped. Drip drop. Her hand felt the faucet but there was no water coming from it, yet the dripping still played. She listened in the darkness, feeling around for the light with one hand and the wetness in the sink with the other. She turned on the light and looked at her hand. The liquid was not clear, though, it was red. She looked up horrified, before her whole world went black.

    by Madison on 01.16.2011
  38. Her body was empty, lifeless on the floor. No liquid remained inside her form and her skin was crumpled. He licked his lips happily and smiled gently. His eyes glowed red and his skin glinted white. He was fully fed now, time to move on.

    by Faye Cruse on 01.16.2011
  39. Drain your energy. Drain your resources. Drain your bank account. The girl was about to drain the last drop of energy from my soul and she couldnt care less. Parenting is a drain.

  40. She watched it swirl down the drain. Around and round, metal making hollow sounds against the fancy marble sinks. When it finally disappeared she looked in the mirror. She knew she should feel regret, sadness, anything. She didn’t. Her eyes were empty. She didn’t feel anything. That is what she loved about this new life, this new person. Her ability to not feel, to be numb.

    by Morgan Grubbs on 01.16.2011