
January 16th, 2011 | 465 Entries

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465 Entries for “drain”

  1. tired, worn out, water running down, kids, homework, people who are socially akward, dirty, water run off, people,

    by seth on 01.16.2011
  2. I think of water. It is draining from a bath or a sink or a pipe of some sort. I really like water and the crazy sounds it makes as it is rushing from pipes. Sometimes I can hear a neat song in the pipes.

    by Jessica on 01.16.2011
  3. Oh gods, she was tired. It was as if she had never downed that half-liter of coffee that morning, or the diet coke for lunch…maybe diet coke didn’t have caffeine in it? That was probably why.
    The mountain of homework didn’t help, either. She couldn’t decide whether it was good for her work ethic by trying to prioritize each assignment, or if it was better for her subconsciously to give herself the day off and take a relaxing theurapeutic bath. Spiritual, you know.

  4. I drained the pasta. My family was coming over for the holidays.
    I sighed and glanced up at the clock. “One hour ’till they start coming in…” I still had to get dressed up, mother would no doubt be grading my look. Why did I get stuck with such an overbearing and judging person?
    God just wasn’t fair…

    by hime on 01.16.2011
  5. the rain drains. drained of hope drained of the mind drained of everything you ever thought was real. Where’s the fun in that, happiness. drained. life drained. drain. hmm…i never thought id be so drained in my life. emotionally physically mentally. wow

    by Camille on 01.16.2011
  6. I don’t know anything about drains.

    by Jeannette chin on 01.16.2011
  7. There she was staring at it. All she could do was think about the treasures that had washed down and what could never be. She wanted to go on the adventure but was scared of the reprocessin’s. What if she got lost like the never ending mystery of the drain itself? What if she never came back? She took a leap of faith and jumped in hopes that one day she would return for her family

    by Jet on 01.16.2011
  8. water. spilll. dirty. a drain is something at the bottom of my sink. drain the pasta. if I do not drain my mac & cheese I am screwed. strain. pain. crane. fane. lane. idk why i just rhymed. but i did. i am cold. so cold. it is cold outside. drain. purple sucks. ew. gross. yeah.

    by Jacky on 01.16.2011
  9. i’m drained of energy i’m not sure why i’m just lost and so lost they keep taking things out of me, keep sucking me dry until the earth itself is calling and calling and calling so loudly that perhaps even then even then i’m not dry yet the bones haven’t stuck to my skin i’m not as clean as they thought i should be the eyelids stick onto my eyes and i wish that i had gone home after all when i could.

    by prae on 01.16.2011
  10. My daughter laughs at the bathtub drain. She pulls it up and laughs at the sound it makes as the water rushes out of the bathtub. It makes bath time difficult… but funny. How can a drain give someone so much pleasure? It’s the little things in life, I guess. To a 1-year-old, a drain is a fascinating toy. Which is why she inspires me to look beyond the mundane and see the simple pleasures that lay beneath.

    by Kristin on 01.16.2011
  11. Flush. Down the drain. It blocked out the TV momentarily. The FBI agent on the screen went on. “We urge you all to–” Flush. Down the drain. “He is extremely –” Flush. then he laughed as he dropped another bloody finger into the toilet. Flush. Down the drain.

  12. There were no words this morning that could explain the confusion that abounded. Her brain felt as though all life had been drained from it.

  13. There’s only one word to describe how you are to me – a drain on my consciousness. You hold onto what I am and pull away from me. You’re pulling my soul out through my soles, the bottoms of my feet begin to burn because I have a hot soul. And you’re so cold you’re sucking the very life out of me. How’s it feel to be a vestigial structure, something I don’t need anymore, but still miss on occasion? How’s it feel to know I’m walking sideways now, just to keep from having to make a decision?

  14. The ring fell down the sink and into the drain. when the plumper came his hand got stuck and came off! I had to take him to the hospital and he sued me…

    by Taylor on 01.16.2011
  15. this made me think of the shower drain… it brings me back to a horrible place in my mind. my blood washing away down the drain. gruesome, yes. but for some reason, that was the first thing I thought of.

  16. I drained the fluid from my head, hoping it would relieve the stress. It didn’t. It never did. I could never escape the purposeless effort of humanity, nor the pain that comes along with it. Leaking, draining, pulling and plucking, it never helped. I would always be cursed with this brain, this mind, this box of hopeless inspiration. I couldn’t enjoy myself when I was forced to think. Forced to bend my simple mind around the perceptions of man and the way the world worked. Society had warped me, and I had just gone along for the ride.

  17. Everyday drains the life out of me. I feel like it won’t be long before I’m empty. The things that are effortless to most people, are draining to me. It feels like a struggle to get through the day, like each task I do is sucking everything I am out of my soul. I hate it. I feel like one day there will be nothing left. I will be empty; hollow. Everything went away, down the drain with my broken dreams.

  18. The drain in spain falls plainly down the raining main.

    by Rosebud on 01.16.2011
  19. The shimmering ribbon of water swirled down the drain, taking my hope for the situation with it. I was absolutely and incredibly crushed. I fell to my knees closed my eyes, and began to cry.

    by Courtney Renae on 01.16.2011
  20. It’s a drainage, you see.
    Of my mind and the things I wished
    didn’t passed by.

    In a haunting way
    all that you do is drain
    my love away.

  21. down, down, down, the hole never to see the light of day again. My whole life drains with me. No one will ever exist that can think like me again. I am unique.

    by Liz on 01.16.2011
  22. My father could fix anything. Or so I thought. He was no plumber and yet I’ve never had a plumber who could unclog a drain faster and more easily than Dad. Some one of my younger siblings seemed to be forever flushing a plastic horse down the toilet. Dad would come home after a hard day and lay down on the cold tile floor with a wrench and a few minutes later, Trigger would pop out like he had been to the Crusades or to the badlands of Wyoming, and ride again with my brothers and sisters. Till the next time.

    by nannan on 01.16.2011
  23. it’s draining. all of it. but no, i cannot speak that word. “draining.” i swore i would never say that again. no, what i am is tired. sick and tired of all those broken promises you never made.

    by Kelly on 01.16.2011
  24. in the plumbers drain there is frogs and they eat wild bananas and cakes poop cicles on fire and rose marry hips dont lie but i can feel your heart beating im flying in this park karble tarple dampness what what in the b crutches is a way to live i cant feel my tender bails in hay bails they run and run.

    by elora on 01.16.2011
  25. The drain was clogged with human hair and blood. I don’t know what prompted me to do it or why I didn’t just throw the corpse in a trash bag and dump it with all the rest. I suppose this one was just special. This one, I had loved.
    Sighing, I set to work removing the evidence.

    by Az on 01.16.2011
  26. My time disappears down the drain. I let it ooze through my fingers never to return. Then because I have used it so poorly I feel drained – of energy and the strength to carry on.

    by Shelma Vaughan on 01.16.2011
  27. i dropped a mouse down the drain today. it was an accident but i had finally caught it by the tail. Screaming i swung it around and flung it into the sink. i’ve never had such perfect aim. my terror propelled it straight down the dark hole.

    by Maryella on 01.16.2011
  28. the way i feel at the end of the day, after driving an hour to school, sitting in school for 8 hours, driving and hour home then coming home, doing homework and cooking dinner. i wonder how the hell im going to make it on my own if im already draining my body. but im excited for the future.and excited to start the rest of my life. i would let the drainy feeling stop me!

  29. down the drain do the drain glitter down the drain washed off in the shower like you knew it would and i fall and twirl slipping and sliding in the clean, clean grime all around to the light of the garbage dump the sifting machine lifts me to the blue sky colored tarp in the ground to never be seen again

    by Julia Rose on 01.16.2011
  30. I felt all hope drain out of me quickly. Looking at the task ahead of me, I realized there was little chance of success. Getting it done would be a logistical nightmare, what with all of the other priorities, not to mention this new unfortunate distraction, if you could dare to call it that.
    But I shouldered on anyway.

  31. I already got this word. Drain is the word i wrote about last. This isnt right. I want a different word, something more exciting. Im growing tired of you, oneword. Yeah, that’s right, I just called you out.

    by Daniel Standish on 01.16.2011
  32. I’ve been so drained by the things which have slowly sucked the life out of me. Restoration only comes from those experiences which light up my life, keep me going, wanting to see more. When hope goes down the drain, the only way to redeem peace is by finding myself in this big wide world. So much to do.

    by Jillian Jackson on 01.16.2011
  33. dreams running around into nothing

    by Greta Dopp on 01.16.2011
  34. The drain let a steady stream of strange viscous liquid from its tap. Unknown to Daniel, it was sludge from the sewer system. Since he was blind, Daniel lathered his hands in the liquid.

    by Daniel Standish on 01.16.2011
  35. Drain. I feel so drained sometimes. It’s like everything inside is just seeping out. To the world around me. Once things disappear down the drain, you normally cant get them back. I feel like that’s how relationships are.

    by Lauren on 01.16.2011
  36. Drains can pretty pretty useful. people don’t really think much about what they put down the drain, but something that should really go down the drain are yours problems. Get them out of your mind and down the drain and dont let them drag you down.

    by heather on 01.16.2011
  37. I like eggs.

    by Grace McGee on 01.16.2011
  38. too many things go down the drain to never be seen again
    a diamond wedding ring, a contact lens
    why so cruel you thieving drain?

    by The Belieber on 01.16.2011
  39. tired. too much school. the way I feel after a very long day. like water going down a drain, all my energy is sucked down.
    Or a grated thing that liquids go down. whatever.

    by Tiffany on 01.16.2011
  40. water, house, gutter, meadow, america, farm, spider, youth, fun, refreshing, home,

    by tony on 01.16.2011