
November 4th, 2011 | 392 Entries

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392 Entries for “downpour”

  1. there was an intense downpour that was overwhelming the tiny, happy city. all of the people were gray with sadness and their once happy smiles that had given the city it’s name Smilesville. the once smiley faced ice cream man that would hand out cones to everyone for free on sunday’s, was now scooping garlic ice cream for mondays.

    by kawai (≥∆≤) on 11.04.2011
  2. down
    heavy rain
    flash flood

  3. its raining so hard at the school and its been so long. on the news they said it was terential downpour and there could be a flood so watch out. stay in your house and warn your friends

  4. The rain was on a downpour. I played it it and felt like a child. This feeling is such a great one. To be able to let loose and not care. To feel the cold water all over you skin. The refreshment. The joy.

  5. Rain hard, or pouring of rain. water spilled on a ground. cup filled with water and it spilled all over the floor or ground.

  6. raining
    the rain dowpoured on me when i was walking up to class
    it is downpouring at my house
    i hate it when it downpours

  7. yesterday the rain was crazy… the downpour was heavy and now the rain and now there is a lot of snow on the mountain. downpour the rain it goes.. washing down everything of it path

  8. There is no such word, as down pour. Pour of the down. How does one truely pour down. Is there such thing as down. By the way, this is Zainib’s sister typing this. Hehehe, im so bad. LOL, wow loser. Well this sounds so interesting. OMG. EVEN IF THE SKY IS FALLLING DOWWN. DOOOOWN. Hey my names Fatima btw ;) yeyeyeye bro lets go down town.

    by on 11.04.2011
  9. Downpour is a good word. It is usually used in cases of rain. Ponies is another great word, but I do like this one. Downpuor has some sylables and things like that. I hope whoever reads this likes this word

    by Brandon Meador on 11.04.2011
  10. The rain on my windshields tormented me the whole way home. I could hardly see the road. My thoughts were lost in her hair, her scent, her striped blouse that she had left in the backseat. I almost slammed into the car in front of me, but I woke up, hardly. That night the downpour continued relentlessly, tapping and scratching at my windowpane.

    by Danielle on 11.04.2011
  11. sitting on the front verandah, I was gasping for breath in this heat ridden hell hole. did the temperature ever drop below 40 degrees around here – i bet it’s been a while since they’ve had a downpour to clean the sweat sodden air

  12. there was a downpour of knowledge
    that fell right upon my head
    and seeped in slowly through my pores
    it down poured so hard that some of it slipped off the sides
    slid down my hair
    and onto the floor
    where i could no longer access it
    but what if i lost something that i needed or wanted
    while other information was useless
    please downpour, come again soon.

    by jillmjacobs on 11.04.2011
  13. god i’ve missed you.
    my feelings just fall from my head.
    i wear my heart on my sleeve.
    i want to keep you.
    i just don’t want you to leave.
    lay with me?
    fill this hole in my heart.
    before all the colors i am inside fall out-downpour.
    onto the ground.
    and all over our shoes.

  14. Take into account the sweet sound of water as it strikes against your skin, the earth and the wind. Hold a place in your hand and catch the sensation of being nothing more than a drop filled with hope and promise. Learn from the dangers it can posses; rocky waves and slippery shores, coastal wanes and rocky boards.

  15. standing outside waiting for the bus in a total downpour. my clothes were soaked through and beginning to freeze. a truck sped by and splashed me with slush. but i waiting with you and didn’t seem to mind.

    by weetz on 11.04.2011
  16. Rain pouring. A heart dropping. Life crashing in at every angle; a flood of emotion, broken dreams, broken promises, and a lingering need for answers.

    by Dante on 11.04.2011
  17. She sat looking out at the downpour wondering when her brother might come home. Her mother fretted down the the hallway while her father sat downing a beer. He had to come home soon she thought over and over again.

  18. sometimes i downpour and i dont do it right all the time

    by viviana on 11.04.2011
  19. it downpoured that night that night when you came to visit but couldn’t stay long that night that you told me it was over but it wasn’t was it I followed you from the doorway out into the rain only to be reminded of the first time I chased after you but this time was different this time you didn’t turn around and forgive me or kiss me until the sky was clear and blue this time you kept on running you left you really left and now I’m standing on the sidewalk alone while it downpours not from the sky but from my eyes

  20. no se que es eso. down pour? tirar algo? derramarlo? si es asi, yo derramo talento, derramo simpatia, es mas, me derramo en mi silla. mejor dicho, me desparramo.

    by Gus Palomo (@Axy_Nekoi) on 11.04.2011
  21. rain, soaking then stopping. I love a short sprit when its warm out and i’m wearing light weight clothing, so i can just go about my day when it is done.

    by geri on 11.04.2011
  22. Nos habíamos despertado de madrugada para hacer una observación de aves en la selva. Luego de revisar las redes comenzó a llover como nunca antes había visto llover. Y corrimos por la selva, cuesta abajo, sin detenernos siquiera para respirar.

  23. falling down. rain. i’m getting wet, but it feels good nonetheless. more than just a drizzle. my face feels wet. it’s cold. i realize, i’m the only one here. alone in the downpour.

    by Khiem on 11.04.2011
  24. downpour. that’s just really heavy rain right? i like rain a lot. I mean, sometimes it ruins my hair, but there’s something about rain that’s so fantastic. it’s like swimming on land. only not really. but you have so many photo opportunities. and everyone stops caring once it downpours. because you’re wet anyways right? so why not dance?

  25. Rain everywhere. I’m covered, soaked from head to toe, drowned in sorrow but moving forward. It won’t stop, and it’s not just the rain, it’s also the downpour of heavyness falling on my shoulders; smothered.

    by Lauren Alexis on 11.04.2011
  26. November rain …
    leaves drenched in the downpour
    slick as black ice

  27. Once it started there was just no stopping it, the downpour of emotions that can come out of a young teenage girl is down-right scary. So I do the only thing I can think of and treat as carefully as I would a caged animal, hoping never to set her off. There use to be a time when my daughter and I were the best of friends, now I am satisfied if I can make it through the day without hearing I hate you dad. At times like this, I really miss my wife.

  28. The woman looked out of the frosty window at the sudden downpour. The streets were filled with it–splashing, streaming, flowing, rain, water, everywhere. She tugged a sli

    by Beka on 11.04.2011
  29. Downpour. Rain. I wish there was rain. Nothing is quite as lovely as seeing the world directly after such a downpour. Everything clean, refreshed, brightened. Oh, how I miss rain.

    by M.C. Gonzalez on 11.04.2011
  30. The downpour fell in sheets, soaking yabelle. Her fur was matted to her little cat body, the ball of yarn she had been tangling was sopping wet. There is nothing sadder than a wet cat. Her ears drooped downwards and her eyes were big.

  31. A river of emotion rained from Lewis’s heart. It was a deluge, a torrent, and it soaked his mind and soul. It soaked other people’s souls, too. It soaked everything except the one place it really needed to. Jessica didn’t care about him. And, now that he was blind, she never would.

    by Varky on 11.04.2011
  32. Downpour. It is in a downwards direction and it flows. Maybe cats and dogs are killed by its action. It is wet and most people try to avoid it, whenever they can.

  33. My emotions all came in a downpour. I thought we were going to break up. I thought I had had enough but I didn’t know if I could do it. He said something that insulted me like I’ve never been insulted before. At least it’s over now…

  34. I expected it to end that way, with me sitting in the rain. My clothes were drenched to the bone. If fitted. I guess I was glad it was unseasonably warm, so I wasn’t freezing my ass off. He’d left and taken the car. I didn’t think he was going to come back.

    It was better this way. Better in the rain. I was glad for it to hide my tears.

  35. It started out as little fresh drops I couldn’t explain. Then a whole shower for my feelings. It was refreshing. I know. That first downpour.

    by Gaby on 11.04.2011
  36. the rain falls from the sky in heavy thunderous sheets, flooding the streets and drains, until the roads run in full spate like rivers in a great northern spring melt.

    by georgie on 11.04.2011
  37. We were standing in the middle of all the metal, in the middle of the downpour. The air around us was dark blue. Everything was obscured by the rain, except Flame. His red hair had a sort of halo around it, making him the only thing any of us could look at. He moved quietly through the rain, a pistol in his hand and a thoughtful expression on his face.

  38. I officially have no idea what downpour means. But it sounds like water.

    by Gaby on 11.04.2011
  39. When I was younger I remember standing in front of my babysitters sliding glass back door looking out at her then massive backyard. I remember being happy that it was raining so hard but sad that I couldn’t go outside to play. I watched as her above ground pool started overflowing with rain and her swing set started rocking back and forth violently.

    by sara robinson on 11.04.2011
  40. The rain was heavy against the windshield, falling like a curtain of bullets onto glass. She was nervous, the hairs on her arms standing on end. She couldn’t see anything in front of her, but she prayed she made it home in one piece.