
April 27th, 2010 | 255 Entries

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255 Entries for “dolls”

  1. THey stood on the end of the table. The last time she saw one was at her grandmother’s house, two years before she passed away. She rmembered how her fingerest moved to take one from another, and then revealone more hiding there. As she held this doll, as she held the Russian figurines in her hands, her heart was overcome with emotion.

    by Lucy on 04.27.2010
  2. dolls. In school, i see people dressing in the same clothes, acting the same way – its all homogeneous. even our media encourages us. Britney spears? Miley cyrus? what kind of celebrities do people look up to? in truth, we cannot all be the same. We’re all unique so stop trying to be a doll

    by Egg on 04.27.2010
  3. Dolls are something in which children are often assosiated playing with, however in certain cultures (Japan) it has become the ‘norm’ for sub-cultrues (such as ‘Otaku’) to collect specific varieties of dolls; video game characters, anime characters. Because of this, it has spread into the western world, and become popular there.

    by Alex on 04.27.2010
  4. American girl dolls used to be my pride and joy. I had eight of them, some even the same doll. I dressed them up, washed their hair, violated their doll-ish pride. I loved them. They were my best friends.

    by caroline on 04.27.2010
  5. porcelain crafted?
    or laced with yarn as pretty blond hair, woven into braids..

    a girl’s best friend
    or only friend
    comfort, warmth
    someone to hold at night

    by sophia on 04.27.2010
  6. Living a life as a child, no real friends around. They all say I’m not good enough for them, they cast me aside like I’m a piece of trash. But I know who my real friends are. I know who really cares about me. And while some may say they’re not real, they don’t have what we call “feelings”, to me they’re everything – they’re my dolls.

    by Gray on 04.27.2010
  7. Dolls are strange because they are trying to impersonate people, but they have no breath, no real blood flows beneath the pained on rosy cheeks. who are they really? were they once real? were they all of the fake people of the world turned to plastic?

    by angelina on 04.27.2010
  8. dolls. when i was little there were dolls everywhere. of course, as much as there were dolls, there were clothes strewn across the ground.
    i guess they were my escape, my happiness, my connection with my sister. imagination flew whenever i played with those dolls. with their porcelain skin and cobalt eyes. they would stare at me. and i would stare back.

    by stephanie on 04.27.2010
  9. The beautiful porcelain chinese dolls were a sight to see as I was walking downtown. It sent me back to childhood at my grandparents place. Seeing those fragile works of art.

    by Daniel Red on 04.27.2010
  10. dolls are ugly. they can be glass. some are big. some are small. some are tall. I know a girl who hates dolls. Perhaps she has a phobia of them or maybe shes allergic. Who knows? Dolls can be plastic some can be made out of paper. There are barbie dolls. Puppets are like dolls. Dolls dolls dolls dolls dolls. I used to have a bunch of dolls

    by Kristy K on 04.27.2010
  11. Dolls are strange and creepy things. Their plastic faces always smile back, no matter what pain we feel inside. Their sadistic, plastic grins that no one can get past unless, of course, you melt them–be it with a magnifying glass, torch, match, what-have-you. These are the things we fear. These are the things we love.

    by Andrew on 04.27.2010
  12. i had a doll when i was young. it was a pillow, shaped like a girl, wearing lavender. she had dark hair, made out of yarn, and a purple hat that matched her dress, that had little purple flowers all down the front. she also had purple shoes that covered her feet.

    by nicole on 04.27.2010
  13. i never really played with dolls. my mother always noted this. i hated barbie and just didnt understand the appeal. i liked stuffed animals and shit, some toys i guess. not action figures though. i supposed id just rather climb trees. i was an active outdoorsy kid, never watched tv or played with dolls. DOLLS ARE FOR BABIES.

    by ainsley on 04.27.2010
  14. are scary. I think that they are sometimes like china dolls are sitting there ready to kill folks. i wish that i was a barbie dolll figuer sometimes. my boobs are not big or perky. i happy that i dont have barbie fet tho bc they are weird and not yeah but the fact that everybody is in a doll form these days is crazy ike hannah montana and joe bros all have their own dolls. WTF like really is that necessary. I think that what is goin to happen next a heidi nad spencer doll?? ekkk who wants that? this is way over a minute so i dont understand why this is about it…

    by kimmi on 04.27.2010
  15. the house of dolls, dolls in the attic, cabbage patch kids, miss america dolls, barbie. doll face, sweet

    by Kat on 04.27.2010
  16. lolita fashion creeps me the fuck out. although first originating in japan, where the girls look sort of cute doing it, american girls chose to take the scene and be all gross and fat in dolls clothing

    by kylie on 04.27.2010
  17. nonsense

    by burak on 04.27.2010
  18. dolls are cute and alluring, yet slightly altered images of varying humans from the past or present. Not only do they convey zero emotions, they also lack compassion and intelligence. Without dolls, humanity would cease to remain diverse.

    by Mitch T. P. on 04.27.2010
  19. I grew up with dolls all around me. The ones that live and the ones that sit ontop of the shelf watching you with their perfect eyes and their perfect mouths. Dolls scare me, they always will. Especially the ones that I see everyday, at work, at school, on the street, Find a soul please you mother fucking zombie. For lords sake do it.

    by Meg on 04.27.2010
  20. they’re all porcelain dolls, fueled only by the strings attached to their thin arms

    by jasmine on 04.27.2010
  21. At the end of the day, once your all grown up. You look back on your childhood, and it is the dolls of youth that hold the greatest memories for you. They provide the cues that remind you of all of the smiles and innocence of youth.

    by Alex Dodge on 04.27.2010
  22. Toys used mainly by little girls. Usually in the shape of a person or animal, younger kids like to imagine that they are real and tell stories using the dolls as characters.

    by Tanner on 04.27.2010
  23. Small, sometimes large. Made to look like people, except they aren’t people; they’re playthings. Old ones are creepy new ones are well… still creepy. There are baby dolls there are ken dolls there are voodoo dolls there are many kinds of dolls.

    by Flare on 04.27.2010
  24. sex dolls… Just laying there, inanimate whores that do nothing but not suck dick… Thats it.

    by Simone on 04.27.2010
  25. Dolls. The goal of every young girl, to be slender with rosy cheeks and long beautiful hair. A toy to some, a terror for everyone to grow up into an insecure teenager. Dolls. Want a pretend baby at age 6? Get a doll that will pee itself. Nice right? Young mothers. Dolls. Whoever thought of these plastic little models of the human being…

    by Amy on 04.27.2010
  26. “You’re like a little doll! I just wanna put you in my pocket!”
    I am not a fucking doll I breath, eat, sleep…
    Stop comparing me to an inanimate object…
    I just wanna be a real girl!

    by Sharent Hernandez on 04.27.2010
  27. An imaginary that can only be seen in a young girls head. The doll becomes a real person, a real friend. When you’re young and playing with dolls you live in your own little bubble, nothing can hurt you. You can be whatever you want, where ever you want, and who ever you want to be.

    by Nellie on 04.27.2010
  28. i think that dolls now a day are being over looked. Even when i was little dolls weren’t expected to be played with. I had an american girl doll and i wasnt allowed to play with her cause she was too much money. She was more of a thing to look at it. I then got a bitty baby and i now played with her more often than i played with the american girl doll..her name was chloe, i was able to develep countless stories for chloe where as the american girl doll i had to deal with the story given to me. Bitty babies provide children with imagination building skills

    by Brooke Skyllingstad on 04.27.2010
  29. Dolls raided the world, leaving nothing behind but a foul stench of putrid flesh of the children that they once enjoyed their exsistance with, they knew that one day things would change. However they never knew when, as children are such interesting creatures.

    by KeonSalva on 04.27.2010
  30. dolls are funny dolls are cute my sister likes to play with dolls i used to play with dolls when i was little i had a favorite doll namde molly now i try to look like a doll by dressing up and plastering my face with makeup it isn’t so much fun when youre human but maybe if i was made of cloth or porcelain it would be better.

    by emmaginemore on 04.27.2010
  31. the dolls became part of me when the poets began the mass, and the dolls that prayed between us and prayed under the roof of this ancient church to whom im devoted at last.

    by natalia on 04.27.2010
  32. Dolls were on the shelves in the living room. Dolls of all descriptions; blonde dolls, black dolls, a few dolls wearing native costumes from different parts of the world. A middle-aged woman shouldn

    by Michelle on 04.27.2010
  33. I like dolls. Barbie dolls are my favorite. I wish I was a doll so I would have ken right here and these fucking cramps would go away. Some little kid would do my hair and never make me go to school because what little girl makes their dolls go to school. yeah. wooooo dolls.

    by Sarah Wolflamm on 04.27.2010
  34. Dolls are creepy. I saw one once in like a movie. Wait no that was a creepy little girl. What movie was that? Oh no I was thinking of a goosebumps novel. Some doll named Charlie or something. Hey look the time is turning red. Uh oh. Wheeeeeeeeee.

    by wumbo on 04.27.2010
  35. dolls intimidated her. one by one she would pick up a doll. then throw it against the wall, because she knew that she would never be as pretty as the plastic doll.

    by katie on 04.27.2010
  36. are ugly sometimes can be creepy. barbies are dolls. they have changed barbies over the years now they are like human bitches but dolls. i used to love barbies now they are just like people rude annyoing and bitches. what has the world come to. making dolls like humans.

    by jatue on 04.27.2010
  37. girls young. young girls play with dols in doll houses and they have imaginary friends they play with up in thier nice pink rooms while mom is down stairs cooking a great home made meal. father is a lawyer at work and will not be home untill fifteen minutes before supper.

    by brendan on 04.27.2010
  38. there are so many dolls in the house. each of them prettier than the last. she picked them up, one after the other, played with it, cuddled it, and then when she couldn’t take them anymore, she brought out her sharpened butcher knife, the one she hid under her chair so mommy wouldn’t find out. she started with the little arms, cut them off, finger by finger.

    by Prudvi Gaddam on 04.27.2010
  39. they like to walk, ever stepping into the darkness, their gleaming eyes stare deathly into your soul while you dream of one day playing with a doll of your own.

    by Frank on 04.27.2010
  40. The dolls all sat along her shelf in a row. She had so many that she forgot about her favorite, her Raggety Anne doll.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 04.27.2010