
December 30th, 2009 | 285 Entries

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285 Entries for “discreet”

  1. secret

    by on 12.31.2009
  2. no one’s discreet, not to me
    I’m afraid of stepping on toes, I mind my mouth
    everyone just speaks their mind
    they don’t care if their words cut
    I wish I could do that, not have the fear of hurting feelings

    by polichinello on 12.31.2009
  3. I thought about how people have discreet mentalltiy, there are able to discrimiate to facilitate personal favoures over that of the call of duty, That is why i like

    by on 12.31.2009
  4. anonymous

    by on 12.31.2009
  5. There wasn’t any discreet information left. The public now had access to everything: mass communication: newspapers, internet, t.v. — nothing was hidden anymore. But the animals feared this new uprising. If humans were able to do this, there was now no stopping them from destroying their habitat.

    by Gouldin Lion on 12.30.2009
  6. secret. fox. spy. very very very very quiet. a good trait. FBI. spykids! :)i want to learn this trait. ninja skills. i wonder how so many fbi agents can be so discreet… this could be bad for liars.

    by Kwick on 12.30.2009
  7. discreet

    by on 12.30.2009
  8. She slipped it back into her purse, keeping her eyes on the people around her, praying they hadn’t noticed what she had accidentally pulled out. But she caught the eye of a single man, seated in a chair in the farthest corner, and he smiled and winked at her, and she knew that he had seen. Her heart raced.

    He got to his feet casually and made his way towards her.

    by LM Barton on 12.30.2009
  9. I can’t. My heart is too loud. I fumble. Fingers running. Mind aloof. I can’t be discreet, especially when dealing with the truth. Only honesty.

    by Cassity on 12.30.2009
  10. Such an interesting word to think about. It reminds me of secrets. Simply. Secrets.

    by on 12.30.2009
  11. secret

    by jana on 12.30.2009
  12. Don’t be discreet about what you think. There’s nothing you can say that will make people think you’re too much of a fool. If you spend too much time with your own thoughts, worrying about what others will think, then you’re spending too much time with needless ideas.

    by Dylan on 12.30.2009
  13. I go about my day to day proceedings looking down at my feet, walking by others and giving them a slight furtive nod. Given our impulses to tell the entire world all about our banal or seedy tendencies, it’s amazing how discreetly we go about actual day to day business.

    by Alexander Savas Miller on 12.30.2009
  14. He must be very discreet inorder to make it inside. I know old man jenkins is inside with a knife. If he isnt stelth he might be caught. I dont wanna have to clean up the blood. No way jose

    by Holly on 12.30.2009
  15. “Well, be discreet about it, ok?” shouted Camille as I crossed the room towards the man eying me at the end of the bar. She was concerned about my dignity and sanity, both of which I had lost a little bit of during this past month. Too late.

    by Andrea on 12.30.2009
  16. It’s hard for some people to be discreet with other people’s private information. Today, upon telling my friend Nicki about something that I had never even had the notion of mentioning to anyone, she decided to inform the entire campus. Needless to say, I won’t be telling her anything ever again.

    by Helena on 12.30.2009
  17. I would like you to be discreet about all of this, she said to him.
    But i don’t understand, he replied.
    Discretion. Use some, was her response.
    He was unsure when he hadn’t used discretion

    by ryan on 12.30.2009
  18. he tells me to be discreet, but wheres the fun in that?

    by Linnessa on 12.30.2009
  19. people are discreet when they have a secret that has to be told…but only at the right time.

    i also know that a “discreet” is a flag move in color guard…where you hide a flag behind another and then pull it out when the music is right.

    by jenny on 12.30.2009
  20. Not possible to ever execute, someone somewhere is watching everything from some perspective. Our conscious even. How strange.

    by ?d on 12.30.2009
  21. there were so many men you juste had to meet without your clothes…everybody knows.
    Thank you Mister Cohen for these wonderful lyrics.

    by herself on 12.30.2009
  22. to not tell anyone something. the act of not being obvious. doing something in a secretive way. often referring to something negative, but you must do it discreetly so that no one is offended or hurt by it. creet doesn’t mean anything, funny that discreet does.

    by b on 12.30.2009
  23. he wanted to keep it discreet but really how discreet can you be when the car is bouncing in the parking lot behind the newspaper right when the presses start to run… everyone knew he was stepping out on his wife and everyone new he was playing a fool… discreet, my ass…

    by tabby on 12.30.2009
  24. drugs prison fantasy addiction secrecy privacy diary keys locks affairs lust crime passion submission emotion fate religion money politics patience forgiveness

    by on 12.30.2009
  25. we weren’t discreet
    kissing under the stairs
    hands shoved beneath clothes
    and between legs
    thrashing tongues

    by rae on 12.30.2009
  26. discreet numbers
    his phone numbers were discreet
    meaning that he never gave girls the same one.

    by zoey b on 12.30.2009
  27. discretion is hard and uncomfortable. we aren’t supposed to talk about sex and money and our neighbors dirty little secrets. it isn’t kosher to share our fantasies and secret lives

    by on 12.30.2009
  28. handshake spending money secret lie telling gossip makeup swapping selling drugs breaking the law doing graffiti stealing from a store shoplifting smoking weed doing drugs snorting coke

    by kelsey on 12.30.2009
  29. i am discreet with information i want to withhold, bold and loud and entirely not discreet with the things i’m proud of, happy about or willing to share. “privacy is the best policy” depends on the day

    by rachel on 12.30.2009
  30. Trying to hide what’s going on with you. You wish they were’nt watching you, seeing your every move. They will find out, that you know for sure. How can you stop them, make it all go away?

    by Lizzard on 12.30.2009
  31. it is so discreet the way we all came here to be this way. it’s time to throw down so let go and understand what everyone came to do. there0 ‘s nothing here besides me and u here in this city of two. just wait for the gate of the year to open and discreetly forget yourselves in the moment. hide amongst the others and feel it.

    by C0lin on 12.30.2009
  32. Discreet. This word is hard. Very hard. Like learning a song on guitar by ear. Which I do a lot. It’s not easy. But you know that. If you play guitar that is. I don’t even know what to say. La la la la la la la.

    by Jarin on 12.30.2009
  33. under her belly, before the sunset

    we walked and placed our hands on stone

    by casey on 12.30.2009
  34. is being sneaky about it ^_^ its to hide things kinda like not being tooo noticeable about it. uh yeah like just not too shabby

    by MD on 12.30.2009
  35. Discreet is a word that defines something secretive and un-noticable at times. Her perfume was discreet enough that her boyfriend thought it was he r

    by on 12.30.2009
  36. discreet is the way I see the world. everything must be held in restraint. holding back what is truly felt and thought, just in case someone is offended. the essence of discretion is that which makes people and society civilized. we are gentlemen and this designate must be preserved.

    by alexis winters on 12.30.2009
  37. i have know clue what this word means:
    the girls walked past me and chulcked.
    i thought to myself” what bitches”
    i fallowed them home.
    they all laughed at the slumber party.
    i took my knife and killed them all.

    by loala on 12.30.2009
  38. he kept his girlfriend hidden from me for over a year…. yeah he was pretty discrete but thank god for facebook.

    by ciarah on 12.30.2009
  39. ooooh

    by kg on 12.30.2009
  40. we walked up to his bedroom discreetly. at first i was upset that he made me take my shoes up with us. but it quickly faded. i was more concerned with how beautiful he and looked all tangled up in a sea of softness and warmth. his body loved me and i loved it back.

    by cosmiclay on 12.30.2009