
April 13th, 2009 | 558 Entries

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558 Entries for “disconnect”

  1. I see the disconnect everyday in the faces of my students. To be able to push past the zoning out to be able to connect would be the greatest feat of all.

    by Kat McClelland on 04.14.2009
  2. being alone could feels so distinct. What a wonderful feeling.

    by dave on 04.14.2009
  3. pull the plug. I going to quite using facebook and turn all the lights off. The tv’s quite and the shades are drawn. Choose shut down not standby and preoccupy myself with whatever remains in front of me.

    by Adam Holmes on 04.14.2009
  4. the feeling of freedom that comes with knowing absolutely nothing about what the other person is rambling on about.

    by amy on 04.14.2009
  5. Disconnect from everything and live free, from everything, get away, go to the beach, go to a farm, visit old people. Go make love.

    by Meeuh on 04.14.2009
  6. putting something away from something else. i usually think of a cord like an internet connection. or between two people who haven’t talked in a long time, they disconnect on a social level.

    by Kevin on 04.14.2009
  7. cut the cord and i will die, you are my life. i would be disconnected without you. the love of my life.

    by summer on 04.14.2009
  8. life support

    by tim on 04.14.2009
  9. I lost it. I can’t remember where. It’s not like I wasn’t watching. I mean you can always see where you arm is. But when I walked beneath the bridge it was gone. maybe it’d been missing all morning. I can’t remember using it to make the coffee.

    by duwe on 04.14.2009
  10. todays world is so disconnected to so many things that were always important to the ancients. nature, family, and humanity as a whole. technology allows us to not communicate face to face which diminishes our communication skills.

    by Jon on 04.14.2009
  11. nobody can disconnect.
    nobody wants to.
    It’s become part of us, of our very soul.
    Disconnect, and you rip out a part of yourself.

    That part though, is not human.

    by Neel on 04.14.2009
  12. No communication. Isolated from the rest of the world. Not prosperous. Sad. Lonely. Unaware.

    by Alex on 04.14.2009
  13. now ! right now ! stop everything just shut down and go …… who cares where roads take us and what we do along the way, its all about wanting and feeling

    by Ghayyan on 04.14.2009
  14. We have disconnected from the natural world, building cities that do not harmonize with the sun and wind and plantlife. We need to reconnect by designing with the environment in mind.

    by John on 04.14.2009
  15. She lent down to disconnect the cord from the plug. As she pulled the plug out a hock ran up the length of her arrm. Letting go of the plug she slumped to the ground, holding her arm. An excruciating pain travelled from her wrist up to her shoulder.

    by Rox on 04.14.2009
  16. i am no longer with you. we are floating a part, in the gaseous sky. our hands were touching three hours ago, no they will never touch again. we are disconnected.

    by rock on 04.14.2009
  17. disconnect mean that when you’re out of place and not close to another people. it means that you don’t really understand what their thinking or want, and you and them don’t understand each other. that means relationships are tense and harder, since you don’t understand each other. you should try to find out what causing that

    by Loi Huynh on 04.14.2009
  18. total breakdown of communication or relationship between two or more objects/people.

    by Roz on 04.14.2009
  19. I can’t believe he disconnected my phone lines. what am I supposed to do now? There’s a man in my house, and I can’t call the police. I’m dead. He’s going to kill me. I have to get out of here and go for help. What about my children?

    by Jeanette on 04.14.2009
  20. There was a disconnect between us. What was once sacred was now unexciting and average. Would it last forever?

    by joy on 04.14.2009
  21. disconnect from the past and accept youre future it is all you have, nothing that has been done can be changed you must just believe in the future.

    by Vincent Jacovino on 04.14.2009
  22. I feel disconnected from reality…as if I’m not a part of it completely. I am filled with a solipsistic kind of melancholy because of it.

    But in a positive light, disconnecting can imply something good — from the Internet, from a phone call — a pleasant ending to nothing in particular.

    by Mandi on 04.14.2009
  23. They’ve unplugged me. It’s dark, never been so dark. At first I was scared. But I think I like it in here. When you’re disconnected from the world you’re more aware of your own senses, the tastes the smells the feelings, pulsating blood

    by cnc on 04.14.2009
  24. Separated from the notion that anything I’m trying to remember shall remain in the nether recesses of my mind for hundreds of hours to come. Suddenly, when I least expect it, at some odd time, it’ll resurface and I’ll find myself thinking how it’s possible to remain insolvent regarding that particular memory for so long. It’s highly unfortunate for our brains to have such spotty recollection of memories.

    by Helioprogenus on 04.14.2009
  25. The feeling you get when you’re trying to explain something to a fool and they just stare incomprehendingly at you.

    by Matthew on 04.14.2009
  26. my computer hAS DISCONNEcTED. i gotta go find a wireless connection to restore it and so i can finish this oneword thing!!! I know! I’ll use Wi-fi

    by colintheoneword bith on 04.14.2009
  27. Disconnect is a sad word, unless of course, one is diconnecting from an opressor, and then the disonnection is relief and liberation. Funny to think of it that way. Perhaps that is an important way to think of it.

    by chesham54 on 04.14.2009
  28. Disconnect a fall from the real. Unplug. Disconnect your laptop, disconnect your mind. Unplug. Don’t think. Stop. Breathe. Make yourself different. Shine. Unplug. Unplug yourself from the media, from the TV garbage. Be your own person. Relax. Don’t think, just write. Float. White. Disconnect.

    by Carol on 04.14.2009
  29. I believe its become the social norm to disconnect from intellect and from the other real people around us and instead immerse ourselves in forms of media that we dont truly understand the risks of as of yet. And until we do, we are going headlong into dangerous territory.

    by Josh on 04.14.2009
  30. I feel like I am disconnected. Everywhere I go I try to stay in touch – to stay real and connected with everything and everyone. I am sure everyone else feels this was as well. I am disconnected with what is around me, yet I try my best to notice it all.

    by amanda on 04.14.2009
  31. sometimes people disconnect themselves form the world when something “bad” happens in their live. I knew a boy once who thought he did not get hired by a company he wanted to work for. Thus, he completely disconnected himself from the world. His classes, his friends, people though he was a grouch.

    by Robert Reese on 04.14.2009
  32. what someone does when they no longer desired to be connected to

    by jesse pena on 04.14.2009
  33. She didn’t want him to keep calling, but she didn’t know how to make him stop. No matter how many times she pleaded with him to stop calling her at home, the Pizza Palace delivery boy would not follow through. In a desperate attempt to finally establish some peace she ripped the cord from the phone jack.

    by Colleen on 04.14.2009
  34. I’m disconnecting from this world. I’m unplugging. My life is in another place. With not energy to fill it. It is static, stale, and stupid. That is all.

    by Marika on 04.14.2009
  35. disconnect from the world — from reality
    blood pouring out your eyes
    bleeding intensity

    the world will perish
    and you will fall to the ground
    no love, no loyalty

    everything will fall to pieces
    and all the walls you built up will fall apart

    disconnect from the world around you
    falling apart piece by piece
    inch by inch
    eye to eye

    by avexus on 04.14.2009
  36. The web goes nowhere. Always connected. Never alone.
    We need to DISCONNECT. When we’re in that zone, we go nowhere. We seem linked. Yet we’re never truly social. Connection doesn’t work if you’re actually disconnected.

    by Junior on 04.14.2009
  37. …my ipod. Just unplug it, remove it from my computer. Then remove my computer from the wall; close it. Put it in its case. Close the case. Turn off my cell phone, put in in the desk. Get up, walk out of the building, turn left on the road, go up the hill, leave the path, and disconnect.

    by Zack on 04.14.2009
  38. Once I disconnected a lamp from a power outlet. The outlet was behind a dresser and I got my finger caught in between the prongs. That was one hell of an electrical shock tell you what!!!

    by Joe Forte on 04.14.2009
  39. I feel a disconnect from the one I ‘love’. I know that he still feels it, that inhuman force. But not I. Too much has changed. It’s time for me to move on him, and him too. It’s for the best.

    I walk to him, and he sees the look on my face. “Don…what’s wrong?”, I am asked.

    by LittleMissSunshine on 04.14.2009
  40. Disconnected is to be not connected. Wow. I just blew your mind, I know it. In a way disconnection is the worst. You never really know whether it was on purpose or not. For example, the phone is disconnected. Did they hang up? You don’t know, and you probably won’t until either they call back… or stop talking to you entirely.

    by Emlem on 04.14.2009