
April 25th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “dew”

  1. dont be dew to any one because it creates a feeling of heaby in mind , makes us to feel to give back

    by venkat on 04.26.2024
  2. Dew wet morning, leaving footprints in soggy sneakers, highlighting spiderwebs, little ant mirrors on stems and leaves, the rinse of the world at night

  3. Very few places have the wonder that surrounds my hillside work environment. I had started to stay back at work till very late not necessarily because I enjoyed the work. In the early evenings, everywhere turns mildly dark. The kind that was too dark to recognize a face approaching but not dark enough not to see that one was coming. Once I was done for the day, I’d go sit by a large lonely stone that felt cold and welcoming and faced the hill. It always feels wonderful to finally be alone. I’d light an incense stick and watch as the smoke slowly danced and mixed with the fog. Nothing pleases me more than a beautiful and nice-smelling space. Eventually, both the smoke and fog will hover over my head and go up to the sky. The sky will usually be lit with bright stars and dark purple hues. All I do while seated will be to try and make out shapes and forms from them, and sometimes from the fog.
    My cue to head home is usually when the dew starts descending and the cold stone gets damp. As much as I love the rain, I hate damp places so I gather my things together, incense stick in mouth, and hurry to my car and head home.

  4. The dew was thick enough that she could knock it off into a cup and could enjoy a few sips to quench her thirst. However, she knew that this drink was not enough to maintain her for a long period of time. She needed to find a source of water.

    by Chanpheng on 04.25.2024
  5. Its like when you take a first sip of water in the morning, and it isn’t necessarily good, but you drink it anyways until you realize it isn’t good like it should be. So you get fresh, cold water, and it could almost taste sweet, for the sunrise it makes

    by Ambrosia on 04.25.2024
  6. Dew I’ve drinked mountain do before and It usually tastes good but it hurts my stomach. When I first drinked mountain dew I think It was at my sister’s house. I remember the arguments there especially after I broke her tv. She yelled at me and I cried and every since that day I promised I’d pay it back. For most of my life I’ve been the best student or person really.

    by Issac on 04.25.2024