
April 24th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “cliff”

  1. I love looking down the cliff. it makes me feel accelerated. I love going to the mountain and looking down the cliff. it is such a beautiful view from the top of the cliff. I’ve been lu

    by julia on 04.25.2024
  2. Drive off it, why is it that even in all our fear and common sense, there is still that nonsensical desire to fling ourselves off it and see, for a moment, what it is to fly?

  3. At the height of the cliff
    after the feat has been accomplished
    with the wind billowing
    and the clear sky so near you can almost touch it
    you ask yourself what all this has been for
    the answer is in the skips of your heartbeat
    the jittery dance of your stomach
    and the wide smile sitting across your face
    this, right here, is where happiness resides

  4. The cliff was covered by ivy and trees clinging to its face. It did allow some handholds for climbing up its face, although sometimes the tree or vine would pull away, leaving the climber swaying, trying to cling to the cliff face rather than fall to the abyss below. .

    by Chanpheng on 04.25.2024