
May 1st, 2010 | 381 Entries

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381 Entries for “detour”

  1. I took a detour from the usual life and became bohemian bum existing off the charity of others. Nice at first but after many years I realised an adventure is meaningless without a companion to share these experiences with. So I have many experiences and yet no other person in the world knows me and what made me.

    by patrick on 05.02.2010
  2. “Let’s take an alternative route down the mountain!” said my aunt. Great idea. Long story short we saw a bear and it was so scary. (True)

    by Matt on 05.02.2010
  3. Another detour? the thought sat on my mind like a sour candy on the tongue. I Slowly turned the wheel and entered the said Detour, I was of the mind of wanting to just break through the signs and be on my way. However, the law enforcement agencies typically frowned on that sort of thing. Then I saw movement snapping me from my thoughts. I slammed on the brakes. Screeching the vehicle complained as I brought it to an abrupt stop. I half naked woman stood 2 feet from my car… She was bleeding.

    by Chaos_Valentine on 05.02.2010
  4. On the trip back home from the baker there was a curious sight to behold. Protruding from a wall adjacent to the road sat a motorcycle, the rider absent from his seat. I looked and found him standing alive and well…But we still had to take the back road detour.

    by Anthony F on 05.02.2010
  5. place to go when the road dies out and eaves you going way out of the way to get to your destination. going the longest way to get somewhere.

    by gintzi on 05.02.2010
  6. I am taking a detour from writing my final paper for my interpersonal communications class. It is amazing how many other things I can do to procrastinate when homework is on the horizon.

    by mfair on 05.02.2010
  7. go round and round and round

    by ngyilong on 05.02.2010
  8. lost. trying to find the way. a pain in the ass. there seems to be a lot of these in life. i think i just hit one and it really sucks right now. ill probably be lost for awhile i think.

    by brendan on 05.02.2010
  9. I once had to take a detour and I got lost you’d think it would be more obvious how to get around the detour since it would be an unfamiliar route to most people but nooooo it was a 60 minute lets get lost type of adventure and although it was a waste it was pretty fun I loved it but I don’t think I want to take them too often I don’t have that much time to spare all the time especially in today’s society

    by Victoria Lau on 05.02.2010
  10. My dreams will not be

    by on 05.02.2010
  11. My dreams will not bed

    by on 05.02.2010
  12. offering a different route. If one way throws an obstacle at you there is an alternative road to get to your destination. Whenever you have a place to travel whether it be your thoughts, driving, or goals set know that there are plenty of ways to get there even if you have to take a detour

    by tremaine harvey on 05.02.2010
  13. You know, as I drive down the road and I see a sign stating DETOUR, my mind drifts as well as my car, taking a detour. I think about what will happen if I turn this way instead of the other, and I wonder what the future holds. Detour. So many paths to choose, but which one is right?

    by Sarah Justus on 05.02.2010
  14. Take another path other than the one you were planning to take. May not always be a bad thing as such, but it’s usually an inconvenience, atleast mentally. You know, we all have a good enough natural tendency to be lazy :P

    by Sid on 05.02.2010
  15. Stuck in a hot elevator

    by Creshenda on 05.02.2010
  16. fuck. running within myself and then theres a detour. A what? A detour and i cant spell it out for you any better than that. Listen, its not easy running this far without water; a water break as they say. A water i would rather not break under the strain of this incessant pound pound pound not just in my joints but in my ears and chest and eyes– behind them them where its not real to think about. Listen, you never listen.

    by paul-emile on 05.02.2010
  17. i willl find a new path that will take me to unkown places. place nobody has witnessed ever before, places too beautiful for the human mind to acknowledge and apperciate fully. this new path will lead me in a direction i could of never predicted or better have planned in my dreams.

    by Emerita on 05.02.2010
  18. I went on the detour towards my dreams. Instead I fell in love with a man who seems to care about only himself. This detour has lasted longer then expected. We all go on detours on the road to our dreams, Im going to find the right road and go back on track. we should all find our dream roads.

    by Amber-Lynn on 05.02.2010
  19. when we drove down the abandoned highway I saw a man peering at us. his gave was so disturbing…”TURN AROUND!” I screamed at my husband. He thought I was crazy, and just shook his head, slowed down, asked the stranger if he needed a ride. And at that moment I knew he regretted his decision.

    by aurora boylan on 05.02.2010
  20. I took a detour to France. I had a pleasant time but not a memorable time. I went to the Eiffel Tower and was disappointed by its size. I looked around and thought back to pleasanter times. Perhaps this detour wasn’t the best idea.

    by bobem on 05.02.2010
  21. does anyone every really know where they are going anyway? Every decision is a detour. A detour. No one really means to go anywhere in particular. And each little detour is an adventure in and of itself.

    by Krissi on 05.02.2010
  22. Not a shortcut, remember that and be careful because it might lead you to a shortcut. So to summarize:

    Detour =/= shortcut
    Detour = possible shortcut

    Over and out salami! :)

    by Jan on 05.02.2010
  23. along the roads of life we often take detours; detours that may eventually lead to our demise, but detours that may also lift us up and transform us into a different person entirely.

    by Dustan on 05.02.2010
  24. I hate getting stuck in detours i don’t drive so It probably doesn’t make sense but still I hate them. Actually maybe I’m just conditioned to thinking that Ihate detours. They really aren’t that bad and besides hate is a strong word. Now I’m on a detour. I suppose they’re not so bad after all.

    by Sofia on 05.02.2010
  25. I think of a scary movie…like, someone is going somewhere fun on vacation and they have to detour somewhere creepy…or maybe I just saw a movie about a detour and I’m subconsciously copying it. Or, I think of being really annoyed.

    by Emily on 05.02.2010
  26. The last time Shirley took a detour, it led her right where she was going to in the first place. No startling revelations, no true love, just where she wanted to go. She didn’t even find God. But Shirley didn’t expect anything more, so she wasn’t disappointed.

    by Emska on 05.02.2010
  27. well anyways i was sitting here on the couch and i was just waiting to have my friend come over. Suddenly i get up to leave and take my car to her house, but on the way there, the was a detour that screwed up my way to get there. Pretty pissed, i decided i was going to kill that peron.

    by stephanie on 05.02.2010
  28. Sometimes a detour is necessary. Often, we think of it as a bad thing

    by Nick on 05.02.2010
  29. Tomorrow I may not take my normal route, why should I do the same thing all the time. If I do something different I may find out something new. I may change my life, it will be my own special detour!

    by Tom Burnell on 05.02.2010
  30. I was going to follow you over the bridge, but the sign was huge it flashed it said DETOUR. Please take my path , don’t forget to write them, don’t forget to call them, whatever you do don’t forget them. But this path was made for you, this path was meant for you to follow. Take this detour, and take your life into your own hand. I was going to follow you over the bridge

    by Raven Dickerson on 05.02.2010
  31. I didn’t think the road would stop there. Just where I needed to turn. Black letters, orange sign. Detour. You’ve got to be kidding me. My plans are ruined now. I have to take this road. I don’t know what lies ahead.

    by Pimpanella on 05.02.2010
  32. i thought everything was moving forward in a nice way. and then he asked “so was your son a planned pregnancy?”

    by rachel on 05.02.2010
  33. I took a detour one day on my way to the grocery store. All I wanted was a six-pack. My addiction had been growing stronger everyday. And I admit it, that day I had already drank four beers…

    by Jade on 05.02.2010
  34. hmmm. detour is something one takes when the path that one is on is no longer the right path…you take a detour and find a different path.

    sometimes it’s not a good detour and you get lost. sometimes you find the short-cut and realize that you’ve been walking along the harder path the whole time and the detour changed your life.

    by nim on 05.02.2010
  35. I took a detour down the road. It got me in trouble. It got me in love. It got me a lot of things that have scared me and terrified me and that I adored. This detour gave my life meaning. Gave me hope. The small alley gave me a purpose.

    by Anna on 05.02.2010
  36. try moving,try going anywhere you can find,there is no such thing as a home only a place where you can lay your head down at night . People make mistakes , you have to learn to move and to free your thoughts until they become a reality.Don’t settle for one place,live.

    by Sarah on 05.02.2010
  37. another route. the tunnel had been blocked by a fall-in of rocks through an unstable ceiling. the only other way through was a detour lasting 2 days, but they had no other option.

    by anguisette17 on 05.02.2010
  38. “Another detour? Aaagh!” Katya fumed at the loud orange diamonds directing her into the heart of the city and away from where our directions had told us to turn. We were lost. Staring at the crumpled printout of the map in my shaky fingers, I relaxed with every moment the car hurtled in the opposite direction of the church. I glanced at her gauzy green bridesmaid’s dress on the seat between us. How could I admit to my best friend that I was in love with the groom, especially when she was his little sister?

    by m.lee on 05.02.2010
  39. Sometimes in life, when things get rough, we’d like to take a detour. Maybe the path that is straight ahead of is is too rocky. Taking the detour might be more time consuming, but it could be worth it, seeing that it may avoid the problems that the straight path may have. But sometimes, the detour is not the best choice. It might actually be better to suck it up and take the harder, straight path. It really all depends on how strong your will is.

    by Heidi on 05.02.2010
  40. When there is something going on in a road or something and you have to go around it to get to your destination.

    by Jacob on 05.02.2010