
April 13th, 2010 | 401 Entries

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401 Entries for “deer”

  1. “My dear deer,” the old woman crooned. “Where is your mother? Why are you out here all on your own? It’s far too late in the night, and you are far too deep in the woods. I can barely see light between the trees, they are so thick here. Then again, what am I doing here? I have no better reason that you could possibly have.”

    by Kendra on 04.14.2010
  2. The deer ran out in front of the car, and just stood there, paralyzed by the headlights. I swerved to avoid him and he scampered across the lane into the brush on the other side of the street, Im not sure why that happened, maybe to jolt me back to reality.

    by Miss sia on 04.14.2010
  3. deer, dear, dear to me. you stand, magnificent before me, taunting me with your peaceful stance, reminding me to breath, and watch and love. deer me.

    by r potts on 04.14.2010
  4. There were five of them by the pond that night, standing in the wet grass under the yellow streetlight. They were like a dream, concealed slightly in the mist that flowed from between the bare trees.

    I wish that it had been a dream.

    by r.a. on 04.14.2010
  5. what a beautiful creature you were as you lay there dead in the road

    by boston on 04.14.2010
  6. wear

    by boston on 04.14.2010
  7. A garden trampled, eaten — these were the terms of endeerment.

    by puki on 04.14.2010
  8. live in the woods and currently have a population problem. If people would accept that wolves are higher on the food chain and let them back in to the forest, we might not have such a huge deer problem. I do like to see the deer in my neighborhood though. They make me happy.

    by eli on 04.14.2010
  9. Ron saw the silver deer away in the deep and dark forest : it glows strangely, as if it’s were an angel. Ron’s feet followed it, although the boy was scared…

    by gwezheneg on 04.14.2010
  10. I saw the deer in the car lights. Her beautiful face was wet with rain. I slowed down and watched as she danced across the road. I am happy that I slowed down because I could have hit her.

    by Jeanette on 04.14.2010
  11. There are deer out in the forest, running around, being deer, jumping up and down and over top of logs and running away from wolves and doing exactly what they do. It would be nice to be a deer, because they just live. They don’t fill out forms or wake up to a beeping noise earlier than they’d like. Everything is always on for a deer. They are always infinite.

    by ryan on 04.14.2010
  12. the lion was coming and the deer was running from his life. peter was seeing it from a distance and realized that how the powerful is after the weak.

    by meher on 04.14.2010
  13. The deer were high tailing it out of there as fast as possible. My old clunker of a Buick never stood a chance against forest and stone. But M. says da expects us to carry a shotgun and shoot the damned things next time. A fecking menace, they are, after all. So what’s the harm in a little inter-city sport?

    by Torrin on 04.14.2010
  14. deer, my dear. why are you so beautiful? here in the pale moonlight. why is it that, only now, do i see the frame of your body? now that you are gone

    by BaroqueEcstasy on 04.14.2010
  15. The long way home turned out to be a dark, uneven, unpaven path through the woods. Ugh! The fog kept my headlights close to my grill and on the third turn a pair of deer eyes flickered up ahead. In that second I could have sworn one of them winked before the collision…

    by Johnny on 04.14.2010
  16. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the deer feeding along side the road, slowing his truck as they collectively raised their heads and bolted right in front of him so that he had to slam his brakes to the floor, avoiding the collision by mere inches.

    by gino on 04.14.2010
  17. a deer is an animal which has four legs and beautiful spots all over it. It is generally brown in colour and has nice antennas. They are known for their gentle behaviour and they are very fast animals. A woman’s eyes are often compared to a deer’s eyes to poetically describe how beautiful they are.

    by Minu on 04.14.2010
  18. The deer ran through the back yard and down the hill. I love to watch young deer foraging. They are quite beautiful and graceful. The babies have cute little faces.

    by Nancy* on 04.14.2010
  19. There is no such thing as being hit by a deer (in your car). They hit you.

    by Caleb Blount on 04.14.2010
  20. deer are a species which only want water. Apparently that is the only thing that is commonly associated with them. Bambi, a movie I’ve never seen, is also very closely associated with deer. What most vividly sticks out in my mind is how cool deer would be if they were green. That would make them the best!

    by Adam on 04.14.2010
  21. deer are an interesting animal. i dont see many because of the fact that i live in alaska its a freezing cold wasteland. or at least thats the feeling you get in the middle of the dark winters. It numbs the pain sometimes, and besides that its good for weding out the weak.

    by sean on 04.14.2010
  22. deer in films ususlly horrow ones appear infront of cars when riding through forests. deers seems to be a lovable animal while it is just used as a symbol of horror or fear.
    I wish deers were in my country. I remember the on my 7 day on earth, the first aznimal i was with a deer, bamibi

    by asdf on 04.14.2010
  23. a deer in the headlights. i have no idea what to write about, and i keep making errors. im too stoned for this. i thought about not doing, and clicking on, yet i did it anyway, and now look at me rambling. son of a bitch. this is what happens to a deer in the headlights.

    by rofl on 04.14.2010
  24. a deer is an elegant and graceful animal to me. since i just gave my isc and i was an elective english student, i can recall the poem The Stag by Ted Hughes on seeing the word deer.

    by varshika on 04.14.2010
  25. There was honestly nothing more that could be said that wasn’t seen by that simple expression. No way in explaining it all away, they were beyond guilty, and it just was. Had they not abruptly turned to them wide eyed, deer eyed, it may have resulted differently.

    by Raychul on 04.14.2010
  26. Bambi was a deer. So sad that he lost his mother at such a young age. What the fuck Disney? Are you trying to traumatize young children? Oh wait, you also killed off Simba’s dad Mufasa in the Lion King. Wow, you guys are something else.

    by Kaley on 04.14.2010
  27. deer

    by chaxiraxi on 04.14.2010
  28. a deer is a timid is a mammal
    it drinks milk
    and eats grass when it grows
    it has white spots on his body
    it is mostly hunted by meat eating tigers, lions and baboons
    it can be kept as a pet at home

    by A on 04.14.2010
  29. Like a deer caught in the headlights, I froze, my eyes wide and my whole body trembling. He stared at me, fangs bared, eyes reddened with bloodlust, and slowly advanced. I took a step back hesitantly…then turned and bolted. He caught me before I had taken two steps.

    by amy on 04.14.2010
  30. i shot a deer in the face. before it died it gave me a look that said, “why? whhyyyyy are humans so cruel?” like a sad clown, i danced around and around before falling to the ground, make up smeared across my cheeks

    by sad clown on 04.14.2010
  31. i saw the deer through my window. his frost glazed eyes and dark brown eyelashes. i wondered if deers fell in love like we did. had this one gotten his heart broken too? i wanted to ask but he scampered off before i could.

    by ry on 04.14.2010
  32. Deer are beautiful and elegant forest nymphs.

    They prance through forest meadows, springing aboves ferns and shrubs.

    The hunter seeks them but to no avail, the king of the woods always wins.

    by Josiah on 04.13.2010
  33. Deer are fascinating creatures in that they have the ability to jump in front of your automobile in uncanny fashion and zero style. They have four legs, are covered in fur and eat car grills. They are agile and idiots.

    by Aaron on 04.13.2010
  34. You would whisper dear to me, while I slept in your arms. Which really wasn’t as often as I would have liked. You would push the hair back from my eyes and kiss the freckles and tell me, whisper, you’re my doe, my dear you’re everything I hold close to my heart. It was cheesy, and I miss you. I can’t get to sleep without hearing your voice. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize what I had until it was gone. Forgive me, I love you, come back.

    by Molly on 04.13.2010
  35. Swerve to avoid the deer, hit the tree, np, onstar got you covered.

    by чэιιο on 04.13.2010
  36. Lying in wait in trees, lush forests surrounding it. I can’t believe it’s been this long since I’ve been out in the open. Hopefully I’ll get back out here soon. It’s nice to have just a backpack and some music to enjoy the view by. But while I’m sitting here thinking about it, I’m sure that deer is more worried about the daily stretch for survival. Life is simpler and more complicated when all you worry about is food in your stomach

    by Richard Harland on 04.13.2010
  37. fred IS the grand poobah!

    by deer on 04.13.2010
  38. Deer feed on the liminal spaces of the artificial constructs we put in their way. Deer are not stupid for standing in the way of our metal giants, but we are fools for throwing are roads in their way. We will always lose. They won’t live through the encounter, but they will stand their ground and take your metal giant with them.

    by brenna on 04.13.2010
  39. christmas

    by josewerkz on 04.13.2010
  40. deer mom,

    sorry, i meant dear. i was just reminded of bambi when lightning flashed outside a couple of seconds ago. you know, lightning flash? bright? deer? headlights? you get the drift.

    by carlos on 04.13.2010