
May 16th, 2011 | 612 Entries

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612 Entries for “curious”

  1. I’m curious as to what would have happened if I had stayed. Would you have loved me? Would we still talk? would we be married with six, making a family as big as yours? Would it matter? Do you love me? I’m just curious.

  2. It makes me think about the monkey Curious George who always seemed to get into trouble with his friend in the yellow hat, because of his mischievous personality. Although he was cute, he was a trouble maker.

    by Hannah on 05.16.2011
  3. Curious, they say,
    Are you curious?
    I am not curious, I am queer,
    Queerer and queerer, said Alice
    That’s what I am
    I know what it is
    I don’t need to investigate.

    by Liz on 05.16.2011
  4. ‘Curious and curiouser’ such a famous quote and yet so few understand the true nature. Those are an unlucky few. To behold such things to bring that phrase to mind is to know that ignorance is bliss.

  5. sometimes i am curious about a lot of things. things i shouldn’t really worry about. i am curious about people from my past and what they are doing. I think about them and am curious if they think about me too. I’m curious about heaven, it it exists, and if it it does who will i meet there and what will they look like.

    by Krista on 05.16.2011
  6. Curiosity. It makes me think of kittens and children; puppies and adults. To be alive is to be curious, and to be curious it to truly be alive. What does a person have if they don’t have the curiosity to discover new and exciting things? It is human nature to discover. Therefore, it is human nature to be curious.

    by Kassi on 05.16.2011
  7. buttons. the curious case of benjamin button. aging is curious… who decided that our skin must wrinkle and spot up? i don’t want to get old because i don’t know how to do that. or maybe i do. i was born knowing how to get older. that’s weird…

    by wolf on 05.16.2011
  8. I was curious, really curious about how I got here. I’m not really sure. I just bonked my head and here I am. Like a lost bird who didn’t know how to fly, so his mother left him. Who does that? I think they should be reported. I don’t want to be alone. I’m curious, where do I come from? Where?

    by Samantha on 05.16.2011
  9. Curious. I guess I can say that I myself am curious about a lot of things. Among those being God, religion, society, humans, and myself. Mostly, I think I am curious about things that I shouldn’t know. I always find myself in the oddest positions all because I let my curiosity get the better of me. That’s something I’m working on.

    by leah on 05.16.2011
  10. I’m curious to know if he has feelings for me. I’m curious to know what his lips will feel like against mine, what his hands feel like on the small of my back. I’m curious to know.

    by Millie on 05.16.2011
  11. This brings me back to the days of the man in the big yellow hat.
    My favorite scene in the curious george books was george escaping from the zoo
    attached to a dozen or so brightly colored balloons
    Sometimes I think every child can relate to curious george
    And the need to satisfy that “I must know everything about everything” itch.

    by Ellie griffith on 05.16.2011
  12. I am curious about the world. We live in this huge world and I wish to see it all. In the future I will travel the world and see all the interesting places that this planet has to offer. I believe we learn from being curious. Having curiosity is important, you see what others don’t.

    by Erin on 05.16.2011
  13. i am curous about how you feel about me. i want to be in love with you. I want you to be happy to see me.I want all of your curiosity about everyother girl to fade, and for me to be the only girl for you. I’m curious to know what you feel, but i’m also scared to death.

    by Darlene on 05.16.2011
  14. curious. To wonder. Thinking about something. Wanting to experiment, learn, explore. Find out new things you never knew before. Always questioning the meaning of things and finding the purpose.

    by Aisha Ali on 05.16.2011
  15. I am curious to know who i am and what i want in life . Wat is my purpose for being here? do i mean so much to the world that if i died today or tomorrow , i would be missed ? I am curious to know wat true hapiness is like

    by Lee on 05.16.2011
  16. I was curious to see if this would change our relationship. That whole day, I had the time to convince myself that it would. But back in reality the next day, I realized we had separate lives, friends, and thoughts. Nothing would ever change.

  17. Just wondering…Do you think about me like I think about you?

  18. When you’re curious, you’re wondering and questioning something. The expression “curiosity killed the cat” means that investigating your questions might prove…fatal to you. Yeah.

  19. Dinasaurs are probably curious. i imagine them running at the giant wave that made them extinct.

  20. I was curious to find out what was in the basement. The rest of the house looked great, but sometimes basements leak, get moldy, and just plain suck. Well my curiosity was rewarded. I wasn’t expecting to encounter a full fledged apparition on my first trip down there.

  21. One day, a man found an abandoned shop. He saw stickers and poster that were old and withered, tired, ripped, shredded, torn and dusty. What was this shop?

    by Rosanna on 05.16.2011
  22. I’m not curious enough. To expect the grand only to receive something greater. For me, the fear of mediocracy is greater than the grand.

    by M on 05.16.2011
  23. sweet, mystic, werid, strange, funny, smart, questions,

    by Shereen on 05.16.2011
  24. The hummingbird dashed about my head watching. The cat sat on a low wall watching. The dog lifted his head watching. I couldn’t hear a thing, but now I also was watching.

    by Rocky on 05.16.2011
  25. Myles was naturally curious, a trait I wondered if he’d had even before the accident. He always wanted to know what Bridget or I were up to, always peering over shoulders, or peeking behind doors. I felt as though if it had been anyone other than Myles, it would have drove me crazy.

  26. The little girl was curious about the white red swirled lollipop sitting idly on the top shelf of the candy store. The candy woman looked right back at her, through the glass of his mannequin skin. “Would you like to buy it?” she asked in a ripping tone, a tone that shattered the girl’s history, the girl’s curiosity. The little girl fled the shop, her red irish skirt trailing behind her heels.

    by PeiYing Cheung on 05.16.2011
  27. I just want to know everything. Like where do we come from? How did we get here? If all the buildings and trees and houses came from the ground, where did the ground come from? The earth, the other planets, the milky way…how did this all happen? But then, thinking about all of that stuff freaks me out. Where did thoughts even come from?

    by Sabena on 05.16.2011
  28. many people are curious about other people, what are they wearing, who do they like, and that kinda things. but really people should be thinking themselves.

    by on 05.16.2011
  29. Kelly was walking through the field and spotted an interesting looking rock. Curious as to what it may be she picked it up and began to examine it. With a closer examination she was able to tell that it was some sort of fossil…

  30. I am curious about the life you lead. Why did you do the things you did. Why did you make those mistakes. I am curios about who you are. Are you my friend or foe? That i might never know.

    by Cheyanna on 05.16.2011
  31. it’s curious to leave a message that says nothing just to let you, internet people, be curious. peace & curiosity <3

  32. I’m constantly curious. The only way to grow, mentally, and have a grasp of what ‘intellect’ is, I think you gotta be curious. I left law school because I wasn’t curious about what I was learning. I had learned how to delve into subjects, break things down, rise above the emotional aspect of certain subjects and get to the point…all of which are good traits in regards to garnering knowledge. But to have an imagination, to be curious, means both that you’re smart enough to wonder about things that you haven’t, and that you’re smart enough to know…that you don’t know.

  33. “Curious”, she murmured thoughtfully as she looked into the mirror. ‘I’ve never seen anything like this. Where did it come from?” He chuckled lightly. “My imagination. Do you like it?” She Grmiace. “No. It’s horrible why would you make me this way?”

    by ellen on 05.16.2011
  34. yellow George.

    by lola on 05.16.2011
  35. the dog was curious. a very cute dog. i am curious, about a lot of things. lots and lots of things….lalalalaala i dont have anything else to say here…i do like the word curious

    by rachel on 05.16.2011
  36. curious.

    Curious George of course! Or that curiosity that killed the cat, but let’s not go there.

    Curiouser and curiouser… (Alice)

    Ugh, looks like another “definition” type day for me. It’s a great word but it’s so strongly linked to other slogans or sayings in my head. Hard to break free of those ingrained associations in 60 seconds. How frustrating that I’ve been so effectively brainwashed.

    And how curious…

    by Noisy Quiet on 05.16.2011
  37. Curious. Yes, I suppose I am curious. I always just want to know things. About people, the universe, anything interesting. Sometimes I eavesdrop. I never tell anything I hear- I just want to know it. I don’t talk much. I listen, to what other people say. And I pretend that I’m actually involved in the world. I wish I were. Or at least with a few people. A few who are worth it.

  38. i am curious about what people are wondering about all the time. curious as to why im so anry. curious as to why errr fan elephant hourse pee doog, nile river, which is in cario i don’t lno wjfwhy im doing this can this stiop already? i like this camge though it reminds me of grade eitght when miss alimerzaie use to make us do this.

    by Iram on 05.16.2011
  39. i am curious about your smile. your smirk, rather. i don’t know if it’s the way the light was hitting your eyes, or the smell of rotten milk, but i could have sworn there was something evil forming on the corner of those lips.

  40. She was a curious lass,
    to say the least.

    Always pulling apart pens,
    with no concern on how to get them back into writing shape.

    That was ok with me though,
    why would I need to write anymore?

    by Vince on 05.16.2011