
August 16th, 2009 | 151 Entries

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151 Entries for “course”

  1. So i’ve had a really busy summer, i’ve been in school, and the workload was really pressing down on me and it made me wish i hadn’t taken such a courseload, at least, not for the summer months werei was supposed to be free. Free to roam the lands and imagine my life, i was stuck inside, thinking about the dynammics of thermodynmics.

    by kasyn on 08.16.2009
  2. i’d like to think i have a course in my life. i don’t mean i’d like things to be laid out for me. heaven knows that kind of thing happens a lot. what i mean is, i think………, that’s a line. i don’t want a course in my life at all. i’ve just come to realise the ‘course’ is bullshit. it’s a lie. the most beautiful things in life have nothing to do with having a course.

    by Mark McGuinness on 08.16.2009
  3. In the course of things, my life is going pretty well, thank you. Perhaps it’s not exactly what I’d envisioned oh, say 20 years ago, but who knew what they wanted from life in their 30’s, anyway? Yes, the course of my lives’ gone well…so far, so good…a work in progress for sure.

    by mdp on 08.16.2009
  4. Run.
    Fall down.

    This course in life… is hard.

    Get up.
    Keep going.

    I will never stop… following it.

    Work hard.
    And succeed.

    But this course… it never ends.

    by Setz on 08.16.2009
  5. course selection at school-nightmare. its like you have to please everyone and make sure you choose all the right classes but what about the classes that i really want to take but my parents think would be a waste of time? just because im at school doesnt mean i cant have fun

    by asha on 08.16.2009
  6. I stick the needle in my arm and feel the hot liquid run through my vein. Why do I need this to keep going? How does no one at the office notice how fucked up I am? I hope there’s a way out.

    by Peter Soto on 08.16.2009
  7. of course, your course was course-like? you know i took a course a couple weeks ago and it was on the opposite side of campus! so i decided a bike was a better form of transportation, but when i went to purchase one, all they gave me was a choice of animal to ride. i chose goat.

    by Max H. on 08.16.2009
  8. of course it will take its course, naturally

    by andythrobber on 08.16.2009
  9. So the course of the US is at hand with this new idea presented by obama. I don’t think ppl understand how important the healthcare crisis is. The have politicized the issue too much. Ppl argue about socialism when most don’t even know what it is and its a shame.

    by Barrington on 08.16.2009
  10. It is a section of a meal. You play golf on it like Padraig Harrington. Meaning “definitely” when following the word “of”. It’s a lesson..

    by joface on 08.16.2009
  11. In the course of the day, my course will change as I teach one course or another. Of course, this is cursively evaluated, but still a pretty reliable predictor of an overall course of action.

    by Taddy on 08.16.2009
  12. The actions one takes to get their desired results. A class to take to meet anothers criteria. Life- Who is in charge of your course?

    by N on 08.16.2009
  13. the plan, the plan that is mine to follow as it is presented to be in all the unfolding of each day. this course is my path filled with opportunities.

    by Charles on 08.16.2009
  14. of COURSE I’ll help you…. try and think of something to write in a minute. Minute is a word that means small too. Weird, huh? Same exact word and spelling and yet it’s …. a different meaning. reminds me of humans and how like we are very similar but we are defined by different things. I like how we can define ourselves. I love it.

    by Cookie Monster on 08.16.2009
  15. Stay the course, let the ends justify the means, ignore the irrelevant, find the money and fame you’ve dreamed of, or embrace distraction, smell the roses, and die happy. The choice is yours.

    by Luke B on 08.16.2009
  16. We have a certain course in our lives. As much as I’d like to deny that, deny the very existence of fate. But unfortunately, we have our own course. We must follow this course and not deter from it. For if we do, we will die, emotionally, mentally, and possibly physically. But… Make your own course.

    by Matt Conti on 08.16.2009
  17. the course of action we take sets out our days, weeks, years, lives. being wise is essential though many of us fail in being so. we learn from our mistakes, but we seem to remake them again. it’s all in a course of action.

    by emily on 08.16.2009
  18. It courses through each vein. It expands rhythmically with each beat. It fevers the brain and dims the conscience. Lust is a chronic condition.

    by Katie on 08.16.2009
  19. Aidan finishes his final course in October. The chill seeps through his jacket and rain drips from his hair as he focuses on the target one hundred and thirty yards away. His instructor’s arms stay folded until Aidan’s arrow sinks deep into the center of the straw-stuffed sack.

    by Ciara on 08.16.2009
  20. admin test. yo what’s up.

  21. a course of action, like now, i’m supposed to buy a plane ticket and it’s time, NOW! to go off to foreign lands and learn what it’s all about, something eloquent in a wordless way, that’s what it’s about…or i guess i have to wait and see.

    by l-dizzy on 08.16.2009
  22. he leaned over the railing to get a better view. The racetrack seemed to be a death-defying course, with little smoothness and a lot of risk. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he tried to imagine what might happen.

    by Tori on 08.16.2009
  23. His cheeks are old, weathered to human leather from the gusty storm of other people’s unchecked words. His face may be old and tough but it is not wrinkled – his skin is draw tight across his strong cheekbones.

    But as he hold the the cold hand of his now deceased partner in this long life. A new course is carved down his face.

    by Emma on 08.16.2009
  24. in the course of my life i have often tried to steer clear of the banal, the sameness, the ridiculously average and the lost in obscurity kind of pathways that others often take…

    by keith ostrander on 08.16.2009
  25. the yellow brick road is composed of broken branches and paved dirt by the steps of many that have taken it in the past.

    of course, they walk their course.
    the one that was told to them and find themselves at the yellow brick wall. the same place everyone else seems to end up at.

    “why not just go around?” one might ask.

    “people can’t stray from their course” will be the inevitable reply

    by kuri on 08.16.2009
  26. The course of the river was down. The valleys on either side were high, and the rocks smooth as the water coursed over them. The canoes stumbled along the top and rammed into the shore, the downed trees, and the

    by Alison on 08.16.2009
  27. Over the course of the day, she saw no less than forty two octopi. This could be nothing less than fate. The ocean gods were telling her they were to be together, in no uncertain terms. She would call him tonight.

    by Sierra on 08.16.2009
  28. I’m taking a few courses at community college starting next week. How wonderful. But I suppose it’s the thing to do, and, more importantly, the only way to change the route my life is taking at the moment.

    by Erin on 08.16.2009
  29. I’m imagining what she would say to this if she were here. [Is this going to work out?]
    Or how she’d raise her eyebrows and laugh. [Can we survive this kind of thing?]

    “Of course,” I can almost see her smirking as the words form.

    by Myona on 08.16.2009
  30. am i on course? am i going the right way? the path of life is a mystery to me, i don’t know when to turn left, or right, or turn back, and do it all over again. except that i can’t.

    by iamsheep on 08.16.2009
  31. he’s course like salt, california hillbilly lexicon and big puffy feet lined with callouses

    by foxtail on 08.16.2009
  32. Definitely need a course for typing on iPhones because this is very hard to do in 60 seconds. New revenue stream for young geeks with dexterouPs fingers?

    by Angela Wilson Gyetvan on 08.16.2009
  33. I would love to do a course. I am always wanting to learn something new. After each course I think I have found a new favourite but there is always something else interesting to learn.

    by Catherine on 08.16.2009
  34. abandoned charting my course. cant read a map anyway.bullshit life. useless words and concepts: destiny, love, truth, faith. a way to keep the wolves at bay, nothing more. courseless, i meander til the end.

    by jb on 08.16.2009
  35. Of course! Of course I’ll do it! Of course I’ll always love you! Of course it’s that easy! Of course you’ll succeed! Of course everything will be okay in the end!

    Of course, I’m not really sure about any of this.

    by vish on 08.16.2009
  36. This has run its course.

    by Shelley on 08.16.2009
  37. the course of this life I have lived has been tumultuous….and I would change a thing

    by becky on 08.16.2009
  38. Over the course of the disease, his muscles would grow unchecked. Danny’s strength would abound, and his skills would seem to defy human improvement.

    Alas, his superpower was degenerative. Danny would not survive long enough to be a Superman. Wiggins’ disease does not allow for a long career

    by Chuck Meacham on 08.16.2009
  39. The course of a lifetime is invariable.
    Of course, I might spontaneously combust, eat frozen marshmellows, and sink in my own understanding of what some people call religion.
    I don’t want to be defined by my religion. I don’t want to be defined by anyone.

    by C.C. on 01.01.1970
  40. I fell off the course playing golf today, funny because I’m a girl and golf actually means Gentlemen only ladies forbidden… how fucking sexist, anyways I think I forgot my course of thought, that usually happens to me… stupid self…

    by Amandana on 01.01.1970