
March 16th, 2017 | 42 Entries

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42 Entries for “contracts”

  1. Contracts are agreements between two or more parties on an action to take place. Some contracts are easy whilst others are more challenging. If one breaks a contract one my be taken to court and held liable

  2. contracts are deals made by 2 or more parties. there are different types of contracts.

  3. As he looked down at the contracts, he thought to himself, “Why am I even doing with this? I don’t even want to invest in this.” He slowly packed up his items in his brief case and exited the meeting room.

    Kaitlin Marcelo
  4. The contracts were supposed to go out yesterday but they weren’t done. They weren’t done because Ariel was incompetent and I couldn’t physically do all the work it took to put those together on my own in the time span we had. I was going to fire her. Or rather get her fired.

    Anony Mous
  5. People did contracts for trades did in African they trade gold, ivory, salt and cloth and to make sure they did not loss money they did contracts.

    chyua squires
  6. A contract is a voluntary arrangement between two or more parties that is enforceable at law as a binding legal agreement.

  7. “I wouldn’t go for it, Prime,” he rumbled, eyeing the document. “This is too sudden. Surely this can’t be for good ends.”
    “I know, Skyfire, I know,” the leader sighed. He brought a hand to the crest of his helm, digits dipping into the light dent decorating the metal with an absent movement. “The humans can be trusted only so far. We have yet to determine how deeply Megatron’s influence runs.”
    With a deep silence, they stared at the formal document, fear hanging heavy on their shoulders.

    The Wanderer
  8. I lost my job contract last week and hence I’m depressed a bit. Now I’m writing to feel better.

  9. a written or spoken agreement especially one concerning employment sales or tency that intended to be enforceable rules

  10. A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.

    A decrease in size, number, or range.

    To enter into a formal and legally binding agreement.

  11. A paper you sign to either buy, sell, or own something.

    breyona jones
  12. deal, bet, agreements,

    Shai Stephens
  13. a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.

  14. Written by a mass of broken people, beaten down by the sadistic, blood-thirsty tyranny of red coats. They come bearing bad news, forcing cowardice among the young. Showing the result of fear on the weak of heart and mind. The small run, while the large stand their ground. Brought on by the paramount thought of a loquacious but never the less a stumbling man. A bond written between the cursed, and aided by no one. This bond was created for the people They fear the reprisal of the powerful, so in return they fight. Not only do they bear arms against the many, but they raise their minds in an attempt to outwit, outsmart,or out-achieve. The result of this raucous birth of freedom has created new land free from all oppression. This all came from a promise to each other, to avoid the corruption that branches from the heart of evil, and to always fear the mightier. Looking back on the ideas of a simple time where the only threat came from a tangible object, an object made of gunpowder and metal that’s very occupation was the mutilation of kin, life seems bleak. Now we face horrors such as the misrepresentation of excellence. People throw themselves into the spotlight in order to gain pieces of green paper with faces of once great men who governed over us. We have our future generations starving and homeless, while we stuff our faces needlessly. Our innovation threatens to rip us off of our high pedestal with chemicals and toxic gas invading the once pure earth. So, what happened to the contract that tied one man to another? What happened to the commitment to good and to the upheaval of the wicked?

  15. I naver want to sign a contract cause the thing is ive seen a lot of movies with a “contract”

  16. I have never had to sign a contract and I don’t plan on it…

  17. Buying a house
    sitting with those who sell
    Emotions, excitement, sadness
    Papers, signatures

    Mrs. Olls
  18. She signed her name slowly on the line, savoring the moment. She dotted the “i” and lifted her head to grin at Patrick. He reached out his hand and she took it, the perfect corporate handshake. What a day. What an amazing day.
    She woke with a start to the blaring of her alarm. Oh god. Why do I have to open this morning?

    Bridget Grace
  19. Contracts is an official agreement between two or more number of people. Usually there is a professional as well as un professional contracts. Suppose, if two people agrees on something and sign a bond it would be treated as professional contract.

  20. ok

    Priyanka Chauhan
  21. Life is not a contract. It not rigid as a piece of document listing rules and regulations. It is more flexible with all twists and turns thrown in at every turn.

    Priyanka Chauhan
  22. Necessary for official purpose, but nowadays more used in a relationship

  23. I’m left with empty contracts you’ve given me.
    Here, coated in chills, I’m outlined with a memory.

    Am I just a trace now, or am I echo upon a whisper that kept you close?
    Am I a gilded wing? Or am I the sun that burnt you to a crisp, sir Icarus?

    I’m left with empty memories about you.
    There are newspapers without headlines,
    and how I wish you were here.

  24. Contracts is a legal term used for agreement. Contracts can be done between business partners.

  25. “We’d like you to consider spending another year with us,” they tell me behind closed doors, as though my answer would remain a secret to everyone but those present. There’s a line for my name but I know it’s more or less symbolic – it’s printed on recycled A4 paper for Christ’s sake – but another packet outlines, specifically, the powers and privileges awarded to me by the symbolic gesture.

    It’s no coincidence the word for Paper is also the word they use for God here.

    My mind returns to me with the *tink* of plates hitting the modest table between us, a premature celebratory gesture that’s as much an expression of good will moving forward as it is an apology for what may come. A French dessert – how fitting – one of the few things to come here and avoid being sifted through a worldview a that changes it both in presentation and make. I laugh at the thought that I might have more in common with this treat than my coworkers. I may as well eat it with my pen, and sign with the spoon.

    It’s no coincidence the word for Sweet is also the word they use for Naive here.

    I’ve found things worth staying for, and promises I have to keep. My reflection would disappear with each one not kept, and so I leave my name with God, and leave the office with an empty plate.

    The other side of the table, they could only stomach half.

  26. Marriage is a beautiful contract between two souls to share their life on mutual consent and understanding. It has rules of love and no room for punishment.

  27. “We’d like you to consider spending another year with us,” they tell me behind closed doors, as though my answer would remain a secret to everyone but those present. There’s a line for my name but I know it’s more or less symbolic – it’s printed on recycled A4 paper for Christ’s sake – but another packet outlines, specifically, the powers and privileges awarded to me by the symbolic gesture.

    It’s no coincidence the word for Paper is also the word they use for God here.

    My mind returns to me with the *tink* of plates hitting the modest table between us, a premature celebratory gesture that’s as much an expression of good will moving forward as it is an apology for what may come. A French dessert – how fitting – one of the few things to come here and avoid being sifted through a worldview a that changes it both in presentation and make. I laugh at the thought that I might have more in common with this treat than my coworkers. I may as well eat it with my pen, and sign with the spoon.

    It’s no coincidence the word for Sweet here is also the word they use for Naive here.

    I’ve found things worth staying for, and promises I have to keep. My reflection would disappear with each one unkept, and so I leave my name with God, and leave the office with an empty plate.

    The other side of the table, they could only stomach half.

  28. Binding agreements between two or more individuials to fulfill mutual obligations.

    Mr. Metafizix
  29. On paper, in a word, in a glance. In my bank, in my mind, in my heart- the coagulant turning water into blood in the veins of humanity. Would we fall apart without the rules set down, even the ones never drawn out? Every aspect of life, every rule broken or followed; every promise has a consequence.
    A meeting held to discuss a piece of paper nowhere to be seen, as set in our words as stone, as ink, as blood on paper. They are heavy, weighing us down. Is that all that’s left? Who draws the outlines, who follows? Nothing left to convey, only the same sentiments in different combinations with increased intensity. The sound of steps bouncing off the ground, skipping across the water, rhythmic like a rubber stamp officiating an endless stream of papers. A sweetness left stuck at the back of my throat- unable to swallow it all down, I want to walk barefoot into the lake, just to feel surrounded in something.
    That’s right, you are here.
    A touch as good as a signature- a promise.

  30. When you make a promise, you sign an invisible contract. You tell that person they can trust you, and if you break that, you break everything they ever believed in.

  31. cruelty squeezes
    tightens its callous grip
    my heart
    hatred contracts
    shrinking love’s capacity

  32. She’s proves to be an elusive player in the game. Getting her to stop and look at contracts becomes a dicey proposition. She doesn’t pay attention. She’s that driven. But I know one of her most secret desires. Not just any random factoid mind you. No, this one is key to securing her willing compliance. My deals are attractive. So much so I hear gossip that I must be the devil in disguise. My retention rates are that high. What can I say, I like to do my research and come up on the approach with an offer and a smile on my face. Give it all up with a warm, inviting, assured handshake. A twinkle in my eye that says I’m not here to waste your time.

    The Closer
  33. When there is a contract between two your commitment increases confidence decreases

  34. oh fuck, i have to sign this goddam divorce contract or my stupid nefarious husband, shit i mean ex husband will keep my precious dogs! I can’t lie without my babies!!! But that bastard wants to make me miserable.

    Kimberly Gomez
  35. They laid out the contracts in front of Frankie – white sheets of paper with red and black text, glaring at her, daring her to scribble ink all over them. Frankie shifted in her chair. She was suddenly very aware of hot warm it was in the room. Eighty degrees out in the middle of February. Damn climate change.

    Belinda Roddie
  36. Signed and done. We agreed. No taking it back and I may never see it again. Funny how I call “her” it. But thats all she ever was to me. Thats why we put it in foster. Not a dog, not a cat, a child. Now I don’t have to deal with chit chatting butt all the time.

  37. I don’t know what to write about this word. I don’t think about it alot. But I think it’s important.

  38. There are several types of contracts. Job Contracts are the ones coming to my mind now. Recruitment agencies hire you in contract terms and place with their clients under their payroll. Beneficial for both you and them.

  39. There are several types of contracts. Job contracts are the ones coming to my mind now. Yes, Recruitment agencies hire you on contract and place you with their clients under their payroll.

  40. I was in a position of not giving a damn. vacation started tomorrow, so I lit one up and took a puff.

    a false terl