
August 31st, 2009 | 310 Entries

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310 Entries for “constant”

  1. What has not become constant? Success. Constantly falling short of goals, dreams, even expectations for ones own self. It has become constant.

    by Price on 09.01.2009
  2. I think that in life we always want to maintain a constant attitude but in most of the cases what brings us the most pleasure are the things that prove us how inconstant and instable we are. So I guess that being constant it not always the best case scenario.

    by adela on 09.01.2009
  3. pain. it was there when i needed it or not. and don’t think that pain wasn’t sometimes a necessity. only when i met crim did i learn that sometimes the tears, the gut felt cries, the being thisclose to ending it all was as yummy as the sweetest of it’s opposite – it hurt yes, but it felt good to FEEL.

    by bliss! on 09.01.2009
  4. I am in constant motion. The planet circles around the sun, the sun circles around the center of the galaxy, the galaxy circles around the center of the universe. Even if I stay completely still, don’t breathe, don’t move at all, I am still moving. I don’t know whether to be comforted or disconcerted.

    by Madison on 09.01.2009
  5. hm so znam so da pisam, sakam na plaza

    by kk on 09.01.2009
  6. the constant battling between rivals was getting him down. He was caught in the middle. He didn’t care but those above and those below bickered and caused waves of grief and rifts of angst between the colleagues and brothers.

    by shovel on 09.01.2009
  7. no! stop!
    the end…

    by Wim on 09.01.2009
  8. its a constant struggle for everyone, life is. no matter what there will constantly be some sort of conflict we will have to deal with, but constant struggle leads us to constant solution, leading us to constant happiness. consistence all relates.

    by silva on 09.01.2009
  9. is anything constant? how can anyone beleive in forever? nothing lasts forever. it is a false notion invented by a humanity that was worried with its own insignificance. on the other hand, forever lasts forever.

    by PuddleDive on 08.31.2009
  10. I don’t know whats wrong with me, but I am constantly thinking about you. You are always in my head and I love that you are there. To you, I love the fact that you keep a smile on my face. Constantly.

    by Shakah Herrea on 08.31.2009
  11. the only constant in life is change. change. change. change. change. change. change. change. change. change. change. change.

    by Khurram on 08.31.2009
  12. It was constant in the back of her mind. Whirling and twirling like some kind of twisted merry-go-round that never quite ended. She felt as if she was slowly going insane; no time to think, no time to stop, no time to feel, no time to act. Nothing. Nothing ever, nothing eventually, nothing nothing nothing nothing. She felt the bitter taste in her mouth and resumed, not sure what to think or feel.

    by Sock on 08.31.2009
  13. i constantly care about what the outside wants. what everyone else thinks. but if you take your own perspective and make it the only perspective. everything about you is right. you are the correct version of everything that is necessary in life. you are perfect

    by bryan patterson on 08.31.2009
  14. the only constant in the laundry room is the spinning of the machines. people come and go. jeans and thongs and old sweaters spin and spin and the machines

    by brianna on 08.31.2009
  15. A constant change is okay sometimes. But when it’s your friend who wakes up every day deciding who to be… then that isn’t okay. Being constantly the same is good too, but when it is on the couch it is just as bad as being a constant changer. We need to find a happy medium. We should just be ourselves.

    by sara gordon on 08.31.2009
  16. Our relationship has always been constant and boring. We always meet, walk around for a little bit, talk about the same things, you crack the same jokes and flirt with me in the same freshman boy ways. But today, that constance was broken, and it was the best day we’ve ever had together. You’re so sweet to me and I can’t wait to spend the year with you.

    by qh7 on 08.31.2009
  17. Im constantly worrying about what is happening around me…never sure of what is headed towards me around the corner…whats around the corner is ter

    by Kp on 08.31.2009
  18. Change is the only constant in the world. People living and dying. People doing. Constant, noise, sound, death, life, longing.

    by Paula on 08.31.2009
  19. it is almost 2 in the morning and i havent really gotten anything done today… just been super duper high man… and got my behind back to albany…

    by Keira Pas on 08.31.2009
  20. constant. i wanted to write about you, I was hoping to get a word to use for you. well, here it is. you are constant. my constant. so wonderfully perfect. you, there in the back of my mind. to know that you are thinking of me too, it’s a gift that I just cannot believe, for it is too wonderful. I love you. my constant.

    by Katie 123 on 08.31.2009
  21. Constantly she sits and moans about her lost love. It has been years since she first set out on her journey through the mountains. Unable to find what she was looking for she decided to set up camp. It was then that a distant twinkle caught her eye.

    by Aron on 08.31.2009
  22. I am constantly reminded of the things I have not accomplish, but have wanted to. I am constantly told, at times when I have no work to do, that there is something that I have not finished. But I worry dreadfully about the finished product. What if it is not the success I constantly tell myself it will be? What if it nothing comes of it? What if it gets out and there turns out to be not the world changer I have always wanted it to be?

    I supposed having an unfinished script in front of me will do no one any good.

    by Anonymous on 08.31.2009
  23. the constant pounding in my head is driving me crazy. What do you want!!!!!!!

    by Cathy on 08.31.2009
  24. I am constant….the moon is constant,…God is constant. In fact God is the only constant…more constant than I, the moon or anything else. Praise the constant, everlasting, everloving FAther.

    by janine on 08.31.2009
  25. i am constantly looking for affirmation.
    it is everywhere in my mind
    it is all around
    the need
    i am freed
    freed from the heavy weight of complimentary confidence
    give me something true
    something real
    something that lasts
    but changes

    by Kimberly Melahn on 08.31.2009
  26. Constancy is motion. Constancy is love. Constancy is a struggle to maintain the status quo. Constancy is the struggle to move in new directions. Constancy is a state of confusion and a state of hope.

    by Janice Lind on 08.31.2009
  27. My emotion is not the most constant thing in the world!

    by LN on 08.31.2009
  28. I constantly think. constantly. constantly inside my own head. Constantly trying to escape. constantly succeeding to fail. constantly

    by Melissa on 08.31.2009
  29. Can anything just stay still, even just for a sec? Emotions change, people grow, seasons change, species evolve.

    by Chris on 08.31.2009
  30. always, never ending, Jon being annoying, pain, depression, suffering, despair, bickering, stress,

    by Aubrey on 08.31.2009
  31. to be constant is to be somewhat stable. I think it is not often possible in the human world because human’s thought constantly change

    by kate on 08.31.2009
  32. Her voice was always, for lack of better words, constant. She was never silent, she never paused for a breath – she just spoke and spoke, and twittered on and on for hours. With a high nasal voice and a gaudy giggle, she made everyone around her want to stab at their ears with rusty knives.

    by Ban. on 08.31.2009
  33. When there are many varying things in life, the benefit of constancy is more and more apparent. We, as people, have very little that is truly constant, and more often than not, it’s the constant things that make us complacent and bored. It stands to reason that, though variety is the spice of life, constancy is what allows variety to be so enjoyable.

    by Peter on 08.31.2009
  34. i am constantly wondering whether or not everything that i perceive to be real is actually happening, i wake up one day and i constantly think about potato chip and the next it’s boobs……what do you think? pizz party? nachos?

    by _____ on 08.31.2009
  35. I constantly hoped that i would see her again. Every second of the day. My heart ached and my mind wished, but to no avail. For dreaming of her would get me no closer in reality.

    by Jason Brisson on 08.31.2009
  36. there isa constant state of being in our lives like cats eyes in sunlight and a constant purr of their throats. nothing in life is truly constant but we can pretend that there are constants, asie from death, the only real true thing you can rely on. what is constant? I am constantly asking myself this.

    by Liz Macmichael on 08.31.2009
  37. The only constant in my life is music. In every way. What I listen to. What I look forward to. I just left my girlfriend that I lived with for 6 months and felt fine but I was more upset to leave home because it meant I’d be leaving my fender tele and tube amp there. With her, I lost her, but the guitar, I lose a piece of me

    by wally on 08.31.2009
  38. My mind is constantly in motion. I want to keep consistency in my life and my everyday habits, but not be confined to a constant rut.

    by Kei on 08.31.2009
  39. Es una persona a la que se le puede confiar cualquier tarea, no esta hecha para mandar, pero si tiene las ganas y la fuerza para llevar a cabo hasta lo que no le gusta y siempre lo va a realizar con la mejor de las caras.
    Siempre va a estar ahí!

    by Mauro on 08.31.2009
  40. There aren’t many constants in life, they’re really quite rare in fact. What is constant? Life? Air? Earth? Life ends, air runs out, even the Earth has a time limit.

    by Cara on 08.31.2009