
April 6th, 2011 | 678 Entries

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678 Entries for “connected”

  1. Hi there banana banana banana banana wolf wolf dog dog cat cat cat go go book book book tree tree tree tree you you you.

    by Corey on 04.06.2011
  2. The world is all connected from sending letters to typeing emails we are all in one place and that place is the internet .

    by Iachie-j on 04.06.2011
  3. Wires connect together and make a electricity to power our houses.
    A mobile phone line.

    by NathanielisdabestAndconnor! on 04.06.2011
  4. I’m very well connected with my brother and sister. They are very nice and I would have to say I am connected with them.

    by Justin on 04.06.2011
  5. connected is a cool word, it sounds funny, connections is cool, i like being connected. hens the boom wikipedia the free encyclopedia bom bom wikipedia bobs you uncle thump thump bobs your uncle that is what connected is but yes connected is a good word because being conected is for cool people. hens the boom. (:

    by curtis on 04.06.2011
  6. I love to be connected the world if you don’t keep up with technology the you get let left behind and sooner or later the whole world will revolve around technology. there will be flying cars 4d televisions teleportation and there might even by flying houses so get connected.

    by Patrick on 04.06.2011
  7. is fun and adventurous as they connect many things like the ps3 lots of connection cod and keep playing Have fun reading this

    by Liam dunk on 04.06.2011
  8. every one is connected to the earth

    by Josh on 04.06.2011
  9. I walked in, she looked at me, as a stared back I saw into her, she had her troubles, he face scared with shame, her arms, small and flimsy, I looked in I felt a deep connection, in her eyes, I saw, myself.

    by Hamish on 04.06.2011
  10. When i hear the word connected i think of a power plug being pulled out of the wall then connecting it back to the wall or something like that.

    by Cameron on 04.06.2011
  11. connect means to be connected to a group of some sort. it means to be a part of something. it may be a school, a club, a group or a community. that is all :) :) :)

    by Michael on 04.06.2011
  12. Connected is a wire going into a machine. Without the wire being connected,the machine won’t work.

    by John on 04.06.2011
  13. to stay in touch with the people you love.
    to be attached at the hip.
    to never want to leave someone’s presence.

    by Wesley Bird on 04.06.2011
  14. I am connected to the school wifi on my iPad :). We have do this because our school is thinking of joining this website. I am sitting next to my friend Mitch we disabled my friend’s iPad was hilarious.

    by Jack on 04.06.2011
  15. When your at home its just so boring. Just imagine being alone in your house no toys no nothing, it’s just so boring.

    by Bryce on 04.06.2011
  16. Connected….. Chris Papapaksikas and Liam dunkinson

    by Liam on 04.06.2011
  17. Connect is what we need to do. Use mobile phones and electronics. Plain and simple. People that use classic stuff like hand rewritten letters will get nowhere in the future. They will fall behind and not know what’s happening.

    by Corey on 04.06.2011
  18. I’ve actually been thinking about the connectedness of every human recently. We’re all living in this big web and although we may think we have nothing in common, we are all connected in one way or another. It’s a funny thought and doesn’t quite make sense to me yet.

    by Clara on 04.06.2011
  19. I there I’m happy are you? Hippys’r’us there is a hippy in your house. I’m a banana are you? Banana car on the banana phone.

    by Corey on 04.06.2011
  20. The difference between life and death. It combines everything we know and feel is connected to life, stars and all the planets. Just imagine that you feel everyones thoughts and ideas what it would be like peace and harmony to everyone. CONNECTED IS EVERTHING IN 1.

    by Dean McCormick on 04.06.2011
  21. we are connected, loving beings. everything we do has an effect on others. i think we must use our time to promote the things we want to return to us. connections will bring us this. i bring you only the recommendation that you love. it will come back to you, and love connects us in the most positive way. it is most powerful.

    by Emily on 04.06.2011
  22. Being connected in this world is so easy now a days, cellphones and social networking has made the future now. Except for 75% of the world where food or water is a commodity no one has

  23. Amelia felt connected to the rock in a weird way. Not like a child who had a “pet rock” because her parents were allergic to hair or despised feces, no. Not like magic or anything, either. But every day before she left she would stroke it until it became glossy smooth, iridescent green, shiny. And a little hollow was left where her thumb always brushed, like those statues whose toes melted away from so much affection.

  24. I feel connected with my family. We talk on the phone, skype, text, chat face to face, the whole she-bang. But we connect also on a deeper level. They know who I am, I know who they are. We know each other’s perceptions, jokes, sentences . . . we’re a family that is connected.

    by Becc on 04.06.2011
  25. Feeling it in the air all around me. Colliding with my body, my soul. It takes me in and holds me. I’m engulfed in the energy, unable to stop myself I run towards you. Connected.

  26. we are connected through media and landlines and airwaves.. are our hearts connected our souls? what makes connectivity what it is today? a simple wave of the masses keeping in touch or a massive plot of destruction… throughout time we have been connected through foot or a letter.

    by cherise hill on 04.06.2011
  27. people are connected like a big ball of yarn thrown across the room with us all grabbing one part of it as it make twist and turns and loops over each other. were are all connected to each other and to the world around us.we are connected to all the living things around us

    by Abigail on 04.06.2011
  28. I went from being with my friend to otherwise engaged. Our connection was immediately lost, immediately fractured. What had she said? What had she meant, when she walked away?

    It’s a tragedy, that unknowing… when can we ever be sure? Another world…

    by Allan on 04.06.2011
  29. Sometimes I just feel like you walk away when I turn your way. You don’t see me. And I’m desperate, calling. Trying to make you listen when the call is always dropped… Disconnected, it reads.

  30. happy to be with loved ones. want to succeed. want my dad to get a job. need to succeed. need to get a hospital job. want security. i want to do well in school and graduate and pass my boards. i want to live a good life. i am scared about death. i don’t know why i can’t always be happy

    by roobers on 04.06.2011
  31. A strong word. The difference between feeling loved and feeling alone. When two people are connected, the ties between them are not easily broken. Everyone searches for that person or passion that they can feel connected to. That’s what makes life worth living.

  32. Social interaction within close emotional states to produce a well relationship in bonding in a spiritual realm

    by Charlie on 04.06.2011
  33. stay in place your family is the support you always ooked for….dont ever forget that the beginning is just one moment in time and dspace….this is whay the relation you developed with those women will never be erased or forgotten it will alway stay with you

    by Efren on 04.06.2011
  34. You are connected, together, as one forever. Whether you are connected at the arm or connected on some deeper level of some kinda of spiritual mojo, everyone is together. Is Connected.

    by Audrey Low on 04.06.2011
  35. interconnected, the nature of things. The way everything is supposed to work like harmonics of the universe. Something tat should be innate in my body but somehow isn’t always because my thoughts are on separate tracks and don’t always feel so connected. I mean not unless they crash into each other or jump their tracks because apparently, yes Trains can do that — especially trains of thought. they crash a lot more than they probably should.

    by Tiger on 04.06.2011
  36. Today I stuffed envelopes all day,
    Us five bonded this way,
    Thus grew my affection
    For this paper cut connection
    Twelve dollars an hour pay.

  37. I am connected with the people around me. We have a bond stronger then any visible ties. I love my friends and family because we have such a connection through body mind and soul. I want to reconnect with past friendships gone sour. I have a great connection with mother earth. Our souls are like one. We have a great body connection through our minds and soul.

  38. The world is connected from person to person. degrees of separation is so real, I see it all the time. But even more so, it is connected by love. Everyone can love another and eventually reach everyone in the world.

    by amy on 04.06.2011
  39. Julie always felt left out at school. No one ever spoke to her, and whenever they did, they whispered lies and hatred behind hands as they glanced sideways at her. She never felt like she could connect with anyone; not even on her facebook. Everything she did seemed pointless. School, boys, and life in general.

    by Olivia on 04.06.2011
  40. “Maura,” Marcie whispered. “We’re going to get caught.” “Seriously,” Ruthie huddled close to Marcie. “It’s against the rules. And if there are any stray sparks, we could totally get expelled. “One more cable, and we’re all set.” Maura ignored her friends’ dire warnings and pressed on. “There, that ought to do it,” she connected the last wire, turned off the lights, and the room was bathed in an eerie blue darkness. “Are you ready?” She turned to her comrades as she opened the roll of winter green lifesavers and popped one in her mouth. “Prepare to be amazed.”

    by Izolda on 04.06.2011